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Hey guys, I'm Brad, I've been stalking this site for a few months now and have finally decided to join up. I've really like pretty much everything I've seen about this community and have even been recommending it like crazy to most anyone I know. My background isn't to crazy, been working out on and off for sometime now up until a few months ago when bad form on a squat caused a pretty bad back sprain. I'm finally conjuring up the courage to start again, as of tonight actually. It went well, but I feel I could use some advice and help along the way that I'm hoping I'll find here. I felt I was pretty hardcore on keeping form, but I guess lack of flexibility and help from others got the better of me. I'm hoping I'll be able to learn and grow and finally become consistent in this fitness thing, consistency that I've been hunting for for what seems like a few years now.


So as of now I've ditched all split routine stuff and am going to focus on Stronglifts 5x5 and see where that takes me.


Fwiw, my name Apostasye represents abandonment from, Not religion, or faith, but abandonment from one's former self. I'm using it as a metaphor to break away from myself so to speak, to better myself. Consistency!



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