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Brand Spanking New To The NF Rebellion And Looking For Guidance

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Today I decided that I was tired of looking like a 41-year old marshmallow that swallowed a tire. I've never been in good shape but I've been more fit than I am now. I need to lose the tire, get some muscle tone and dramatically improve my cardio endurance. (I'm 6' 3", 220 lbs and my gut is wider than my chest).

I'd taken my bike out for some rides in the scorching heat the past two days so I was reading about what electrolytes and nutrients to replenish the body when I stumbled on the NF site. Been on it for about two hours now and love it.

So I'm looking to ditch my gut by Labor Day weekend and improve my chest and general upper body strength. Looks like I missed the 6-week challenge deadline by a bit but I'd love to get any advice anyone has on dropping stomach fat at age 41 (yah that's an easy one right?!?!) and the best body weight exercises for developing the chest and back.

And I wouldn't mind tracking someone down to bust my balls every day to and force me to update my progress in excrutiating detail. Steve did say that public goals work best! (And I'm happy to return the favor as well - hyperbolic sarcasm is one of my best qualities!)


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I just joined as well. Labor Day weekend is, what? September 3rd-ish? That seems like a really short time to work so much change, but considering how tall/big you are, I bet your metabolism burns about a billion calories a day. ;) Have you tried doing planks for your core? I do them all the time in yoga and they work just about every muscles fiber in your body!

Good luck!


Human-Dryad Ranger


Shelter Sketches

If you want to live an interesting life, you're going to spend half of it being terrified.

-Mary Hollinshead

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Wow. Thanks guys. Actual responses so quick. Just confirms I'm in the right place. (And no Cacodeamonia my metabolism blows and there is even a history of under active thyroids in my family so no genetic advantages here! I can put on 20 lbs shockingly fast if I am not very active and I have an incredible appetite. I can eat BIG effortlessly)

Took "inventory" this morning: 216.2 lbs, 44 1/2" chest (booo), 44" waist (i.e. spare tire - hips are 41"), bicep 14" (again booo), thigh 22 1/2" and calf 16". In other words I am still a marshmallow. I carry all my weight from my collarbone to my belt buckle.

I've done a ton of reading since yesterday and I still can't decide how and how often I need to work out to burn fat and tone muscle. Would like to do something every day. I have decent leg muscle tone and strength so I really want to focus on core and upper body. I'm devoting the first two weeks to building a daily exercise habit. I'll work some "smarts" into it after it becomes second nature.

If anyone has any diet and exercise advice for under active thyroid types or just sluggish metabolisms in general I'd be grateful. Thanks for the posts and good luck to all as well!

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I just started being a rebel yesterday, and I am 41, too! Totally know what you mean about the marshmallow gut, but I've had 7 kids, so I've been using that as my excuse for far too long.

I was just thinking about your last post, you remind me of my hubby, who does lots of pushups and pullups and totally neglects his lower body. Lower body exercises burn a LOT of calories and working those muscles along with your upper body will keep you in balance. I'd suggest finding a total body strength routine and following it up with lots of core work and some HIIT. Great abs are made in the kitchen, so if you haven't already, check out the Paleo info on this site. I think I read somewhere that like around 80% of fat loss/leaning out is diet and 20% is exercise, so really look hard at the foods you are eating, too.

Also, Ray Peat has some excellent articles on what to eat and what to avoid if you have thyroid issues. Just google him. Good luck! Love this site!

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