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Yo, my name is noah, and i have already made drastic lifestyle changes. I was in a car accident on thanksgiving 2011, and I realized that life is short, and I needed to get my life together. So, I put my body into physical shock therapy. I went from smoking daily, and drinking A LOT, to no drinking and or smoking. I started running a mile a day, then I started running the stairs and a mile at my community college. After a while, I was running anywhere from 1-5 miles a day, and I had increased my average time. When I partied, I could probably run an 8.5-9 minute mile. Once I started working out, I cut my time back to 6 minutes, my average before I partied. Then, as the weather improved, I would go and play a few games of basketball, and then run/jog a mile as a cool down. Around mid-April 2011, I started riding my bicycle 15 miles a day, and lifting weights, just to get toned. I was riding at least 60 miles a week. Now, for the upcoming semester, I will be riding 75 miles, a week. Not too shabby. I have also been able to double my daily bike ride to 30 ought miles. I have cut down on drinking, but unfortunately, I find myself having a beer or two, and an unfortunate, rare binger. I really need to cut it, but I figure that going at least 15 miles a day on a bike is pretty good exercise. I have also changed my dietary habits, since I read a book by Eric Schlosser, called FAST FOOD NATION, in 2008. I no longer consume fast food, and I rely primarily now on fruits and water. I do enjoy a few tortillas here and there, along with some meat and veggies, but I am pretty consistent with my diet. No more junk food either. Gotta get back in shape, after partying hard for the previous 5 years. Also, I enjoy hiking and exploring new cities, on foot. I just got back from 'Frisco, and Yosemite, and I walked at least 15 miles a day in 'Frisco, and had a casual day in Yosemite, around 12 miles and an afternoon bouldering session. Everything is running smoothly, and I am trying to form a group of friends and or individuals who can match my physical capacity. Out with the old, in with the new! Game on! Ha. And thanks, for embracing me with open arms to nerdfitness. Later

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Welcome to the cause! I think it's great that you're looking for a friend group you can be active with. Any other goals you're pursuing?

Do. Or do not. There is no try. --Yoda

Nobody believes your excuses except for you.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. --C.C. Scott

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yea, I have other plans. I need to get out california's central valley, and pursue my education. I want to teach history, maybe english, and maybe philosophy down the road. I also want to join the peace corps/americorps/cityyear. But, yea, my first goal is to get my AA in history and move to the California coastline. Id bike to school/work, something I already do, run on the beach, and finish up with a dip in the ocean. Good times. Yourself?

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