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Ranger Ready to Kick It Into High Gear

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Hello everyone! This is my first official post here, and I cannot say how excited I am that I found this site.

Here is my story, and I apologize in advance for it being long (Ill try and keep it shortish).

Like many out there, I work a desk job and have struggled with my weight and body image. I grew up an athlete. I have played sports my entire life. Softball, soccer, I was a Varisty swimmer all 4 years of high school. I was in relativly good shape after graduating high school. Started college and all physical activity stopped. I got a job, started my carrer and then decided it was time to get back to my old active ways.


Over the last 5 years I have tried everything. P90X, C25K (awesome program, I just hate running), just about every Beach Body DVD set you can think of, kick boxing, at home yoga...the list goes on. While each program I tried did yield results, they were never to the degree that I and hoped for. I would lose weight, eat better, meet my goal, get bored with the program and revert back to my old bad habits. Junk food, take out, spending my nights plopped in front of the TV wondering why I felt like crap and why I couldnt find anything I loved.


Fast forward to March of this year. I began working out again. This time my motivation was because I was to be the Maid of Honor in my best friend's wedding in early October. I dusted off an old copy of P90X, mananged to borrow a copy of Insanity from a co worker and threw in running a couple times a week. Working out at home, I always felt like I was doing something, but I never felt as though I was doing enough.


Meanwhile, my sister had joined a local Crossfit gym (or box, if you prefer) at the later part of the previous year. She would come home while I was in the middle of one of my DVD workout sessions. She would look me up and down while I attempted some poor excuses for air squats, push ups etc. Just about everyday, she would try to convince me to try out the free Crossfit workout. I had seen the articles, and I had seen the youtube videos. Lift heavy weight? I hating having to pick up the little 5lb dumbbells required in some of my DVD workouts. Run around as hard as I can for 20 minutes and then puke after? No thank you.


After a few weeks of constant badgering from my beloved sister, I gave in. I called the gym and made an appointment for my free workout. I got the run down of the gym, what the idea of Crossfit was, what I could expect a typical workout to look like. Then, they put me through the toughest 7 minutes of my life. (7 min AMRAP 7 wall balls, 7 burpess). I was sore for a week. It took another 2 weeks to join the gym and I haven't looked back since. Shortly there after, I adopted a mostly paleo diet. Not only did I reach my weight loss goal for my friends wedding, but I also decided, this time, I wasnt going to stop. I loved it far too much!


Since March I have lost 25lbs of fat, toned up more than I have ever been and gained a love for lifting weights, and working out hard!






Here I am at the wedding...




I have since competed in my first Crossfit competition (only 4 months after starting), gained a new outlook on what a beautiful body should look like and even held my own 30 day paleo challenge with my friends (we end on the 1st!). I even tried rock climbing for the first time every yesterday and had a blast!




And from yesterday, my first time indoor rock climbing! I loved it so much, I even got a month pass. :D

Without Crossfit, I doubt I would have even attempted to do it.






My next main goal is to lean out, tone up more and get the coveted 6 pack abs! I have found a new love for experimenting with my diet to see how it effects my physical appearance, how I feel and how I perform in the gym. I will be following a "IIFYM" diet guide line to see how it works for me.


I am SO EXCITED and happy to be here! I have decided to join the Rangers, for obvious reasons. ;)

- Bailey

Working out doesn't have to be a chore, have fun with it!

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Awesome stuff! :-) Glad ya finally found something you love! I kinda wavered and tried a bunch of stuff too, really thinking I need to get back to martial arts and the "assassin" type workouts I used to do in high school. Definitely recommend getting in on the 6-Week Challenges for that "next step". :-)  Either way, welcome aboard!

Insert witty & pithy saying here.

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Awesome stuff! :-) Glad ya finally found something you love! I kinda wavered and tried a bunch of stuff too, really thinking I need to get back to martial arts and the "assassin" type workouts I used to do in high school. Definitely recommend getting in on the 6-Week Challenges for that "next step". :-)  Either way, welcome aboard!

Thank you so much for the warm welcome! I'm in the middle of trying to figure out my goals for my first challenge. I should have my thread up by the end of the weekend. :)

I really enjoyed the kick boxing I did, however for some reason I just got bored with it. It is a great workout though and there are so many different martial arts disciplines to choose from!


A little update from me! I renewed my crossfit membership today for the next year!

I also redid my intro workout I mentioned above:

7 min amrap

7 wall balls

7 Burpees

6 months ago I managed barely 3 rounds w/a 10 lb. wall ball and the shorter target (I think it's 8ft?).

Today I busted out 6 rounds with a 16 lb wall ball and the high target (10 ft.?)

- Bailey

Working out doesn't have to be a chore, have fun with it!

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