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I've got the Monday blues. It's not been a particularly good day.


For a start, I'm back at work. I'm rather glad of this in a sense, as the Christmas break has utterly bewildered my brain's sense of what day it is. Having a routine again is a big help. But that's not the problem.


I've started practising the keyboard. I had piano lessons back at school but it's been twenty years since I seriously did anything with a keyboard and I'm horribly out of step with it all. My aim is half an hour, three times a week. I have some sheet music and a keyboard. Today was my second session - I've taken a step back from the piece I was practising last time and selected a simpler one. Much as I know this is the right thing for me to do at the moment, I'm still disappointed.


I've resumed my chin-up training this morning. I have lost ground over Christmas. Now I need to work myself back up again.


And I'm attempting to move my blog to its own hosting, a task that has proven Herculean. It still isn't done, despite much time and money, and the latest step failed to take my payment several times before my bank telephoned me to check I wasn't being defrauded. I'm despairing of ever getting this working, though I am now stepped in blood so far that to turn back would be as tedious as to go ere...


Tonight's run should have helped to brighten me up. And it might have done, if I'd managed a decent one. Unfortunately some rather nasty stitches on both sides at once limited my run to a mere ten minutes. Barely more than a mile. Glad I got out at all, but again, disappointing.


Everything is going badly and I'm questioning why I'm even bothering. But somehow, I'm still going. Tomorrow I'll get that damned website moving, get my work done, make some progress.


Screw Monday. Bring on Tuesday.

What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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Good news, bro. It's Tuesday! 


Think of it like this:

  • You've taken up the keyboard: keep up with your practicing and you'll be able to do the tougher piece (and even harder ones!) If you never even touched the thing you wouldn't even be able to play the simple one
  • You went back to your chin-up training: so many people let stuff slip over Christmas and never return to it. You've scored massive points right there
  • You ran a mile. It might not be what you're used to but I know maths, and 1 mile > 0 miles

Monday's gone, welcome to Tuesday, now go smash it.

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Tuesday was a day of rest. Well, mostly. I did get on with some proofreading work that I've been neglecting.

Today I did more of this, hit the pull-up bar again, and more keyboard practice. This went better.

And I've raised a support call about my website issues. That too is getting somewhere now.

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What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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