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Time to live the life I want

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Age: 23

Height: 5'5"

Weight 150-155

Why I am here:

Honestly, I don't like where I am right now in my life and I don't like where it seems to be heading. Not just with my fitness level, but with all portions of my life. I love that NF is more than just a fitness site, but a site for improving all aspects of a person's life. I'm still young by most accounts so it is time to live the life I want instead of the life I am living.

Fitness Goals:

1)Get down to 140

Why: I'm not really that overweight, but I have started to notice that I've started to put on some pounds. 140 I see being an ideal wieght for my height and build.

2)Learn Parkour

Why: I play soccer and curling which both need endurance, flexibility, and strength. Parkour seems to hit all three pretty hard and let's face it, Parkour just looks awesome.

Diet Goals:

1)Cut out soda

Why: I have no use for it. This isn't ambitious at all as I drink maybe 3-4 a month, but it is time to just cut it out all togther.

2)Paleo 3 days a week

Why: My diet is actually fairly decent as I cook 90% of my meals. I do want to use the principles of the Paleo Diet to ensure I keep cooking good healthy food.

Personal (Life) Goals:

Note: These are more immediate goals rather than "Bucket List" goals. Those will come in a future post.

1) Finish Business Plan

Why: Time to start the business (Brewery) that I have been thinking about for most of my adult life. This is step 1.

2) Meet more people

Why: I am comically shy and I hate it. I refuse to live as a hermit for my life, so it is time to go out and meet the world.

3) Launch "American Cask"

This will be a educational/advocacy web site for Cask Ale in America that I've been thinking about for a while. Time to stop thinking and start doing.

4) Embrace my geekness

Why: I have been a geek my whole life, but as I grew up I pushed it further and further inside since I just wanted to be normal. Normal isn't fun and life is better lived true to yourself with those that hold similar interests.

Ambitious? Maybe.

Doable? Definitely!

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Welcome to Nerd Fitness!

155 really doesn't sound like a bad weight. It's entirely possible in this case that cutting down your body fat percentage will give you the look that you want and keep you at the same weight.

As for diet soda, I'm going on two weeks without any diet soda (my weaknesses were diet coke and diet a&w). It'll really suck for a couple days. And I mean, really, really suck. But if you stick through it for a week, it gets a hell of a lot better with time.

As for meeting more people, this place is a good start. As for confidence, there's a good article on this here:


Anyhow, welcome, and best of luck!

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Welcome aboard! I love that you already come here with goals in mind and ways to get there, that is great! To start off I'd look around and read Steve's articles that interest you and ASK QUESTIONS. There are so many great voices on here that its a great way to get to where you want to be.

Semper Gumby-Always FlexiblePain is weakness leaving the body.FITOCRACY

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Thanks! I have a small-medium build so the 155 kinda hangs on me, especially around the middle. I'll have to look into the whole body fat % thing as I don't know much about it or how to attack it.

I've read the article on confidence and I'm trying to start integrating those into my daily life. The 5th recommendation though is the hardest for me, I've been living in my head for years. Changing that will take a lot of effort.


The goal have never really been the problem, the motivation has been. Hoping that through the site and this community, I can keep myself motivated.

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