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Hi everyone!

I haven't been very comfortable in my own body for a while now. I hit my max weight of around 190+ (heaviest in my life) while unhappily living in NYC almost 5 years ago. In that time, I moved to Boston, married a phenomenal man (who happens to be a phenomenal cook), started belly dance, and managed to get myself down to around 170-ish. But I still wasn't feeling right.

A lot of the people I love and spend a large amount of my time with started with Crossfit over the past several years, and being the stubborn goat I am, I denied that I might need to do more than get up and dance to get to the fitness level I wanted. And being the foodie I am, I couldn't even fathom a plaeo diet. It didn't matter how incredibly they transformed themselves and their lives, I was completely blind to it until I spend a long weekend at the beginning of the month eating paleo and realized that not only did I loose weight over a half a week, starchy carbs were really bothering my stomach when I started eating them again.

And I started to think. And then I saw a link to Spezzy's article, read it, was more inspired than I wanted to admit, and chewed it over some more. And then I started to act (after a bit of crying and hand wringing).

So here I am. A week ago I didn't even know what Nerd Fitness was. This week, I have a plan.

Level 1:The six week goal

Strength Training 3 times a week: Beginner Body Weight with some modifications (longer plank, either more reps with dumbbells, or swapping for inverted rows)

Yoga once a week: Class or home practice

Belly Dance class once a week: with additional drills on non-strength days

80% Paleo Diet:Tracking what I eat daily, exceptions being made for nightshades and coffee.

No weigh in or measuring for six weeks! This is the big one. Results don't matter right now. This is time for me to prove that I can stick with this, and I am not going to give myself an excuse to get discouraged.

I want to prove to myself that I can do this!

Level 2: the 12 week goal

Strength Training 3 times a week: reassessed, amped, and modified to start building the person I want to be now that I have shown myself I can stick with it. (I'm eyeballing Assassin, and I want to be able to swing myself along an entire set of monkey bars and work on doing a pull up unassisted.)

Yoga once a week: Class or home practice

Belly Dance class once a week: with additional drills on non-strength days

Paleo Diet: Keep it going and love it. Challenge myself to find new amazing recipes.

And the BHAG!

Level 3: The 1 year goal

Tough Mudder 2012.

Once I complete the 12 week milestone, I will start training for it. I am considering rewarding myself with purchasing time with a trainer. I might train with friends.

I have the wonderfully good fortune of having my husband working right along side me on this, but encouragement is always welcomed.

Keep me honest!



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welcome!!! you are way ahead of so many people just by having a plan in place. im doing tough mudder as a BHAG as well (in november of this year though!!!)

very glad to have you, let us know how we can help in any way shape or form! :)

I'm no longer an active member here. Please keep in touch:
“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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You can do this Siha! Thank you for giving me that one last push to say "Yeah, I need to make a change."

But wow! Encouragement from both your inspiration into this AND the Rebel Leader (and a guy from Savannah, our real home, not to discredit all the other great support)! That is great motivation, and I think if we ever doubt ourselves, we can look here and see good people are encouraging us!

You know you can do this!

much love,

your goat.

One day at a time. No excuses. Battle Log | Current Challenge - Bleep All the Things

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