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I'm new obviously :v.

I've tried to lose weight before and done fairly well for a sedentary individual though after my first big 'fall off the wagon' as it were (caused by relationship issues) kind of killed all motivation for me and though I'd tried to get healthy again it was always half-hearted and i'd give up due to sheer apathy and laziness.

While I'm still quite apathetic towards how I look and how much I weigh, I do have a strong desire to be fit now. I want to be strong enough to cause damage when I punch someone.

Now, I'm not saying I wanna be fit to go start fights with people. I want to be fit enough to defend myself and my loved ones (I'm rather paranoid in this respect, I know. Telling me that won't change my mind.) And fit enough to be able to run the hell away >_>

I do have some semi-unique health issues that I could easily blame for my current weight and such but to be brutally honest with you (and myself) it's sheer laziness. I've always been a bit of a lazy bastard what can I say?

So I'm here to basically get fit and become stronger.




216 lbs

5' 4"


Pushups: 0 (7 wall pushups)

Pullups: 0

Situps: 23

Plank: 47 sec

Squats: 35

Right now my main hindrances (and planned solutions) are as follows:

I live with my grandmother. I've essentially become the 'cook' of the house, but I don't quite feel comfortable forcing my grandmother to change her eating habits just because I'm trying to change mine. I am however trying to introduce more veggies into the diet and am currently trying to shift myself over to having a healthy smoothie for breakfast instead of cereal. Also trying to resist having dessert at all, let alone so often. (my grandmother enjoys a 'dessert' after every meal. fruit-bread, pie, and icecream typically in that order after breakfast lunch and dinner.)

I have to exercise Every Day. I can't really do that "Work out today, rest tomorrow, pick it back up the next day" type of routine. I can never get back into it the day after I rest. Sometimes it's because I'm still sore so i decide to tack on an extra rest day. And then another. And another... and so forth. Right now I'm trying to track what exercises I need to do and maybe start alternating upper-half lower-half or hard exercise one day and more leisurely biking the next or something idk as of yet.

I Hate letting people know I'm exercising. After I tell someone I'm trying to eat healthier/lose weight/exercise/etc I always feel like they're judging me and every little thing i do. I'm probably just paranoid but they look at me different and I just plain don't like it.

Anyways, right now I'm just trying to get into a habit of eating better (bit by bit) and doing some exercise every day. Once I get better settled (I just moved recently) I'd like to get some Krav Maga classes started up, and my girlfriend wants us to start learning parkour together haha. But right now I just want to get into generally a better shape.

I'm Akaiken and it's nice to meet you all. :3

Race: Troll (Short, ~80lbs overweight)

Profession: Assassin Monk

Current Lvl: 1

Progress: 650/1000 xp

The way of the sword is a fight with oneself, the growth of one's soul is directly connected to how strong they are. It isn't a matter of only training your body and learning skills. Training the soul is what leads to improvement.

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Hi! I totally understand the not wanting people to know I'm working out/dieting/whatever. It took me like, a month, to tell my boyfriend about it!

Regarding changing your grandmother's diet, I would suggest cooking what you'd like to eat, be it a paleo meal, or just more fruit and veg and whole meats, and add on some starch or something else for her. I do this with my boyfriend - I'll cook a curry and make a bit of rice for him, or a roast with lots of vegetables and cook a few small new potatoes, or whatever and get some bread out for him. If he wants sweets or something else, he's welcome to get them - I'm just not going to provide them for him.

On the Giving Up on exercising thing, I really have no idea, but if you're that sore you may either be working out too intensely, or not getting nearly enough protein. Since I've doubled my protein intake, workouts which used to leave me trembling and sore for days leave me with a little twinge of soreness the next day. You may try doing a really easy workout, take a day off, and then do an easy work out the third day again, just to get in the habit of doing it before having to do it to intensity. I like to be active, but I do know I should take days off, and if I go in saying I have to be active EVERY DAY, I just fall off the wagon that much quicker. I'm more than two weeks in to my current strength challenge and eagerly planning out when I'll get my pushups in each workout day. Good luck!

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Ahaha, well, I'm a much bolder person online :V. So far I've been able to keep up on my exercise by doing alternating workouts I guess for different muscles. But I'm still having trouble with my diet. I do want to try Paleo, it' really interests me. So I'm trying to cut down on how many grains I take in. I thought I made a decent paleo meal for dinner the other night, until I realized that Corn is a grain, not a vegetable :T (it was mixed with carrots, peas, broccoli and asparagus so it was better than just a side of corn, but regardless.) But I've accepted that I'm not gonna make a perfect transition, just that my progress of replacing the things on my plate with healthier alternatives should be fast.

So far, for example instead of artificial sweetener with my coffee this morning I added honey. And I no longer have a slice of bread with every meal like I did last week haha; It looks like small changes but after just a couple days of eating more green veggies and working out I feel better. Yeah I'm a little bit sore, but its better than the lazy groggy feeling I always had before. Of course I've still had some other grains aside from corn, (Fruit-bread, a brownie, chinese food, etc.) But I feel like I have direction and will be working towards progress.

I did try to explain to my grandmother that I'm going to be eating healthier, as a way to explain why I wasn't going to have a slice of pie last night after dinner. However... her response was simply "But... no pie??" :v I wish I were joking =x=;

Race: Troll (Short, ~80lbs overweight)

Profession: Assassin Monk

Current Lvl: 1

Progress: 650/1000 xp

The way of the sword is a fight with oneself, the growth of one's soul is directly connected to how strong they are. It isn't a matter of only training your body and learning skills. Training the soul is what leads to improvement.

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