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I'm a 1.70m (5'7") 87 kg (192 lbs) female Chemical Engineering student. I've never been (or wanted to be) very skinny but while I lived with my parents I wasn't fat, either. I used to just have an apple whenever I felt peckish between meals since my parents never kept candy around the house. Right as I left to go to university I developed an allergy to apples. In combination with having to buy my own food this led to me gaining 20 kg (44lbs) in my first year. When I went on holiday that year, I noticed that there were things I couldn't do since I didn't have the stamina. After that I lost 15 kg (33 lbs) by starving myself but quickly gained 8 (18) again, which left me at the weight I've now been at for a few years despite some attempts at fitness and dieting. 


Recently, I moved to Vancouver from The Netherlands and found, to my dismay, that I had to walk everywhere because the roads don't seem safe for cycling. Though I enjoy hiking in nature, I don't like walking in a city much and I ended up getting my food from the nearest affordable store, which happened to be a produce store that also carries eggs, dairy products and (expensive) fresh pasta.


To my surprise, I started feeling better and my digestion improved immensely, I think due to the walking, the diet and the regular schedule I now keep because of work hours. Although I didn't lose weight (I still succumb sometimes to one of the many, many food stalls between my work and my home) I do feel that my stomach is not as bloated as it used to be (one time, I got mistaken as being pregnant...).


In two weeks time, I'll be moving back to The Netherlands and I fear that by returning to my old home and my boyfriend, whose eating habits haven't changed, I'll fall back into old habits. I just want to enjoy life, but to do that I feel I need to lose some weight and get into somewhat better shape, so I don't feel so lethargic all the time. I have, purely by accident, made a good start for that now, so I decided to take the plunge and what better accountability than a forum full of people who (hopefully) understand?The approach of short workouts that I could do from home appeal to me and seem a lot more achievable than my previous attempts. 


My previous exercise attempts were miserable. I have always hated sports, I have always been bad at them and felt that in every team sport, I would be the weakest link, in every competition, I would lose. I've tried gymnastics, but I kept twisting my ankle. I tried Jiu-Jitsu and while I like the technical aspects I don't like facing off against someone. I tried swimming, but I got eczema. I tried ice skating, but I broke my arm on the first try. I tried cardio in the gym, but I got bored out of my skull.


To prevent me from lying to myself, I've made a calendar for November where I can cross of days of successful exercise. The first two crosses are already in place and my, were they were satisfying to put there. I'm even (gasp) looking forward to getting to do more body weight training tomorrow. If I can keep it up for the whole month, I'll treat myself to an introductory scuba dive lesson, to see if perhaps that would be a good sport since I like snorkeling.



 I'd like to lose some weight so I'll feel more energetic and be able to do what I want to. I've failed in the past because I hate sports but the at-home, short workout sessions appeal to me and I think I could turn this into a habit. I'm motivated now because I accidentally started eating well and moving more and want to continue feeling this way or better.


I do have one question: I got hit by a car a while back and got a smashed ankle. As a result, I'm not supposed to run much and so I'm not sure I can do the interval training that was suggested between the body weight workouts. I can (and will) go cycling once I'm back home, but I dread trying to talk myself into that whenever it rains, since I know I probably won't go. The whole appeal is in being able to exercise inside if I want to. Is there an alternative?

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Hey jonishi,


welcome aboard!

First of all I think it's great, that you're on track right now. It sounds like you listen to your body and that's a great attribute (it took me soooo long to learn this). Knowing this you shouldn't be afraid of the future, you should look forward to be whoever you want to be! 

There is a german saying that goes: "Even the stones in one's path can be made into something beautiful" - Goehte (liberally translated)

Maybe you can help your SO getting healthier and eating healthier, maybe the two of you can do this together. If not, then talk to him and tell him that you're feeling much better living a healthier lifestyleand that you need his support keeping it up. It's up to him to join, but I'm sure if he cares about you he will support you!

I won't give you any alternative to biking, since I don't know whats good with a smashed ankle. But if you can bike and like it, you can do it all year. Get good raingear and you will keep dry even at pouring rain, get warm, sportive clothes for the upcoming winter.

If you have enough money, you might think about getting a bike that fits your style (ofc I don't know what bike you own). I bet it is tons of fun to ride a cross or racing bike in the Netherlands, because it's mainly flat land with good bike paths. 

I got myself a good Mountainbike 4 years ago and it turned out to be the best investment I ever made! I love going off the path and still having great control over my bike. I don't need mountains for that (North Germany, almost as flat as Netherlands :P).


Anyways, keep going and if you're struggling think about how good you're feeling compared to before and get motivation from this communits :).

Best of luck on your journey!! 


P.S.: I always wanted to go to canada!

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I only recently learned to listen to my body. It took me a while to distinguish between feeling hungry and overstuffed, in fact. My SO has been supportive in encouraging me to exercise and not keeping food around the house (he lost more weight than I did when we started that) and he'll eat whatever dinners I prepare, but he doesn't want to complicate his own cooking. I do have rain gear since I have to go to class/work even if it rains, but I've always hated the cold, freezing forehead headache that leaves me with. Short of a mask, I don't know how to prevent that. Perhaps getting a better bike will help as well, I've got a pretty cheap one at the moment. I've wanted to try going off road, but I've always been a little scared I'd fall. 


Thanks for replying, it's definitely more motivating to keep it up knowing other people are going or have gone through the same thing and succeeded.


P.S.: I'd recommend going, then! Vancouver is beautiful and has changed the way I feel about big cities; I never thought I could live happily in one but now I think I'll miss it. 

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I third this hail and welcome aboard and good luck.

“Happiness consists in getting enough sleep. Just that, nothing more.†  Starship Troopers


“There are no dangerous weapons; there are only dangerous men.†  Starship Troopers


“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms†  Starship Troopers


Follow and comment for my current challenge at this link:  



And this is my Battle Log


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I second the point about cycling in the rain- Yes, you can do it! and it's often not that bad. In fact, I think wind is worse. Get the best rain gear you can afford from your local bike shop. Fenders for your bike help, and a couple of lights for safety. Also, mountain biking in the rain is even easier as the trees shelter you, and getting all covered in mud makes you feel hard core. Just a thought! If considering an all weather bike, consider a cycle-cross bike. They have fatter knobbier tires and are made to handle more adverse conditions than a typical road bike.


Oh, and let your boyfriend know that he can help you with your goals by keeping sweets or whatever his dietary vices are out of sight when you're around.




Don't Chew what you should Eschew!

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I agree with samanmoran. If you want an all weather bike, a cross-bike is probably best choice. You can also do some off-road with it. 

Good rain gear and a good bike makes biking in the rain so much fun. Usually you just hate rain because you get wet, with good rain gear you don't :P.

To protect yourself against cold weather, you can wear special bandanas around your neck, warm sport clothes all around, good gloves and a good headband, like this http://deine-stickerei.de/bilder/produkte/gross/Fleece-Stirnband-Schweissband-Result-Caps-RC140-Stickerei-Besticken-lassen.jpg or a hat. If you feel like your eyes are getting too cold you can add bikeglasses. The biggest advice I can give you, if you can afford good clothes, buy good sportswear, it's a huge difference compared to usual winter wear, because you don't sweat as much. - source: I work in a local bike shop :P

Going off road, doesn't mean you should start with downhill and go 40 km/h through forrest. Just start slow and step by step or don't, if you don't like it drive the road. Just do what's the most fun for you :)

Also I think it's great your SO is supporting you and I'm sure he'll support you in everything when you talk to him about it.


I can't afford traveling this far right now, but when I'm done with my apprenticeship (3 years meh) I plan on going to North America.

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