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I am an out-of-shape nerd.


As a software engineer I spend the vast majority of my day on some form of computer. My workplace is about 45 miles away from my home, so that's another 2-3 hours sitting.


In the past six months I've dealt with a bad back (bulging disc, L5-S1), bronchitis, and an abnormal ECG (elevated ST segment).


I want to lose a few pounds, I suppose, but my main focus is eating better and being fit enough to be a better husband and father. My wife has picked up the slack on housework and yardwork, and I feel like a useless slob. My son is two and a half, and I can't keep up with him. <voice name="Sauron" actor="Christopher Lee">There are none who can</voice>.


There are two huge impediments I need to overcome:


  1. I drink a lot of soda. I have no idea how to give it up without being crippled for a week with caffeine withdrawal symptoms.
  2. I hate "artificial" exercise. For some reason the idea of lifting weights or doing push-ups is anathema to me. I would much prefer finding some activities that offer the same benefits as sets or reps or whatever. Walking, biking, rollerblading, climbing, yard work, power-napping... those sound better, but I can't do any of those in my current state. Except the walking. And the power-napping.

So I throw this introduction out there in an effort to gain some feeling of accountability; there is a community that will hold me to the idea of improving my health.


I haven't perused the forums extensively to see how things work here, but as this is the Internet I will offer pictures of cats in exchange for advice and support if necessary.

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Welcome to the Rebellion fellow newcomer! The community here is great at making you feel welcomed and inspired to get healthy, no matter which way you want to do it. And you get to nerd out while doing so which is always a plus. Good luck on your journey!



Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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Wait, wasn't Christopher Lee Sarumon, not Sauron? ;-)


I'm not 100% though, I'm a sci-fi nerd, not so much up on the fantasy-nerdiness (except where cosplay is concerned, then I'm very avid, at least where the fairer sex is concerned lol).


So I'm curious, what exactly is it about "artificial" exercise that makes it so off-putting to you? Is it that it's "meathead jock stuff", or something like that?


I guess it all depends on what your end-goal is ... but if you want to be like Errorgone, Egon, Aragore, whatever his name is, then strength training is probably going to be required, as his usual workout of swinging a broadsword and hacking orcs to pieces isn't exactly feasible or practical in modern Midgard, ya know? So ya may need weights or bodyweight workouts to build that kind of functional muscle.


Personally, if you have hills nearby, I highly recommend throwing a pack on and hiking them. You get good exercise benefit (especially if you push yourself and move fast as you can), a great scenic walk, and are "doing something" vice "artificial" reps.


Either way, welcome aboard, check out the other boards here, get to know people. Community is pretty cool and supportive here, so stick your nose a few more places and say hi.

Insert witty & pithy saying here.

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