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adam's workout log

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ran ~40-60 mins last night including a set of 4x100 barefoot sprints.

this was one of those... grind it out workouts. just had to keep going. found another exercise that i'm not that great at... the turkish get up! also one of those workouts where the other people at the gym give you a big "wtf?". probably could've done the OH squats and swings with heavier weight, but kept to the spirit of the workout, if not the weight (the people who plan these things are beasts...).

warm up



10x squat

10x 95# DL

10x pull-up

10x dip

10x L sit

10x back extension


with one 2 pood kettlebell (70#... i was gonna sub 40# [the heaviest we have] but could barely do one TGU so dropped to 35#)

21 turkish get-up right arm

50 kb swings

21 OH squat left arm

50 kb swings

21 OH squat right arm

50 kb swings

21 TGU left arm

my time: 25:30 - there was sweat all over the mat on this one... i'm not a sweaty guy generally but i was dripping from this. good workout!

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oh man... this was tough. it took a lot of mental trickery to keep myself motivated to finish. it definitely helps passing the midpoint, for me, it seems like once i see that downhill it's like "well i may as well finish now".

changed weights midway through the wod because i didn't think i'd be able to finish otherwise... the 35# KB was just because i picked up the wrong one and i didn't want to go trade upstairs while i was on the clock.

warm up



10x 35# OH squat

5x 95# DL

5x 45# SDLHP

10x push-up

10x sit-up

10x back extension




7 135# thruster (subbed 115# first round then 105# for last 6)

7 knees to elbows (K2E)

7 245# DL (subbed 225# for last 6 rounds)

7 burpees

7 2 pood kb swing (subbed 35# - meant to sub 40#... also forgot to request heavier kbs at gym, d'oh)

7 pull-up

my time: 50:39 - man... i was so haggard by the time i finished this. i seriously considered quitting at 4 rounds... but no. memorial day... personal motivation, whatever you like, there was no way i would've been satisfied without finishing, no matter how long it took. and now i'm really glad i finished it. :)

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yeah they are pretty neat... i just wish they weren't so expensive. even the thing to use free weights as a kettlebell (ironwoody or something?) is like 50 bucks. accumulating all this workout equipment is more of a long term endeavor than i might've thought, you know? home gym by the time i'm 40...

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3x samson

10x clean (recap - clean = squat clean, start from the ground, up to the shoulders, includes a front squat. hang clean starts from thigh. power clean has no squat) - round 1: 115#, round 2: 105#, round 3: 95#

10x pull-up

10x push-up

10x L sit

10x back extension



shoulder press

my weights: 75, 85, 95, 105, 115x3, 110x5

i got dangerously close to my previous one round max (1RM) shoulder press there... still a long way to go before i'm cranking out HSPU, though!

cool down: 40 oblique twists w/ 45# barbell (20/side) + 5 dead-hang pull-up

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got out on the track and got somewhat of an estimate for how fast i can go when i'm not in danger of faceplanting on a treadmill... good to know.

warm up (at home, no less)



10x squat

40x wall run

6x dead hang pull up

10s L sit (homemade parallettes anyone?)

10x superman


4 rounds, each for time

800m run

rest as needed between rounds

times: 2:51, 2:50, 2:57, 2:52

i'm disappointed i never broke 2:50... but... yeah. that's all. also going to run up to one of the few hills near me in chicago to do some hill repeats this evening after work (run up the hill, jog down the hill... walk/jog back to the other side of the hill as rest and do it all again).

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last night's run took it out of me more than i would've expected... only an hour run, really... i mean... c'mon. i think i need to "grease the groove" more for my running. hmm.

warm up



10x 35# OH squat

5x 95# DL

11x pull-up

10x dip

10x GHD sit-up

10x back extension


75x 75# power snatch

my time: 9:56

(for posterity, i ended up breaking it up like this: 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 6, 4 - last two sets i rested less to get under 10... never say a running clock never made me work out harder)

this was my reaction when i saw this wod posted: :o . kinda like... there's no way i'll be able to do that in any reasonable amount of time. but i got in... hemmed and hawed a bit... and cranked it out. got another small rip in my pinky (i'm always tearing my fingers doing cleans/snatches for time), but not as bad as others i've had before. funny thing, adrenaline. having the stopwatch running helped push me harder, too, which for this kind of workout is really good. something to keep in mind.

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need to have saturday off (planting a community garden with my sis and her bf) so i switched my off day today for tomorrow. this is a modified workout from sealfit.com (i had to make it easier... those guys are crazy).

warm up

bear complex (power clean to front squat to push press to back squat to push press = one rep)

5x 45#

5x 55#

5x 65#

5x 75#

5x 85#

work capacity

AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 20 mins


10 burpee

15 40# kb swings

my rounds: 7


3 rounds, untimed

3x 115# thruster

15 pull-up

30s/leg samson stretch

oof. i deserve my day of rest... if only it were one.

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check the woot room for positive feedback from this workout. :)

warm up



10x jumping lunge (5 per leg)

5x 115# DL

5x 65# high pull

10x push-up

10x GHD sit-up

10x back extension

1 muscle-up (boo ya!)


10 muscle-up (subbed 30 pull-up/30-dip despite my MU achievement above... baby steps)

15 HSPU (did 5 rather poorly, then switched to feet elevated to get full ROM instead for last 10)

20 155# clean (started at 135x5, then 125x5, then 115x10... lowering weights cost me quite a bit of time... i should've been more realistic from the beginning, really, i could've done 120 the whole way through then, i bet - live and learn)

550m run (.34 miles... did i mention the treadmill only goes up to 12.3 mph? :) )

time: 16:43

if i had been realistic about my clean strength i could've done this sub 15... if i could crank out MU and HSPU i'm sure i could get sub 10... some day!

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did a little crossfitendurance.com...

their wod:

120:60x6 (2 min on, 1 min rest 6 reps)

i only did 4... my shins were starting to yell at me pretty loudly and i do want my shin splints to heal at some point... so yeah.

i got between 550-600m on each interval

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my shoulder is hurting from practicing "skinning the cat" yesterday. fyi... i'm not very good at it. anyhow.




10x 45# OH squat

5x pull-up

10x push-up

10x sit-up

10x 75# good morning


row 30 calories

30x 95# thruster (subbed 75#)

3x 20' rope climb (subbed 20 towel pull-up... pretty weak sauce on this)

30x kb swings, 1.5 pood (sub 40#)

row 20 calories

x 115# thruster (sub 95#)

2x 20' rope climb (sub 10 towel pull-up)

20x kb swings

row 10 calories

10x 135# thruster (sub 115#)

20' foot rope climb (sub 5 towel pull-up)

10x kb swings

time: 25:47

i feel fine with having gone down in weight on the thrusters... they were plenty hard enough. i'm not particularly pleased with my performance on the towel pull ups. each 1' of rope climb is supposed to be 1 towel pull-up. i don't think that's realistic, as you can use your legs to climb a rope, but still... 20, 10, 5 wasn't great. 60, 40, 20 probably would've been impossible for me to do in any reasonable length of time within the constraints of the workout, and considering my time it was probably fine... but i still wasn't so happy with it. so... i did some more towel pull-ups as a cooldown/foul at the end.

"cool down"

3xf towel pull-ups

completed: 8, 7, 7

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shins... suck. gonna restrict myself to swimming and biking for my endurance workouts for a few weeks so i can hopefully finally actually heal. sigh. tuck jumps were painful, definitely slowed me down from getting more rounds in.

i finally bought "starting strength" and i'm perfecting some of my barbell lifts... thus a different warm up.

warm up



(10x, 8x, 5x) squat (45#, 95#, 115#)

(10x, 8x, 5x) DL (45#, 95#, 115#)

5x pull-up

10x ring push-up

10x ab roll-out (from knees)


AMRAP in 12 min

5x 185# front squat (subbed 155#)

10x chest to bar pull-up

20x double under (subbed tuck jumps)

completed: 5 rounds

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i'm trying to fine tune my squat... as per "starting strength"... a book i'm greatly enjoying reading.

warm up



10x 45# squat

10x pull-up + MU practice (high pull-ups, sorta)

10x 1 round HSPU legs elevated, 2 rounds dip

10x GHD sit-up

10x back extension


5-5-5-5-5 DL

warm up: 65, 95, 135

weights: 225, 295, 315, 245, 275

my form was slipping even though i was getting the weight up... i decided to focus in on doing it right instead of doing it heavy... starting to think a little more about my lifts now than i sometimes do.

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i think this workout would've been better done with a group. my slow exercise was the push-up... but i could've gone faster on the squat, too. i think i probably paced myself too much (there are sub 8 minute times on the crossfit message board for this... but i generally think mostly people with awesome times are posting them... there are some that are closer to my time or even longer, though).

warm up



5x 45# OH squat

5x 45# SDLHP

5x dip

10x sit-up

10x back extension


15 rounds for time:

5 pull-up

10 push-up

15 squat

my time: 18:42

cool down


10s hanging L sit

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i was really dogging it today. i considered just warming up and going home... but i'm glad i finished. sometimes you just have those days, am i right? might still be fatigued from yesterday's long bike ride. dunno.

warm up



10x 45# OH squat

10x pull-up

5x push-up

10x L sit

10x back extension



135# clean (sub 125#)

ring dips

my time: 22:48

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60 bench presses in ~half an hour is no joke. neither is a 2000m row. phew! i haven't even done them in forever. i'm wondering if i'm starting to feel kinda burned out and i need to take 2 off days and recharge my batteries, or whether it's poor eating habits for the last few days... or what. something's up, though. i feel good when i complete the workouts, but they are feeling really tough lately. maybe it's the weather... who knows?

warm up



squat 10x45, 8x95, 5x135

5x pull-up

5x dip

10x sit-up

10x 45# good morning


500m row

30x body weight bench press (sub 85% body weight = 145#)

1000m row

20x bench press

2000m row

10x bench press

time: 34:55

beat 35... just barely. bench presses took up the majority of the time, rowing takes approximately 2:15s/500m counting resting a bit during the 2000. i'm really glad i bought starting strength... everyone who does barbell work should look into it!

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pretty good... especially considering the 3.5k of rowing yesterday. i desperately need this break, too. fast starts after breakfast and goes till tomorrow for porkchop + eggs and veggies for breakfast.

warm up



squat 10x45#, 5x135#, 5x185#

5x pull-up

5x dip

10x GHD sit-up

10x back extension


row 2k

50x 20# wall ball

row 1k

35x 20# wb

row 500m

20x 20# wb

my time: 21:16

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shortened crossfit endurance for today... kinda tiring, and also need to be rested for tomorrow. slightly concerned about possible burnout still... may be time for a light week, or even *gasp* a week off.

warm up


50yd pull

50yd kick

25yd 1 breath (first 2 were 2 breaths, 2nd made it in 1)

10 pool side muscle-up

wod (as performed)

4x50yd, 30s rest (times ranged from 40-42s)

1x100yd (1:33)

also swam a few laps... i do like to just swim, you know. i don't want to let that go just for the sake of fitness...

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i'm going to take a few days or one cycle off crossfitting... i'm just kinda burnt out and i need to recover and recharge my batteries. my times haven't been suffering but i haven't been enjoying it as much, and that's crucial... i have to enjoy working out... it's not a punishment, it's a privilege! :D

still doing something every day though, endorphins... conditioning... whatever.

this morning:



15x squat

10x dead hang pull-up

15x push-up

10x HSPU (feet elevated)

10x sit-up

10s L sit

10x 25# DB good morning

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saw the simplefit website (or saw again, i guess... i had forgotten about it).

i timed myself on the easiest "day 3" on the site, which was:

10x pull-up

21x push-up

21x squats

time: 1:09

i mentioned on someone else's post that it's been 2 years now that i've been working out, trying to eat well, and in general trying to change my body. 2 years ago i couldn't even do 1 pull-up... now i can do 10 in ~20 seconds. it's one of those things where i feel like my hard work is worth it, and that feels good.

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burpees and jumping added because my idea of "fun" has changed somewhat over the last few months. :)



20x lunge (10/leg)

10x squat

10x DH pull-up

10x parallette dip

10x push-up

12s L sit

10x 25# DB good morning

then to finish

40 jumping jacks

15 burpees

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