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Nomad returns to Base Camp - The New Beginning

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Hey everyone :-)

I stumbled on this site a few weeks ago and signed up for the '3 missions to awesome' series. Since then I've been glancing at the articles and telling myself (fairly halfheartedly, if I'm honest) that "I'll get on that! I'll do that right.... erm, later".

Short bio: I love to party. I love to eat, drink, and laze around far more than I should do. I spent a few years abroad (Norway & South Korea), and I've recently moved back to London, with the intent to transform (level up!?) my life, starting with 2 major goals. Spanish fluency & getting in shape. Why those two? Spanish: I travel a lot (+ I love spanish girls), and getting in shape: I'm a big (read: veeeery big) guy. I just don't want to be out of breath when climbing more than 2 flights of stairs any more. I'll develop this goal in time... but that's my starting point.

The article about Burnout really hit a chord with me. Since I moved back 4 months ago I've travelled (work & personal) extensively, and when I counted on Sunday I'd spent only 7 nights in my flat since March. 7 nights!!! I immediately took this week off work, and I'm using it to have a deep think about the practicalities of an impractical lifestyle. Deep, I know ;-)

Hopefully I can add some value here and also spur myself on. I'm looking forward to meeting you all and having some fun conversations along the way!

On that note: I'm off to the gym. Just have to clean the cobwebs from my membership card first :-)


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As a fellow new person to this forum I wanted to say welcome. It looks like you have started on the correct path in that you have had a realization that you want to change and you are taking the steps to change. Kudos on taking a week off from work. It sounds like you are an extremely busy person (and calling yourself as a returning nomad was very appropriate) as far as traveling goes so taking time off to relax and refocus are so important (at least in my personal experience) Heading off to the gym is also great. My only suggestion for you at the moment is make sure you make your goals as specific is possible and if you can give yourself milestones to meet. Then write them out for yourself. Whether you decide to share them here or elsewhere is a personal decision. As an example the goal of getting in shape while commendable is very broad and broad goals are harder to meet. Anyway welcome to the rebellion and good luck on setting goals and meeting them

Dr. WhoM

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Boy, your short bio sounds awesome! Just wish I could do that stuff in moderation or without the negative consequences...

I think your stair goal is an awesome start! I got my drive from something very similar when I first worked to get in shape. When you surpass your goal--and I think it'll be soon!--do your best to have a new goal waiting, even if it's three flights instead of two. That's where I got derailed last time. I didn't have follow up goals that really mattered to me. That invoked that competitive, primal need to beat the shit out of workouts, rip their pounding hearts from their battered chests and... Well. I guess what I'm trying to say is goals that fire you up and inspire passion are good.

Re: Spanish fluency, have you seen http://www.fluentin3months.com/? I found it a couple days ago and am commencing Esperanto studies tomorrow. In two weeks I'm starting Italian.

Enjoy your time off! Think deep thoughts and get centered! If you want us, we'll be here!

Do. Or do not. There is no try. --Yoda

Nobody believes your excuses except for you.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. --C.C. Scott

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Thanks for the great welcome guys.

I did head off to the gym last night and did an hour of strength training, upper body. My arms are killing me today, but totally worth it!

I'm heading off again in a few minutes and will get a lower body workout in. Then, home via the supermarket to stock up on some decent food.



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3rd day in a row at the gym and eating healthier. I've set myself the first weight loss goal, which equates to 7.6kg (I'm leaving the starting point offline for the moment).

I had a session with a PT today to show me how to lift properly, and get my squats straightened. He nailed me for an hour, and I'm currently in pain from head to toe; that's gotta be a good thing right?!!

Time for my weekly Spanish Lesson. Just finished my homework and feeling good about it.

Further updates soon...

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