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A wild Firebudgie has appeared!

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Hi folks!

I did my workout today and was nomming a healthy lunch (grilled chicken, an apple, and a salad) in front of the computer before my shower, when I saw a post on Tumblr that pointed to this site. I don't know how I managed to tear myself away to actually get my shower (okay, maybe it was the overwhelming smell of sweat), but came back and kept reading.

I love you guys already!

So, um, I guess a bit about me.

I'm a 33 year old female, geek, gamer chick, and tired of being out of shape. I wasn't always this way (I'm sure that sounds familiar) and was active through college. I was small enough to be our men's crew team coxswain. Alas, I also got caught up in the post-graduation sedentary lifestyle. Put on weight, went on a diet, lost the weight, something would happen, put weight back on. The most recent was losing my dad (cancer), grandfather (old age), my job (*whimper* I loved that job), cutting my brother out of my life (he's a jerk so I'm actually glad about this, but the stress leading up to it was rough), and having relationship issues with my Significant Other ALL IN A VERY SHORT TIME SPAN. Long story short, all that and the resulting depression has been rough, and I got really close to my previous peak weight.

But back in April I started making a change. I'm going to Blizzcon for the 4th year in a row (yep, I'm a WoW player--more attempts on Ragnaros tonight, my guild is tied with 3 others in competition for the server first Rag kill, and as of the last time I checked I was the top-geared mage on the server). I was determined that THIS year I would lose weight for it...maybe even make a costume!

So far, I have lost 20 pounds the healthy way and am even down a jeans size since last year's Blizzcon! I still have a ways to go--I would like to lose another jeans size by Blizzcon for this year (I have 2 1/2 months to do it), and I'm aiming to lose a total of another 45 pounds before NEXT YEAR'S Blizzcon (2012, so I'm in no rush) based on previous weight/fitness levels. But you won't see me complain if I weigh more yet wear smaller clothes. I've begun to focus more on strength training rather than just cardio, and have seen a positive change in my body and good shape that I haven't seen even when I was rowing. I changed my diet to pretty much the Paleo diet (without even knowing there was a name for it), and while I seem to have hit a plateau...well, I think I can blame that on some burnout I was feeling.

So anyway, I came here and saw today's blog post, and it really spoke to me. I had already decided, "Hey girl, it's August 1, time to get back on track," but it was very timely to see that post too. And I think it motivated me to do more than just read the articles and the forum, but actually join.

A few other things about me:

I've gone back to school and am finishing my degree in Web Design.

I have a thing for phoenixes. Always have. Guildies have adopted my word for them: Firebudgies. ^_^ (Hence the title of this post.)

I plan to get a tattoo of a phoenix WHEN I hit my weight/fitness goal. Not "if." "WHEN."

I collect rubber duckies.

I tend to lurk a lot, post very little, but when I do I get overly verbose.

And most importantly...


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For the Horde! God I put so much time into that game. Before I finally gave it up because of RL, I think I ended up vicariously living through my belf rogue. Oh Meekha, how bada** you were but I now realize I want to be just as awesome! It's nice to see fellow female wow fanatics!

~"A bruise is a lesson, and lessons make us better"~

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It's been months since I played WoW (school getting in the way and such). And I'm just as verbose when I delurk, yay wordiness twins. AND. And. I also have set a tattoo goal for myself when I hit my body fat goal, I'm not sure what (I'm thinking the Jedi Code, or the Capitoline Wolf right now). Anyway, welcome and I hope the comm can keep you motivated toward your goals!

"The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it."

— Thucydides

An Amazon in Training - Fitblr & Progress. Food Buffed - Food Photography. Advised by Zeus - Personal Tumblr.

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Thanks for the welcome! I have to admit, my character (in my icon) is fitspo for me. This Blizzcon I will look like a human, but next year I swear I will be my Blood Elf! I feel that if I can make time for raids, I can make time for getting fit. Doing my best to motivate my guildies, too.

Trade trolls say girls don't play WoW, or that if you're a girl you have to be unfit, overweight, and living with your parents. Well, that's a challenge! Game on, trade trolls!

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