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Just a Newbie with pointe dreams

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I stumbled on to this site last night via my tumblr and I've been reading it sense.


I'm new here and I have big goals however I'm realistic about the time in which I see myself completing them. I'm 23 5'8 250 plus, I'm a student and an incredibly shy hermit but I haven't always been sedimentary or this insecure.

From 4-13 I danced (ballet) every single day. It might not seem like much of a workout on the face of it but I remember being exhausted and satisfied after every class. I was about 11 when puberty slapped me in face and suddenly I was no longer cute or graceful in a tutu. I developed and ENDOS and have sense kicked most of those bad habits and negative thinking but I've obviously kept a few. It's been a long up hill battle to lose weight the right way and stay confident and determined long enough to keep it off.

Recently it hit me how much I missed dancing, I stopped going just before I reached en pointe and I think about it all the time. I have other goals but my main one is to be strong and fit enough to stand on my toes again and this along with being healthy are my motivations.

What I've done so far:

I've cut my calorie intake from 3000 to 1200-1500 a day

No carbs and very little dairy are in my diet right now

I can't afford running shoes at the moment but I plan on running when I get the chance. Right now I jog in place 3-4 minutes before my workout.

I do a 25 minute workout, mostly cardio and some strength training 4 out of seven days a week.

My goals thus far:

-Complete a 550 rep workout from start to finish without feeling like I'm going to collapse and disintegrate.

-Educate myself about proper nutrition

I'm glad I've found this place and I'm so excited to get started.

It's nice to meet you all.

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Welcome! I am new too, but :)

I love your dream to dance en pointe, that is sort of a far fetched dream of mine (because unlike you, I took maybe a month of ballet when I was like ten but was too embarrassed to be the only big girl in a class of four year olds!) We're of a similar age and a similar amount to lose too.

I'm sure other people will be along to give you advice. My question is: what kind of nerdy stuff are you into? :)

I hear it in my ghost.

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Oh cool!

Your dream isn't far fetched at all; I've seen plenty of adult beginners. I actually read a lot of adult beginner blogs if you're interested I'll send you a link :) I stopped pretty much for the same reasons; I just didn't physically fit in with the other dancers anymore. I was just as good as anyone else but constantly staring in the mirror at your imperfections; 2-3 hours a day everyday will get to you.

My nerdy stuff?

It's kind of hard to answer sense I’m in to so many things but gaming wise I'm a third-person/ first person shooter kind of girl. I loved bio-shock one and two, ninja gaden, ninety-nine nights, call of duty, prototype and lost planet are the main ones I’ll sit around and play after a long day on my 360. I’ve had to sell most of my other games. I love the star wars Lego series for Psp and I think I’ve played chain of Olympus so many times now; I’m just waiting for kratos to break the fourth wall and say seriously? Seriously lady? How many more times do you want to do this, The zombies soldiers are dead I have all the gold and I can’t take another sex mini game. Please put me down.

I'm a really big singles reader; Avengers Initiative, Captain America (civil war) and Batman RIP have been my most recent favorites, though I do enjoy the classic now and again. I don't want to say I have a DC or Marvels preference sense I think I read a healthy dose of both :D Sky Doll is another of my favorite series that's come out in recent years. I do wish it were longer then three books though. :(

I love syfy I just wish they hadn't changed the spelling it's so silly, lol. I Haven't seen all of doctorwho sense there are a little over a zillion episodes sense it's original airing but Christopher Eccleston, and David tennet *swoooooon* are most definitely my favorites. I'm a supernatural and BSG fan girl. And mostly recently I’ve had a friend turn me on to the Big Bang Theory ( I can’t get enough of it. I’m so excited for a new season). I've also spent the last two nights glaring angrily at the pottermore website waiting for a

dang-blasted clue; god forbid if I have to wait all the way until October to register :/

What kind of nerdy stuff are you into?

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*Waves* welcome! I'm getting fit to be a better dancer as well (though I do partner dance). I can't stress enough how well low-carb has worked for me losing weight in a energyful and effective way. Also, it looks like our fandoms overlap! Welcome to the rebellion. (big-girls unite! (and become smaller))

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I'm a game-watcher myself (my husband is the gamer) but I enjoyed watching Bioshock 2 a lot. The only game I ever played through myself was Final Fantasy VIII years ago, haha. I enjoy watching games like Silent Hill and Resident Evil. My husband keeps trying to get me to play Little Big Planet with him but he hasn't won me over yet, haha.

I'm mostly a creative nerd, I draw fan art, mostly of anime characters. I draw original characters. I like Marvel and DC but I don't read them regularly, I grew up watching that X-Men animated TV series haha and I also watched the whole Teen Titans TV series despite being way too old for it when it came out. >///< I also read fantasy and science fiction and attempt to write fantasy novels myself. I also compose music which often sounds vaguely like video game music (like imitation Chrono Cross or Final Fantasy) and I also play bass guitar in an amateur rock band. My most recent passion was Inception, watched it over and over again. As most nerds do, I love Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I have heard good things about Skydoll but I haven't checked it out yet. I really loved the Stargate franchise and was disappointed when they cancelled Stargate Universe. I was a fan of Battlestar Galactica. I was a fan of Supernatural until like season 4 or 5, then I kind of lost interest. My personal beliefs differ pretty greatly from the frequently atheist-bent trend in sci-fi and fantasy so I'm kind of a paradox that way, and if a show gets too anti-religious it can throw me off. Blah blah that's probably boring info. Anyways, I guess we both have an eclectic kind of nerdiness in common, my nerdiness is all over the place too :)

(big-girls unite! (and become smaller))


PS: Yes, please do send me the adult beginner blogs :)

I hear it in my ghost.

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*Waves* welcome!

I love meeting new dancers! How did you get into group dancing, It sounds fun. :D

I have a question I hope you don't mind me asking, what has been your plan as far as changing your diet. I've started with some small changes but how difficult was it to cut out carbs?

Thank you so much for the warm welcome.

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That's cool. I was never, very good at contemporary instruments, I liked the violin but I sucked at the guitar. :/

I was a really big fan of batman, batman beyond and gargoyles when I was kid. I love all of those cartoons like; the tick, animaniacs and captain planet, they were so great.

Little big planet is so cute; it's also a great game to watch. I bought brutal legend for PS3 but I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet. I like some anime too, gunslinger girls is my favorite. The first manga I've eve read was Hellsing. Sense then it's been hard for me to read anything else now that I’ve been spoiled lol. I've also read battle royal and one piece but one piece is so extensive I haven't gotten through it all. Supernatural was actually supposed to end season five so it's been weird watching them take the story up and down and all over the place but it's been an interesting ride so far.

We do! My nerdiness is- vast in nature to say the least. :D

the whole Teen Titans TV series despite being way too old for it

Oh pfft! I'm probably too old for singles but I still buy them ;) as long as you like it that's all that matters. I don't know if anyone else has seen this but the new thundercats reboot is really great! The first episode was good; I can't wait for the next one. There are some bands that play video game music, dragonforce is awesome if you've ever listened to them, and I really like them. I like stars but they lost me after the first three they kind of lost me, lol. Have you ever seen Fan boys?

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I do swing dancing. A friend of mine showed me some stuff so he had someone to practice with, and I started going to the local venue, and the rest was history. As far as changing my diet, I'm currently on the "Slow Carb" diet from the book the 4 hour body. It's basically paleo with legumes. I'll probably be heading down the paleo route when I've gotten through a few more weeks on this (and eaten the rest of the beans in my house!). Cutting out carbs is a bit difficult to do SOCIALLY at first, and you do have to make a conscious effort to eat massive quantities of vegetables, but it wasn't HARD. I get to eat a ton of great stuff which I might have felt guilty about before, and I'm generally pretty full and pretty high energy, so it's not bad at all. That said, you may have a carb hangover for a few days/week after the switch.

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Hello from another dancer! I'd be interested in that adult beginners blog--I didn't start dancing seriously until I was 22, and I always feel like I'm miles behind all the 'pros'. Strength-training has helped me a lot, though. That's so awesome that you want to do pointe! It always looked cool to me but I never heard of any adult beginner ballet dancers. I do belly dancing, btw.

I am also a Doctor Who fan...Eleven is my doctor! There are a lot of back episodes, and they all require you to watch 4 or 5 episodes for the whole story. I've been watching the regenerations, though, or some of the fan favorites.

Human Ranger

My Current Challenge

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I know it seems so unlikely but most of the adult beginner blogs I read are all ballet dancers or starters on Pointe, who are a lot older then myself. I can post links to those blogs if you like :) I only know of few dance related blogs that encompass all types of dance:




Belly dancing seems like so much, how did you get started? Oh yay! Another Doctor Who fan, it's been hard for me to catch up on all the recent Doctors who’s. I haven't been as interested as last season but I'm hoping to catch up on them soon :)

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Thanks for those sites--I spent all day reading them. Lots of great advice and inspiration.

I started belly dancing when I walked into a store and the owner happened to be a belly dance teacher who gave classes in her store. The first class I took was an advanced class, so I have no idea why I kept going back, but I've been doing it ever since!

The last Who season was a shorter season than usual (only 7 episodes), but the next half is starting up next month! Have you ever watched Torchwood?

Human Ranger

My Current Challenge

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