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My Story, My Mission!!

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Hello fellow Nerds,


following will be my story, it might get very rambly and long as I'm just writing what comes to my mind.

Sorry for spelling or grammar mistakes, english is my 2nd language, since I'm German.




My Backstory:

So let's start with a few pictures of gladly past times: http://imgur.com/a/W93Ru (I'm 6.10" [1,86m] btw)


I was a healthy kid, but when i hit puberty a got chubby and then fat. I gained most of my weight in just one year, when i was 16 and in deep depression, because of problems with my mother. I dropped out of school for a year and pretty much only played WoW, while eating Pizza and Co and drinking Soda and hating my life.

At age 17 I reached my lifehigh weight of 345 lbs and also didn't care about hygiene or socialising. In the pics it might seem like I'm a social and kinda "happy" person, but that really just was a facade for self protection. I basically hated all of mankind.

So at age 18 my mother was finally allowed to throw me out and did so ASAP. I didn't have a saying about it, but would've approved anyway, because I hated her at that time.

My dad paid my rent for a 1 room appartement and I got some money from welfare. It was enough to keep my WoW account going and continue my bad habits and since no one disturbed me anymore I actually enjoyed living for a while, as long as I was in my virtual world.

I somehow got my Fachabitur (I actually have no clue what a comparable degree in the US is, maybe a good High School Degree) and started going to University. well I actually never really went there and jsut played WoW instead, so of course I dropped out there too and moved in with my dad, my half brother and my mother in law (worst person on the planet, srsly). I had a short up and even lost a little weight by the age of 20, while my dad divorced his wife we had a good thing going and I got a grip of my life again.

But oh well, as it goes... some months later my dad died of a heart attack in his car, which left my brother and me alone in a huge house, me being 21, him being 16 and had to be taken care of with a huge and still ongoing heritagecontroversial (wrong word?!) with his ex-wife.

I somehow started very energetic, but that didn't last long. I soon fell in a huge hole for like half a year. Then it finally hit the right spot! FINALLY!!! I was 320 lbs and one day to another I turned my life around, I don't know what pulled the trigger, but I changed my diet completely and stuck to it for the most part and I got an old exercise bike from the basement and just rode for an hour every day (I still hated to be outside).


My Progress:

Sadly I didn't document my progress very well or deleted most of the photos, I only have some left: http://imgur.com/a/7IK6V

In the beginning I just tried to eat less and healthier, but as time came I experimented with diets, I tried Keto for some months, low-carb, Atkins (basically different variations of low-carb diets). I signed up for a gym and at times I went regulary, other times i didn't go. But Progress showed and proved me, that I was on the right track. I still was into gaming and we somehow managed the house. I met a girl online (Still outside=enemy) in a videogame, it was refreshing, since girls obviously weren't interested in me before at all. We kinda built up a relationship online without ever meeting and only seeing very vague photos of each other, but I enjoyed it more than anything and it kept me going, knowing I didn't want to look like that, when we meet up for the first time.

When my brother got 18 I decided that the situation with the house and my brother (who was in very deep depression) dragged me down, so I decided to move as far away as possible. For my brother not to be alone I asked my sister (yeah, I have a sister too) to move in with him, she agreed and moved in after me with her two kids. 

I moved away 700 km, which is pretty far for german relations and got my own place. And oh boy, it worked out great! I got a very hard job (comparable to a construction worker) and did this for a year and a half. My weight dropped to 235 lbs and I was really fit and strong, at least for my proportion. 

Btw, the online realtionship was still ongoing and actually got more serious. I somewhen inbetween told her I was on the heavy side and showed her some of my progress. She wasn't that confident and I still only had some vague face pics. But believe me, I'm the last person to judge another, but since this was going on for 1,5 years by now I insisted on meeting up and we did. Looking back it's ridiculous, we both were so concerned about our weight, that we had this going for around one year without knowing that both of us were obese.

But our meetup went great and 4 months later she moved in with me. We definetly have some issues (which shouldn't concern you ;) ), since we both never really socialised. But that's not part of my story now. 

Soooo here comes the downhill again. We are 4 months in the past right now and I got a apprenticeship at a bikeshop, which is great, since I learned to love my bike more than anything and I have way better career chances, but switching from hard and heavy work all day to standing around all day brings its downside. So I started gaining weight again, because I didn't change my diet and now her I was 4 weeks ago at 265 lbs again.


My Future:

I will post up-to-date photos tomorrow,  because I don't have any and I'm not in the mood for a photo shooting.

3 weeks ago I made the decision, that no way in hell I can go back to where I come from. So since then I'm going back at the gym 3 times a week and changed my diet to only carbs in the morning and 2200 kcal max and I'm back at 260 lbs.

Some days ago I stumbled over this site on reddit and HOLY MOLY, it suits me like a suit. I'm still a nerd and I love the humor and the concept of this site. Plus I'd love to contribute and pariticipate in a community like this. 


My Goals:

I don't really have a definite goal. I don't want to be to slim, I enjoy beeing bulked up, but not too much. I definetly want to lose more fat, my goal weight is around 200 lbs, but I have to see how it looks on me.

My biggest goal is motivating my girlfriend to lose weight. I really don't mind it, but I know she feels miserabel about it and I know how that is. However I know, that she needs to pull the trigger and I can't do it for her, I just give my best to open the door for her.


This text is too freaking long to even write a tl;dr, so I just thank everyone who read through it and understand everyone who didn't ;).


Feel free to ask me anything, I will answer after sleep :tongue:

Good Night my new favorite community <3



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Man, I know you are struggling to finish, but gratz on what you have already done so far. I just found this site yesterday, and I am at the beginning of my journey. One of the articles I read on this site talked a little about helping others to better themselves, you should go through and read some of them, I learned a lot, and found a lot of things to ponder on while reading through some of the material. Here is one I read: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2013/09/13/help-im-worried-about-my-family/



I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your journey man! -fist bump- You can do it!

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Thanks a lot for reading through this and giving me your thoughts and good wishes! 

I love the energy and kindness of this community. I will definetly read through this site.

Also thank you for the article, I read through it and now I have 4 additional tabs open to join the 30 I opened yesterday :D


Keep doing what you're doing now, stay part of this great community, it can help you out and keep you going when something drags you down. Think about the feeling you have now and how you felt before and think about how you could feel in one year if you keep at it!


I wish you the best of luck my friend!

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Guten Tag, Bearsquad  :loyal: 


(Sorry, that's the only German word that I know :hopelessness:). The amount of work that you put into losing weight is truly inspiring! The decisions that you made to change your circumstances were incredibly brave (you definitely deserve to be called a "Warrior" :bull_head: ). It's amazing that you are only 24, since you sound so much wiser. 


You've done it before...so you can do it again! The only difference now is that you have a super awesome community who will support you every step of the way!!!! :encouragement: 


Go well, Bruder (okay, I Googled that one) ;) 

Eli and the Timeline of Growth


"Anxiety is love's greatest killer. It makes others feel as you might when a drowning man holds on to you.

You want to save him, but you know he will strangle you with his panic." ~ Anaïs Nin

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