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Transforming like Captain America...

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...except I'm a girl, and there isn't a magic machine to do it for me.

Anyway, hello!

I'm Sarah, 21, and stumbled across NF from MDA.

I guess my weight loss journey begins about 4 years ago when I stepped on the scale and was 182 lbs. At 5'10" I wasn't overweight but I certainly wasn't a pretty sight. Over the next year and a bit I got down to 144 through "healthy" eating.

I went off to university thin, which was what I wanted, but as soon as I started drinking regularly and not eating quite as well as I had been the weight started creeping back.

In my second year I joined a rugby team in a bid to get fit and healthy, but unsurprisingly training twice a week can't counterbalance eating shit. Next thing you know I was about 174lbs which is where I stuck. I did brief periods of healthy eating but that was short lived.

So fast forward to the beginning of this year and CrossFit. I joined a CF gym in February, but was still really struggling with eating. I tried Zone and hated it so that went out the window.

Then I discovered Primal Blueprint/Paleo and it made sense. But yet again there was slipping in and out of my old habits while I finished uni and just not taking responsibility for my own eating.

I've moved home now and have been following pale properly for about 4 weeks and have lost 6lbs; it was 8 but I was ill and went on a bit of a bender.

I started a Whole30 on monday and now I'm in it for the long haul. I like eating this way and want to continue to do so!

I've joined a new CF gym and feel like I'm making real progress which I wasn't at the last one for some reason.

I don't really have a weight goal, I just know HOW I want to look. Also I'm moving to Canada in just over 7 weeks and I'd like to be starting to lose weight by then.

Congratulations if you've read this far and see you around the forum :)

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Because there's nothing for me here currently. No jobs going that I would want to do, considering I have a decent degree, so going to go see a bit of the world. Canada from October - April (hello skiing lots and lots!), then down to Australia to be an au pair after that. if I like either of those places enough I may settle there permanently.

In hindsight Captain America may have been the wrong choice. Captain Britain exists (I think)...the again maybe I should be aiming for a physique like Catwoman or something.

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Welcome! I like the idea of transforming like Captain America, but actually working for it, which is even more awesome and superhero-worthy, in my opinion!

All that traveling sounds like a blast! What area of Australia will you be staying in? I recently met a couple from Adelaide who came to the States to do some competitive cycling this summer and from what they told me, Australia is awesome (as if there were ever any doubt of the fact!).

"The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war." - Unknown


"The victorious warrior wins first, then goes to war; the defeated warrior first goes to war, then seeks to win." - Sun Tzu

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Have you considered Harley Quinn? She does have the better costume after all. Also where aboot in Canada are you moving too? Oh, Welcome to the forums by the way! : D

Oooh, good point!

Banff! Got a phone interview tonight for a job out there housekeeping - glamorous! But it'll pay for my CF and Paleo habits.

Welcome! I like the idea of transforming like Captain America, but actually working for it, which is even more awesome and superhero-worthy, in my opinion!

All that traveling sounds like a blast! What area of Australia will you be staying in? I recently met a couple from Adelaide who came to the States to do some competitive cycling this summer and from what they told me, Australia is awesome (as if there were ever any doubt of the fact!).

Hells yea!

Melbourne. I'm excited! Plus going to get my 6 year old cousin who is totally badass to do CF kids!

Welcome to the Rebellion! I completely know the feeling about going to college thin and having that all change once you get there - I had a very similar experience. I also recently started Crossfit and paleo. Let us know how we can help you reach your goals!

Yeah - all the hard work then 'oooh beer and takeaways'. It doesn't end well!

Cheers :)

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