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...And now everything is the same but everything is different.




With a new challenge starting, I finally decided to come out of lurkerdom.   So, hello!  


A (not so quick) introduction: I'm a 30 year old female geek and my interest range from chemistry (which I have my PhD in) to comics of all sorts (which I sadly do not have a PhD in).  I started following the Nerd Fitness blog a few years ago and have been reading through the forums for a few months. The level up your life concept has always appealed to me, and when I recently started thinking about it in context of my own life, I was naturally drawn to my favorite video game series: The Legend of Zelda.  And as many of you may know, after beating several of the Zelda games, you have the option to go back and play it again with modifications.  That pretty much describes where I am now with regards to fitness.


For some background, I'm about to hit two major weight loss anniversaries.  On March 18th, it will be 4 years since I made my first active step towards changing my weight and health, when I joined Curves.  At the time I weighed 250 lbs.  And in April, it will be 2 years since I hit 150.  I've lost a little more since then, but mentally, that is when I defeated Ganon and won the game.  


Now, though, my goals are quite different than they were when I lost my first 100.  In the past 2 years I've been working on improving my fitness.  I've run a 10 k, danced the night away, and squatted 175 lbs, none of which I could imagine doing when I first hit 150, much less when I was at 250.  New goals, however, bring new challenges and in some ways I really do feel like I started over.  That's not necessarily a bad things, but it is something I that I'm dealing with.  There are so many new things to learn and a lot of baggage left to unpack.    


Like I said, I've been lurking around the forums for a while and I was so happy to see such a variety of goals and paths.  All the differences in the posters made me think that maybe there could be room for one more in me :)  And maybe there might even be a few people in a similar position.  So, once again hello, and I look forward to getting to know you guys.



For the upcoming challenge:  I plan to focus on improving my lifting abilities while I lean out a little more.  Hopefully by the end of the challenge I will be ready to try my hand at my first bulk.      


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Hail Flashfacts(stolen from Seeker), welcome to the Rebellion! As the name says, I am the King of Lame and, I must say, I am impressed by your acomplishments so far. I know that wasn't an easy path but one worth all the heartache I'm sure. I look forward to hearing about you furthering your advancements.

Now onto the really important stuff!

You say you're a comic book fan, as am I, and as an everlasting question to all comic book fans I must ask: Favorite Hero and Villain?
DC or Marvel, it matters not.


Cin vhetin. Ca'nara at am, vod!


Race: Gallifreyan.

Class: Vigilante (Ranger/ Assassin/ Monk)

Current Class: Assassin

Level: 3 Level Per Class: 2/ 1/ 0
STR: 4 DEX: 4
STA: 6 CON: 6
WIS: 4 CHA: 5


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A_Seeker, The King of Lame, hi!    Wow, I really didn't expect to take so long before posting here again, but I also didn't expect to be running around my local university's library all last night making photocopies of texts books like I was in grad school again.  I love my job, but I thought I had gotten all my nights back when I decided to go into industry and not academia!


A_Seeker, I checked out your posts and you seem to have a good plan and know what you want, so I have faith in you that you are going to hit your goals.  And you icon makes me want to reread my DBZ manga >.>


The King of Lame, thanks!  (And thank you for your service).  I also snooped on your profile (obviously), and while I'm a barbell girl for now, I love to see and hear about people advancing with body weight training, so good luck!


And yes, the important questions.  In the interest of sharing and open communication (and cheating) I'm going to add a few categories for my favorite hero.  First, though, my favorite villain is Magneto.  His allegiance of course tends to vacillate, but I've always enjoyed him both as a character and a foil for the X-men.  


Now, for the heroes.  My favorite team is the original X-men, especially Iceman, Beast and Angel.  They, along with Spidergirl, got me into comics when I was a teen, and I still try to follow what they are up to.  Young Avengers, though, is a close second for teams.  My favorite stand alone hero is Captain America.  I'm a bit of a history buff, and Cap's man out of time issues are really interesting to me.  Everything from growing up in the depression to missing the 50s entirely can give him a really interesting perspective.  And to be honest, I find a character who generally does the right thing because it is the right thing to do really refreshing.  For DC, I was pretty into Batman for a while, and had a big soft spot for the Robins.  

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Mayday Parker, Batman, Cap and the Robins? A lady after my own heart.

You have good taste, Flash, I like that.

Magneto is a great character. Not one I connected with  like Spider-man, and Gambit or Nightcrawler, but one I can respect for his ideals, deadication and commitment to his cause. Him and Charles are one of my favorite relationships in the all comic book universes.

I am a big fan of Spider-man, Doctor Strange, Batman, Dick Grayson, Gambit, Nightcrawler and Rogue. When I was in Basic Training I was known as ComiCon for being the resident well Comic book knowledge.  
Nightwing and Spider-man are my most favorite Heroes.

What about Iceman, Beast and Angel do you like best? I can think of why you like Beast though.

Are you excited for Winter Soldier?

Also, I love talking about the moral standings and possible conflicts chracters have in situations. Much like the Superman versus Batman argument. It is a really interesting topic, if you really think about it.


I look forward to hearing about your progress and wish you a tough but successful challenge.


Cin vhetin. Ca'nara at am, vod!


Race: Gallifreyan.

Class: Vigilante (Ranger/ Assassin/ Monk)

Current Class: Assassin

Level: 3 Level Per Class: 2/ 1/ 0
STR: 4 DEX: 4
STA: 6 CON: 6
WIS: 4 CHA: 5


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