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If forums had doors, I would be smashing through one right now. WARRIOR REPORTING IN.

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I guess I should start off with an introduction, you know, cause this is the introductions forum.  Also it should be noted I have rewrote this about 5 times because I feel like a wrestling announcer when introducing myself at 1 AM.

So I should start off with who I am, what I do, what I want, and the works.

The name is Rich, 26 years old.  I grew up on a farm in Tennessee but never really took to the farming life.  Yes I was well versed in almost every aspect, but i'm a nerd and I could only get so much entertainment from feeding cattle at 5 AM.  I took to a relatively reclusive life of PC gaming, everything from MUDs, to shooters, to MMOs.  This coupled with the fact the nearest person my age was over an hour walk, I got a bit "husky" in my teens.  Like I assume many of us here, I played dungeons and dragons 3.5 fairly regularly and got sucked into the heroin that is WoW.  It was around college I started to get...... big. 380lbs big.  I graduated college with my bachelors in Criminal Justice with a concentration in the Study of Terrorism and a minor in Photojournalism.  After two to three years of not being able to find a job in my field and working as a delivery driver for a semi truck parts company, I decided to pursue another interest of mine.  I packed my bags and moved to Seattle, home of aerospace machinists.  Now I am an apprentice in a conventional machining shop, running machines that are 40 years older than me and learning a real skill and trade.

As things are today, I am 6'2" and weigh 336lbs.  This has to change and I have no more excuses for not doing it.  6'2" is not a normal height for anyone and I really would like to be down to 5'9" by the end of the year.  No, but seriously, i'm done being a fatty.  My goal is to be around 250 and have much more muscle mass (alliteration, awww yeah.)  If that means that I have to fight tooth and nail and work out every single day, then I am truly willing to do it.  I am not here to make excuses.  I am not here to look for a pity party or someone to tell me that "its okay, it isn't YOUR fault you got fat."  Yes it is, no one forced the fork into my mouth. 

My biggest fear with this is failure, so I am not willing to accept it. My other concerns may seem trivial, but I hope some of you might be able to shine some light on them.
First:  I worry about saggy skin.  Yes yes, I know, its going to happen, and it probably wont ever go back to being fully normal without some kind of surgery.
Second:  I find myself getting very winded, very quickly.  I recently quit smoking around 2 months ago, so I know that this will only get better, but I tend to push myself too hard.

Well, this has probably gone on long enough.  I look forward to talking to you all soon, and I hope to become a member of what seems to be an amazing community.

Race: Orc
Class: Warrior

Motive: Destroy all set before me.

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I like your style! I recognise many parts of what you're writing about, worrying about failiure most of all. It's probably my greatest fear as well, when it comes to health and lifestyle. Fear not though, you'll find plenty of support here, and I'll be the first one to report for support duty! I wish you great luck on your quest, and I look forward to seeing your outline of your main quest, goals and side quests! (Assuming you're going to do the RL RPG) :D

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Chubby Half Elf - Adventurer

Level 0

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Challenge 1 | 2 | 3

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Welcome Rich! I know the heroine of WoW, I have an extra 70lbs and several fewer friends because of it! You can do whatever you set your mind to! When you are dead lifting your body weight, or whatever you want to do to get in shape, some extra skin will only be a battle scar to be proud of. Love yourself, show your love through making yourself as healthy and happy as possible, and as long as you can do that, there is no failure. :)

Keep in touch! :)

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Level 6.5 Female Druid/Celtic Goddess
(Str. - 14) (Dex. - 10) (Sta. - 11) (Con. - 10) (Wis. - 11) (Char. - 13)

My Most Recent Challenge!


Awake every morning and do your best to follow this daily To-Do List:

1. Think Positively 2. Eat Healthy 3. Exercise Today. 4. Worry Less. 5. Work Hard. 6. Laugh Often. 7. Sleep Well.

Then? Repeat...

"Promise me you will always remember: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
RIP C.H. aka. TexasToast


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Welcome to Seattle. Welcome to NF.


That winded thing...I used to get winded walking up a few flights of stairs. I mostly attribute my experience to carrying around extra weight.  Since losing 30#, I find that my body doesn't have to work so hard and therefore I don't get winded. I added some cardio to my daily routine and that helps out too. You may get a few different perspectives, but this is just mine.


I look forward to seeing your posts and hearing about your progress.



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Sorry for the late replies, I have been crazy busy this week.

I like your style! I recognise many parts of what you're writing about, worrying about failiure most of all. It's probably my greatest fear as well, when it comes to health and lifestyle. Fear not though, you'll find plenty of support here, and I'll be the first one to report for support duty! I wish you great luck on your quest, and I look forward to seeing your outline of your main quest, goals and side quests! (Assuming you're going to do the RL RPG) :D

So I've been tossing about this battle plan for a while now but I haven't had the raw funds to do it.  I am going back to doing a High Fat Low Carb diet.  It is how I initially lost my first bit of weight and I am going to institute this to get myself down to around 240lb.  I am cutting my diet to around 1000-1400 calories a day and exercising about 4-5 times a week.  I have all my meals currently planned out, and im going to be spending around $200 a month on food, which I much better than I have been spending for the past year.  Lots of veggies, lots of meat, and lots of exercise.  


You'll find everyone here is generally pretty awesome.  Planning your food seems way more boring but that's going to be how to change your weight.  Food is 80%, Exercise is about 20%.  Everyone is afrad of failure but how you pick yourself up afterwards is what counts.  Welcome.

Ive already let myself know that failing is going to happen, I will slip and I will trip but I have to keep my eyes on the goal and get moving forward.  This is something I am wanting to tackle hard and I want to destroy the problems in front of me.  It seems like the people are really awesome and Im looking forward to working with them.


Welcome Rich! I know the heroine of WoW, I have an extra 70lbs and several fewer friends because of it! You can do whatever you set your mind to! When you are dead lifting your body weight, or whatever you want to do to get in shape, some extra skin will only be a battle scar to be proud of. Love yourself, show your love through making yourself as healthy and happy as possible, and as long as you can do that, there is no failure. :)

Keep in touch! :)

While I do dabble in WoW occationally when my friends and I get a wild idea to go back to it, I have pretty much given it up.  I am so into dead lifting but I am so out of shape in the moment I believe I am going to start by just doing the body weight exercises until I can get my stamina back into HS football and hockey shape.  I worry about things still like the loose skin and it mainly stems from being tired of having "manboobs."  While I will wear my stomach like a battle scar, for my own sanity im going to HAVE to do something about my chest.  Thanks for the words of encouragement and I hope to see both of us shed that dreaded Blizzard weight.


Welcome to Seattle. Welcome to NF.


That winded thing...I used to get winded walking up a few flights of stairs. I mostly attribute my experience to carrying around extra weight.  Since losing 30#, I find that my body doesn't have to work so hard and therefore I don't get winded. I added some cardio to my daily routine and that helps out too. You may get a few different perspectives, but this is just mine.


I look forward to seeing your posts and hearing about your progress.



Awesome!  I want to mainly stay with weight lifting but I am not opposed to doing the occational walking or running.  I have been considering buying myself an exercise bike so that I can park in front of the TV some nights and play games or watch movies.  I am not going to give up my gaming time because it is my only real hobby at the moment.  I used to race cars in SCCA but money got tight and I had to sell off all my cars and toys.  Hope to hear from you all soon and that you all have a wonderful 2014!

My middle name is Baeddan, which means Little Boar in welsh.  I plan to live up to this name.

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1000-1400 calories / day and working out 4-5x a week sounds like a crazy big calorie deficit to hold up. Not trying to bash you down, but isn't that a bit too extreme? We wouldn't want anyone starving themselves, really. Even if 1400 calories was after accounting for the workouts it's still quite a low count, especially for a man and a person of your numbers (both height and weight). Just be careful :)

Chubby Half Elf - Adventurer

Level 0

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Challenge 1 | 2 | 3

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1000-1400 calories / day and working out 4-5x a week sounds like a crazy big calorie deficit to hold up. Not trying to bash you down, but isn't that a bit too extreme? We wouldn't want anyone starving themselves, really. Even if 1400 calories was after accounting for the workouts it's still quite a low count, especially for a man and a person of your numbers (both height and weight). Just be careful :)

I am going to be keeping my nutrient counts high by eating lots of super-foods and taking supplements.  Once I am in ketosis I am going to be running on my spare tank and things will be a bit easier.  I know where I am going to be deficient in my minerals and vitamins so I am going to be making sure I am getting all of them.  My older diet I ate on average around 800cal a day and I actually felt really good.  One of the things that really helps me is that I am unable to quench my thirst, I have been this way since I was very very little.  I can continuously drink water until I am bloated and still be thirsty, so I keep my self very very hydrated. (also I have been tested for diabetes, it is always comes back clear.  No doctor has ever been able to tell me why I am this way.)

In addition to this, I am lucky to have friends and a girlfriend who are nutritionists and I have cleared this diet with my doctor to make sure I am not being too extreme.  He said if I ever feel sick to just add a few more calories into my diet and see if that picks it up.  Thank you very much for your concern and I will make sure to take care of myself.  I don't want to hurt myself and I am being very careful.

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Oh well then, I'm no doctor so I will approve of your doctor's bill of clearance :D


It's interesting with the thirst thing because I'm the complete opposite. I almost never ever feel thirsty, at the most maybe once every two weeks. This has made it so that I never drink water, like ever. To be honest, a lot of people are worried I'm super dehydrated since I don't even drink to my meals most of the time. About once every 2 weeks, I get this craving for water, like crazy. And I drink two huge glasses in no time and then I'm good for another two weeks, haha. I never even bothered taking it up with the doctors because I just figured that as long as it doesn't make me sick, who am I to complain :P

Chubby Half Elf - Adventurer

Level 0

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Challenge 1 | 2 | 3

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Here is my 5 day a week meal plan for anyone interested.

Breakfast:  Keto Green Smoothie (Spinach, Old Fashion Peanut Butter, Unsweetened vanilla almond milk)

Calories: 255
Fat: 19.6g
Fiber: 5.4g
Net Carbs: 4.8g
Protein: 10g

Lunch:  Pork Taco lettuce wraps (Ground pork, No sugar taco seasoning, Romaine lettuce, Cheddar cheese, salsa, sour cream)

Calories: 652

Fat: 51g
Fiber: 1g
Net Carbs: 3g

Protein: 38g

Dinner:  Baked chicken thighs (bone in chicken thigh, cheddar cheese, bacon, sour cream, green veggie)


Calories: 691
Fat: 45g
Fiber: 1g

Net Carbs: 1g
Protein: 70g




Total Calories per day: 1605

Calories from fat: 1076

Calories from protein: 478

Total grams of fat per day: 106g

Total grams of net carbs per day: 7.8
Total grams of fiber per day: 7.4
Total grams of protein per day: 118g

Fat: 67.4%
Protein: 27.31%
Carbs: 5.29%


Weekly grocery purchases are anywhere from $40-$65 depending on ability to purchase in bulk vs sales.

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