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Hiya! I've been lurking for about a week... and also determining my level of commitment to myself. I've decided - Who better to invest in than myself?

1st order of business was that I stubbed out the cigarettes. I'm 36 hours smoke-free! It's a great first step because I have always had the thought in the back of my mind "What's the point of dedicating time to eating healthy and bustin' my butt if I'm killing myself smoking?"

It's about self-respect. I've decided to treat my body the way I want my daughter to treat hers. I deserve it!

Since that's all out on the table... time to move on.

I have gone on and off "diets" before. I never stick with them because a) I was uneducated on how nutrition works and B) I'm not prepared.

So far I am approaching Week 2 of clean-eating. I feel GREAT! No more Diet Coke (used to drink 2-3 day), No added sugar, etc. etc. etc.

Part of the way I distract myself with quitting smoking is I take all my old favorite recipes, clean them up and rewrite them in a notebook. I have 2 sections: "Keepers" and "On the Chopping Block." I try new recipes everyday and I find it adventurous and exciting!

As far as fitness is concerned I have been walking hills an hour per day 3-4 times a week for a month. In the past week I have added free weights. I am still negotiating my way are the gym. I'm starting to be less scared of the boys in the weight room and more confident with what I am doing and where I am going.

So that's the abbreviated story of me. Thanks for reading!

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My best advice for being afraid of the gym grunter boys...just ignore them. They're most likely ignoring you anyway and I use to have that mindset as well until I realized that no one was looking at me. Occassionally I get the little high school student who's like "OH RED HEAD WITH GLASSES" thing but I just take it as a compliment. Everyone who comes to the gym has some body issue believe it or not and they're probably thinking more along the lines of "Wow, comrade at arms!" rather then "Why is she here?"

Put your chin up, shoulders back, walk tall amongst your fellow grunters and don't hesitate to ask the gym personal for tips on how to get the most out of your gym session with the free weights.

~"A bruise is a lesson, and lessons make us better"~

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Hello there, Yankee, I just want to congratulate on quitting the cigarettes... I'm a pack-and-a-half-a-day smoker for last 10 years, so I know how you feel... I'll be following your steps very soon... I'm already down to half-pack a day...

Good luck with your diet (I just hate Coke, and all other junk filled with sugar or artificial sweeteners), and good luck with your work-outs...

P.S. I have quit smoking once for six months... Best days in last ten years, I'll tell you that... ;)


"Live hard, die hard and love hard in between. 'Cuz tomorrow ain't promised and today is slipping away..."

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I LOVE what you said about self-respect! Totally worth it, totally deserved!

Also, I think what you're doing with old recipes is awesome--I may swipe the idea from you...

And congratulations on kicking the habit! I've had a lot of friends try and fail, but I think you have the motivation and mindset needed to be done for good! And I bet those hills will get easier because of it.

My guess is the boys in the weight room will think it's great to have a girl in there with them, and they'll probably be a wealth of information and willing spotters too!

Do. Or do not. There is no try. --Yoda

Nobody believes your excuses except for you.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. --C.C. Scott

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After posting I thought of million other things about me that I could/should share. So briefly...

I got my BA from UW in 2008 and couldn't find a job. Went to the local community college and earned my Paralegal Pro- Certificate. I started working for a law firm in Bremerton, WA as an intern, then a paralegal, now a research assistant. My story reminds me a Steve's post about being burned out. I HATED HATED HATED being a paralegal. It was all organizational and no brains. So I asked if there was a way to "re-purpose" my role in the firm. Turns out the partners weren't exactly thrilled with my paralegal skills either but were more than happy to keep me on in research since I have an uncanny knack for (legally) digging up dirt about defense witnesses.

Since then the Army (my husband's employer) moved us to the middle of the desert in Yuma, AZ. More specifically Yuma Proving Ground. I live in a compound with approx 150 homes, 20 miles from any civilization and 35 miles from a decent mall.

Talk about CHANGE! Seattle/Tacoma, WA to Desert Compound. It's inspiring though. Life was turned upside down and all shook up. Now the pieces are falling were they will and the future looks bright.

My job agreed to let me telecommute... so I put in 40 hrs/week at the computer. I find this liberating. I am not subjected to the temptations of their food pantry (stocked entirely by Costco) and no one looks at me weird if I randomly start doing squats or pushups next to my desk (Well maybe the cat thinks I'm insane but she chases her tail incessantly and then cries when she bites it - so her opinion of me is taken with a grain of salt :) )

last bit: I have two beautiful children. 6yo girl and almost 3yo boy. Moving have changed my schedule from being out of the house 55 hrs/week to only having to put my son in daycare 15 hrs/wk and being about to greet my daughter when she comes home from school.

I feel this move has been a gift. A way to shake things up and focus on what truly matters. Work matters to me only in that I enjoy intellectual and being challenged. I enjoy helping out our clients. But in the end, what matters is my family, God and myself. (no particular order... it changes daily ;) )

I think I wrote a book but it feels good to type it all out. Off to type out some goals so I have people yelling at me if I get lazy.

One LAST thing: What do i bring to the Nerd Fitness Rebellion?

Well, I'm not incredibly knowledgeable in any aspect of fitness or nutrition but I am pretty good for a pat on the back, encouragement and a kick in the drawers, if need be. Oh and I clean up some killer recipes. (Not always paleo but natural, yummy goodness)

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