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Greetings all. I am Alicia. I like to banter.

Background! Been overweight to the point of obese for the majority of my life. Got that turned around four years ago when I said f--- this and changed.

Burnt out about a year later, but in significantly better shape, which I've kept at relatively the same level since, sometimes better, sometimes worse.

My goal setting was not fantastic. Well, to start it was--I wanted to have the same pant size as my sister. Once I got there, I wasn't satisfied, but never came up with a new goal to achieve. I have a Marilyn body type, and it's tough to say "I want these measurements" without knowing if they're feasible or not. And weight, pfft. I don't care what my weight is. Yes, there is fat I'd like to drop, yes there is muscle I'd like to build. I just couldn't figure out a good way to make it a goal that I'd be passionate in pursuing. 'Til yesterday.

(cue devious grin)

I've been enamored with pull ups since third grade when I watched one of the guys in my class bang out a dozen before losing his breath, while I could barely do an eighth of one. Well, I'm in Italia right now, and won't be back state side til October 27th. 86 days. At that time, I will be pulling a full up. Hell yeah.

Plans! I will be following dairy-friendly Paleo with occasional breaks. I'm in Italy. I'm a trained chef. If you think I'm not eating any grains or sugar while I'm here, then... you should reevaluate that thought. BTdubs, I'm totally counting coffee as Paleo-friendly. I'm caffeine-immune, and I love my espresso. I'll most likely be drinking a glass of wine at night as well. Yep, that may slow down fat loss. Nope, not gonna get hung up on it. The pull up is what matters, not the waist measurement. If I have to be stronger to pull a little more weight? Gee darn. ;)

I will be doing bodyweight exercise to start things off and increasing difficulty daily. Thinking of adding in walk/sprints once I'm in the groove.

For the Horde!

I mean... rebellion...

Do. Or do not. There is no try. --Yoda

Nobody believes your excuses except for you.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. --C.C. Scott

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Oh gosh I wish I was in Italy right now. Roma especially, so much pre-season football to be watching right now! I totally want to start doing pull ups, but we don't have a bar here in my apartment gym and my doors don't accommodate a pull up bar. And I love that you've accepted your body shape. That's something I know a lot of people can't get over - not being able to change your genes, etc.

Anyway, welcome to the rebellion before I talk your ears (or eyeballs I guess) off!

"The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it."

— Thucydides

An Amazon in Training - Fitblr & Progress. Food Buffed - Food Photography. Advised by Zeus - Personal Tumblr.

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Thanks guys!

Antiope, do you have a playground nearby with monkeybars? Mine pull up bar is in the states, but there's a park across the street with a jungle gym... I'm thinking I'll be putting some time in there! And I figure if there's something I don't like about the way I look, there's stuff I can do about it, and there's stuff that I can't, so may as well do what I can and not sweat over what I can't do anything about.

SuperVitali, I'll check them out! Thanks! I bet finding them here will be an adventure!

rcarper, I knew "lfg" from my days in WoW, but I definitely like the comic too! And I may have a hard road ahead, but boy, do I like a challenge!

Do. Or do not. There is no try. --Yoda

Nobody believes your excuses except for you.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. --C.C. Scott

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Antiope, do you have a playground nearby with monkeybars? Mine pull up bar is in the states, but there's a park across the street with a jungle gym... I'm thinking I'll be putting some time in there! And I figure if there's something I don't like about the way I look, there's stuff I can do about it, and there's stuff that I can't, so may as well do what I can and not sweat over what I can't do anything about.

Pft I never thought of that. That would be a really good idea if it wasn't so hot and oppressively humid outside by 5 am every morning. But that's definitely something I'll keep in mind for the future!

"The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it."

— Thucydides

An Amazon in Training - Fitblr & Progress. Food Buffed - Food Photography. Advised by Zeus - Personal Tumblr.

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Oooo, you could sneak out to do pull ups in the middle of the night! You could wear a mask and a cape and call yourself the Monkeybar Bandit!

Or not. Maybe that would be weird. But I'd totally do it!

Do. Or do not. There is no try. --Yoda

Nobody believes your excuses except for you.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. --C.C. Scott

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I think we need to start a pull up quest thread over in the barbarian guild's bodyweight section!

And Red Green is totally not too nerdy. Though I suppose it's strange that my favorite bit was The Man's Prayer...

Do. Or do not. There is no try. --Yoda

Nobody believes your excuses except for you.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. --C.C. Scott

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LOL well both of you ladies have went up numerous ranks in my book.


Dare I say we have...leveled up??

Sorry couldn't help it!

Haha! Love it!

And... http://nerdfitness.com/community/showthread.php?4181-To-all-who-seek-the-elusive-pull-up... !

Do. Or do not. There is no try. --Yoda

Nobody believes your excuses except for you.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. --C.C. Scott

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I am a big fan of going out in the middle of the night! Seriously No one will see me is I look TOTALLY dweeby, and I might as well admit it... sunlight is my bane. Besides If you act totally confident that you are SUPPOSED to be somewhere at 3 am... people stay clear because you are OBVIOUSLY one of the scary people LOL

*** please place your autograph on the line _____ ; so I can sell it on EBAY when you are famous ***

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