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Hello from Germany

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my name is Paddy aka Mirar. I am 22, studying medical informatics and recently stumbled across this site.

My own rebellion started nearly 1 year ago and lowered my weight from 200 to currently 166 pounds.

I really dig this site, and am eager to try some challenges and workouts.


So, we're done with the basics. If you're up to a probably mediocre and pointless read, well... then go on.

But remember that i did warn you!


A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, a scrawny nerd of age 14 received his very own internet connection and began his journey up the scale. As happy as he was exploring the endless reach of awesomeness, his body slowly degenerated ... yada yada you know the story.

It wasn't that bad until at age 17, i came to accidentally be on a party. Must have confused it with some raid... Well, i should have avoided those "Real Life"-Mana Potions also known as Mojitos.

It's a miracle how i managed to finish school. Aside of being drunk all the time (and i mean really drunk! since i live in Bavaria, my buzz went to blackout and comatose hangover about 3-4 times a week.) there was still the mystical world of Azeroth. - I don't mean to rant and stuff, it was overall a fantastic time :D -

Concerning nutrition my thoughts were primarily "Meeh, i'm young i can eat everything." and "I wonder if this 5 day old pizza hiding behind my computer is still good".

(For the curious of you... Yes it was good, holy mother of GiantSpaghettiMonsterInTheSky!)

Some time later my running, lifting and shouting skills improved at leet-rate when i joined the military (one of the best decisions in my life!) for one year. I felt great! The body was active and happy, the mind was numb and at ease and my freetime consisted of starcraft, Augustiner Helles(It's the best Beer in Bavaria. Seriously, if you ever have the chance to try it, DO IT!) and some rather silly army drinking games.

After this year of Strength and Agility Point Distribution i felt the need to take a break from any physical activities. This break stretched itself (without asking my permission... what a bad boy!) from 2 weeks to 2 1/2 years. Since then i have accumulated total muscular wasting, a serious of health problems, a highscore on my scale, a failed study (and the following was not looking good either) and an unappeasable thirst for beer.

And then, on a massive bender on new year's eve (on which i managed to puke in my least favorit politicians garden ;) ) i scored such a massive hangover, that i did the unbelievable...

"I'm never gonna drink again!! NEVER!" i said. Well, and i did. Sober for nearly a year now, and more importantly i felt the need to get fit again.

For the first time, i searched a healthy way of life and discovered that i believed in mainstream media bull**** for too long. Well, let's give the media a break, far worse are those people that have no clue on the subject they are giving advice on, but still spit out far more "THE ULTIMATE SECRET TO FITNESS IS POTATOE" than any popup on any website i ever surfed on.

Failing at studying biology helped me to find some actual health-guidelines.

Since this year i'm on a high protein/high fat diet/high fiber(relative to my previous fiber consumption which was kinda zero). Cutting out all sugar and most carbohydrates did miracles for my health.

No more "standing up...whooops blackout... at least i hit something soft^^", no more concentration problems. Yada yada you know the benefits :D


So, here i am. Lost a lot of weight, sober, regained my fitness and somewhat of a bodydefinition ;)

My workout consists of Dumbbell training and a 30 minute kickbox session 5 times a week(There's a kickbox-aerobic workout on Youtube from Hasfit, it really gets me going everytime. AND its actually really fun! Sorry for the "advertisement" :) ).


Regarding my Nerdiness: i am currently developing a game for oculus rift(yees, i have one and it is awesome.) and leap motion. But my nicotine (eCigarette) and coffeine addiction really get in the way of staying concentrated... Since my willpower is mostly depleted by not touching alcohol and waffels, there's not enough energy to kick these two habits.


If you read the whole thing -i appreciate it- you probably expect some kind of point or conclusion of my story.

WELL, i did warn you. I just had to get this out of my brain. 




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Hey dude down at Ramstein AFB how you doing keep it up dude...and wow.

“Happiness consists in getting enough sleep. Just that, nothing more.†  Starship Troopers


“There are no dangerous weapons; there are only dangerous men.†  Starship Troopers


“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms†  Starship Troopers


Follow and comment for my current challenge at this link:  



And this is my Battle Log


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