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The first steps to success!

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Hello fellow rebels, my name is Cody Edward Dalton.

Last week I discovered Nerd Fitness and have been reading tons of posts and guides on here and really opened my mind to nutrition and exercise and that's why I am typing this now.

I want to officially announce and set in stone my joining of the ranks of the Rebellion in hopes that I can stay motivated to push through the hardships that are soon to come on my journey. I can't wait to start and as soon as I get paid in a few days I begin my change of food eating habits, I have already began light weight training so don't worry about my skipping out for a few days.

A little about myself I guess is in order.

I'm 21 and live in eastern Kentucky, about in the middle of nowhere, I live with my parents for now which makes it really hard to eat properly because they keep the house filled with so many bad foods. I plan to fix this by buying myself a mini fridge to keep my own provisions in, 200 dollars now will pay off for a healthier living later.
I've been big all my life, from as far as I can remember I have been overweight, honestly I didn't care until high school because by that point I began to find clothes shopping more of a chore than fun because most stores just didn't have thing in my size and what little they did have just wasn't my taste, I was at a brick wall. for the next 3 years I was in my schools JROTC program which kept me active and really helped boost my confidence however once I left that class and graduated I found myself back to square one again, Anti-social and getting fatter by the minute.


That was a little more than 3 years ago and back then I weighed 235lbs. and stood 6'2" with a decent amount of muscle and well stamina, unfortunately in those 3 years I lost it all and now I am forced to carry around a body that only a troll would love, 325lbs. of pure depression is all i see in myself, that is until recently when i found this amazing place, you guys(and girls) have really helped boost the confidence in myself and give me motivation to better my life while I still have the chance and all this before I even joined.

Anyway this rather long but I think it spells things out, I'm ready to take myself to new heights and better myself mentally and physically, I hope to be a part of this community and help others succeed as well.

See ya around the forums everybody!

Level 1 Rebel in training

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Hello and welcome!

Good on ya to have that attitude that what sucks now will pay off in the future :) Great to key to success.

Keep checking out "The WOOT Room" and "Daily Battle Logs", there is much inspiration to be drawn from there. There are literally hundreds of us coming from similar starting points as yours, and all of us are more than willing to share our tips, tricks, and experiences with you.

I wish you the best of luck on your quest! And may the force be with you :)

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I hear you on the clothes thing. It sucks not being able to find what you like but it's a good motivator. I wish you luck on your journey. And don't let the awkward in between sizes times get you down when they come. Power through it. Right now my pants are too big and my belts are to small. Things like that will happen but it helps keep you moving.

In brightest day, In blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight, Let those who worship evils might, beware my power, GREEN LANTERNS LIGHT!

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Good thing girls who are worth having don't love us for our bodies aint it. You have a sound mind, humility, and the introspective ability to look at yourself and see change, Somewhere there is a great woman who is looking for just that. I understand the depression, but don't let it rule you. Let it motivate you. Remember how it feels so you won't want to feel that way again. As you progress you will kick old depression in the teeth. We are similar in size and we have a ways to go, but we will get there and it will be fantastic.


BTW Cody is an outstanding name. It rings of character, strength, and legacy. Good to have you here.

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You are only a conspiracy theorist until you are right. Then you are a visionary.

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