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adam's workout log

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typically i just consider the wod (workout of the day) as just that... it's what i do that day, then i throw the post-it i write it on away, and that's that. i wasn't even timing them for a while, because i was just going through the workouts. i'm thinking maybe that is too zen.

now, though, i am trying to do them for time, and trying to improve... so why not keep track. here we go.

note: warm-ups are never for time


3 rounds

10s samson stretch (per leg)

10x 35# overhead squat (OH squat)

10x 95# deadlift (DL)

10x sumo deadlift high pull (SDLHP)

10x dips



5 rounds, each for time, 3 minute rest in between each round

20 pull-ups

30 push-ups

40 sit-ups

50 squats

round 1: 5:25

round 2: 5:54

round 3: 6:46

round 4: 6:57

round 5: 6:37

i was not hydrated enough for this... by the end i was pretty dizzy and had to sit down for a bit. i should've taken 3 minutes after i finished instead of heading to work, probably. good workout, though, i earned my breakfast smoothie.

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I think I saw a crossfit WOD named Fran done for time. Dude finished it in under 2 minutes IIRC. Motivated me to create the 7TDS, and it was completely awe inspiring.

I too on occasion enjoy the zen like approach to lifting, that is, do whatever I feel like doing. That is my reward to myself after a hard month of tracked workout domination.

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I think I saw a crossfit WOD named Fran done for time. Dude finished it in under 2 minutes IIRC. Motivated me to create the 7TDS, and it was completely awe inspiring.

I too on occasion enjoy the zen like approach to lifting, that is, do whatever I feel like doing. That is my reward to myself after a hard month of tracked workout domination.

They can be pretty beastly on there, no doubt.

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samson stretch

10x 45# OH squat

10x Pull-up

5x Push-up (i knew my triceps/delts were going to be the weak link for the wod... and i was right!)

10x glute-hamstring device (aka back extension thing) sit-ups

10x back extensions


5 rounds with ideally increasing weight, rest as necessary between rounds (i.e. don't drop the dumbbells in between exercises; do everything as one complex)

5 dumbbell DL

5 dumbbell hang clean

5 dumbbell push press

5 dumbbell squats

my weights: 45#, 50#, 55#(F), 50#, 55#

shoulder press/handstand pushups/dips... these are my weakest exercises, so i anticipated having trouble with the push presses... and i did. on my first 55# attempt i made it through 3 push presses, then lost the dumbbells, took a breath, and finished the set. went back down to 50 and that seemed too easy, so i went back to 55 and was able to do it. i felt a little better.

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samson stretch

10x squat

10x 95# DL

10x pull-up

10x push-up

10x back extension


AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 7 minutes:

10x 95# squat clean

20x sit-up

my rounds:

4 + 7 cleans

+15 sit-ups after time to appease my OCD (since i did 70% of the cleans for a round... i did 75% of the situps to finish it out)

this is one of those things where you start to die during it, but 10 minutes later you feel pretty much fine again. which is fine, i have 2 hour-long bike rides tonight as well.

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today was a crossfit total. i haven't done one in a long time and in retrospect i didn't do it quite right. i did ok, but i suppose i could've done better. there was one gnarly popping sound in one knee during my last squat... but it didn't hurt; it was just aligning itself with vigor.




35# OH squat

10x pull-up

10x push-up

10x GHD sit-up

10x back extension


1RM (1 round max)

back squat

shoulder press


you're supposed to go at it from the perspective that you keep going up with weight (which you should know from past experience somewhat... and i didn't) with no more than 3 failed attempts at a given weight. that would be your one-round max. i didn't do those progressions right, so conceivably i could've done more on a few of these lifts.

here were my progressions:

squat: 195, 215, 235

shoulder press: 95, 110, 125(fail), 120

deadlift: 320, 340, 365

total: 720

this puts me in the "intermediate" bracket for crossfit, though I think my individual lifts are buoyed up by my deadlift... which i don't know why is so much easier for me. anyways... until next time, this was interesting to know, at the very least.

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after yesterday's "how strong are you" today was more "how fast are you"... in one way i'm pretty pleased with today but in another not so much. explanation below.




10x 35# OH squat

10x 95# DL

10x pull-up (only one round my arm felt tweaked and i was worried for the wod, so 2nd round was 35# sumo deadlift high pull (SDLHP), 3rd was 45# SDLHP because it felt to easy otherwise)

10x push-up

10x GHD sit-up

10x back extension


for time

1 mile run

2k row

1 mile run

previously i had always done my rows at difficulty ten, but since the last time i rowed i'd read more of the crossfit faq and found i was supposed to do between 3-4... a pretty big difference! so this time i set it at 3.5... which was probably for the best. i was pretty pleased with my runs (my fastest miles ever), although they were on the treadmill and i doubt i could post those speeds on the ground. my rows... i wasn't doing it intensely enough, since it seems like such a long distance in my head... and that is a shame, because i could've done better and gotten more benefit from it. oh well.

my times:

run 1: 5:37

row: 8:56

run 2: 5:58

total: 25 mins (includes transitions between exercises)

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woof. that was tough. and i didn't even do it as prescribed.

gives me new fitness goals, though: master the L sit. become proficient at handstand push-ups and L pull-ups.




10x 95# DL

10x 35# OH squat

10x push-up

10x sit-up

10x 45# good morning (variety is the spice of life)


7 rounds for time

10 handstand push-up (HSPU - i can't really do this but i tried my best rather than doing a substitution - for me that would be wall-runs)

10 45# dumbbell clean

10 L pull-ups

i got through 4 rounds with my really bad HSPU and L pull-ups, then i had to stop and switch to some subs.

that was 29 minutes (then a few minutes of undeserved rest while i was setting up this other stuff)

last 3 rounds

10x 75# shoulder press

10x 35# dumbbell clean

10x pull-up


this was a long workout, and it showed me some of my weaknesses in physical strength. now i know what to train more (i even put a post-it on my mirror)!


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there may be something wrong with me.

after today's killer workout, i got an email from some friends that they were doing a swimming crossfit in the evening. i wanted to run but my feet were feeling kinda iffy from yesterday... so i decided to go for it.

2 crossfits in one day... i almost HerrFauchered... but it was fun!

for time

4 rounds

15 squat jumps

25 yard underwater swim (or just as few breaths as possible)

30 second hands out of water vertical kicks

25 yard sprint kick

4 rounds

10 (20 first round) underwater to edge of pool muscle-ups

75 yard pulls (arms only)

15 (30 first round) push-ups

75 yard pulls

my time:

36 minutes

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i hate it when they post exercises i can't do... but it gives me something to strive for... also my legs were still incredibly sore, i think from the swimming workout the other day... that was exciting!

warm up



10x 45# OH squat

10x 95# DL

5x 45# SDLHP

5x push-up

10x sit-up

10x back extension


as prescribed:

5 rounds for time

5 muscle ups (subbed 15 pull-ups and 15 dips)

10x 135# power clean (subbed 120#)

run 220 meters

my time: 32:28

i wish i could do muscle-ups... that would've taken a lot of time off. someday!

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mental toughness challenged... but i made it through. next time... faster!

warm up



10x 45# OH squat

10x 115# DL

12x pull-up

40x wall run

10x L leg raise

10x 55# good morning


for time

150 20# wall ball shots

running total of how many i got to before resting






total time: 7:20

my legs were burning!

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i'm going to start slowly adding in crossfit endurance as part of or even the majority of my marathon training. i plan to ramp up slowly at first... i don't think i'm ready to do the full crossfit endurance in addition to the regular wod. i also ate an entire [large] pizza for lunch, and 2 hot dogs and a hamburger for dinner... and i mean c'mon i had to work out again, it was gross.

this was the short course for today (1. i haven't been running much and my shin splints are miraculously not healed and 2. there are 800s in tomorrow's crossfit and i thought it may be wise to take it easier)

3x1 mile hold 5-10 sec (try to keep your times with 5-10 seconds of one another

mile 1: 7:00

mile 2: 6:53

mile 3: 6:48

i'll attribute the slower first mile to the fact that i was wearing a camelback and i took it off at the finish of the first lap kinda... mid stride. faster next time!

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oh man... my legs have taken a beating over the last 3 days. i'm wobbling around like a penguin or something. i also ripped skin off of a complementary part of a pinky doing pull-ups... i'm going to appreciate this rest day.

warm up



10x 35# OH squat

10x 95# DL

5x 55# SDLHP

10x dip

10x L leg raise

10x back extension


5 rounds for time

800m run (.5 mile on treadmill)

30x 2 pood kettle bell swing (this is 70#... we have a 40# actual kettle bell at my gym, i subbed that rather than doing this with a dumbbell... not that i think i could've

30x pull-up

i ran ~6-7 min/mile pace, fyi

my time: 46:22

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no great shakes... hit some PRs but not amazing ones.


10x 35# OH squat

10x 95# DL

10x pull-up

10x dip

10x GHD sit-up

10x back extension


Clean and Jerk


95x3 (warm-up)

135, 145, 155, 165 (pr for jerk), 175 (fail on jerk, pr on clean), 170 (fail on jerk), 155 (who wants to finish on failures?)

came home, chugged breakfast smoothie, went on hour bike ride up to meet the fam. another hour bike ride back home several hours later. did some intervals on the way back. tomorrow: rope climbs!

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the football team works out in the mornings at one of the gyms i go to... kinda put a cramp in my style this morning. not so bad, but i may have used it as an excuse to not go as hard as i could. i was also running late for work. excuses excuses.




10x squat

10x dips

10x L sit

10x superman


for time

21x 115# thruster

12x 15 ft rope climb

15x thruster

9x rope

9x thruster

6x rope climb

the rope was taken up so this is what i actually did (definitely not as hard, but at least i got a good burn going):

21x 105# thruster

15x rope pull-up

15x thruster

10x rope pull-up

9x thruster

6x rope pull-up

time: 15:51

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sob... another day with exercises i can't do. this has a good sub, though, so i wouldn't say it was easier, just less technically challenging.




10x 45# OH squat

10x 115# DL

10x pull-up

10x dip

10x back extension



double under (i subbed tuck jumps)


my time: 11:50

my abs were burning!

i went and jumped rope for a bit afterwards, so in the future i can hopefully just do the double unders... anyone have any tips? i've gotten such helpful john maddenesque advice from scouring other forums as: "jump higher so it goes under twice" and "move your wrists faster"... is it just something you have to try and try and hit your tender legs with a hard piece of plastic until you get it?

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warm up


10x 45# OH squat

10x 95# DL

10x pull-up

10x push-up

10x L sit

10x back ext


20x 185# (subbed 135#... i mean jesus!) shoulder to overhead (i.e. shoulder press, push press, or push jerk)

40x burpess

any partition, any order

my time: 7:21

my partition: 7 press, 20 burpees, 4 press, 11 burpees, 5 press, 9 burpees, 4 press

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well the track was closed by the time i got out to it (curse my non exercise related responsibilities)... so i had to do some mods. also... one of my shins is killing me! my new huraches (fun to make!) do not put up with any crappy running form, that's for sure.

warm up (done at home)



5x air squat

5x strict pull-up

5x ring dip

10x L sit

10x superman


4 rounds


50 squats

since the track was closed i just went running... and stopped 4 times and did 50 squats each time. that part must've taken ~10-15 mins (wasn't running so fast, really)... total run time was ~40 mins.

yay for flexibility in workout schedule :)

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this was a bear... killed my arms. but they will come back stronger. my handstand push-ups were crappy as always... maybe getting a little better. my ring dips were definitely better, so that's something. push-ups after were frighteningly hard. good workout!




10x 35# OH squat

10x 115# DL

10x pull-up

10x L sit

10x back ext




ring dip


my time: 24:47

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legs were maybe a teensy bit tired from yesterday. also my back was kinda sore from trying to do headstands last night. would've been nice to come in under 10 minutes... but hey... pretty close.

warm up



10x 35# OH squat

10x 95# DL

5x pull-up

10x feet elevated push-up

10x L sit

10x back extension



95# thruster


my time: 10:02

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ow. just ow. i wasn't even very fast and ow. building some core strength.

warm up

3x samson

12x 45# OH squat

12x pull-up

12x dip

30x wall run


3x for time

60sec L sit (accumulate the time)

45# barbell good morning

60 abmat (or rolled towel) sit-ups, soles of feet together

30 25# plate back extensions

my time 31:41 L sit was agonizing... couldn't really do the sit-ups as fast as i do regular ones. still... i feel the burn, which is good.

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oh man. this was killer. just got harder and harder as i went through it, too (also, that's what she said). barely missed sub 30... i died on the tuck jumps, took me forever, and then i could only run at like 5.5 mph... pretty hard to adjust treadmill speed while holding a 45# plate.

warm up



10x 35# OH squat

5x 95# DL

5x 45# SDLHP

10x push-up

10x GHD

10x back ext


10x HSPU

15x 250# DL

25x 30" box jump

50x pull-up

100x 20# wall ball shot

200x double under (subbed tuck jumps)

400m run holding 45# plate

my time: 31:09 up through the wall balls took ~14-15 mins. stupid tuck jumps!

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