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so there's this fish... *edit #3*

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(edited for rambling... =) )

(and then edited again cause I was board, and less sleepy)

Hellos all!

Long time stalker, first time writer, thus going through a couple edits on my introduction here...

made it to the end of the last edit only to lose power on my computer... oh the joy. So here goes again!

I'm Luke (insert parental joke here. It's ok. I'm used to it.) going to change my name soon as my 150 days are up... thought I was siging up for an account name, not a screen name. oops...

Grew up fat, grew up nerd( Tolkien to Star Wars to old school Battlestar Galactica and The Last Starfighter, growing into Final Fantasy RPGs, Warcraft I, II and III, then just booming in all directions.) , loved it...sometimes... not. Hated the idea of running, of the gym, mostly because it was never ever fun for me. This turned into the "freshman 15 (40)" when I hit college, and lived off the golden ambrosia of mt dew, and lots of noodles... smoking probably didn't help either.

Flash forward more then a couple years... ups and downs, one honest attempt at going to the gym and getting in shape, during which I learned to love 2 important things- sprints, and heavy weights. then life swallowed me whole again... (gagged a bit going down, but it managed to swallow me nonetheless)

Now, I'm a parent (2boys) and realizing how much the older one is following in my footsteps health and self-image wise... and how badly I don't want him to.

Combine this knowledge with a wealth of over-done over-analyzed research (I'm a research junkie/lore junkie/walking encyclopedia of geekery. =) ), and you have me- Paramedic, Pre nursing student, Parent, Nerd. ( happy new husband of 3 months, and proud new owner of a 3.7 acre farm.. and 62 chickens. and 2 ducks. .. thanks wife...) And you can make jokes about how I usually play healers in MMOs...

So I started looking for support, found this site, and figure there might be some like minded people who will get my jokes without me feeling bad and explaining that Fenris is a wolf... (Love my wife, but nerd she is not...) I loved the atmosphere in my short-lived crossfit experiment, I love the concepts and conviction found in  the bodyweight strength calisthenics movement, and I want to be a monstrous beast of a man (...bodybuilding...). So I've managed to pull together all of my research, all of my planning, and finally gotten my home gym off the ground (yay! barn space!) and gotten my wife on board with the idea of paleo (she was already an anti-GMO hardcase, so it wasn't hard, just a bit of convincing. 90 day trial run starts end of the month.). I have my motivation (my kids), my diet, my workouts, and my support/accountability. Time to get it rolling.


current goals-

My goals are kinda difficult to define in a SMART way.

I weigh in att 250lbs, 6ft 2in tall, approx. 35%bf as of 3/23/14.

I have no real clue what my lifts are right now, as I haven't lifted in over a year. =(


Long term, aesthetically, I'm shooting for 230-240lbs, 12-15%bf


Long term fitness, I want to be able to

-compete in the Crossfit Open in 2015, even if I am handicapping myself with added poundage.

-pass the MCOLES (police physical test in Michigan), a test that my previous failure to pass has left significant mental issues

-Run the Spartan Trifecta

-progress in bodyweight movement and control, a la "convict conditioning master steps" to a one arm pull up, one arm push up, pistol squat, hanging leg raises, stand to stand bridging, and HSPU

-Join the "1k club" for combined deadlift, squat and bench press over 1000lbs


in life in general, I want to be a better example, and maybe turn this into something I can share with my kids, with their friends, and with others as time goes on. Who knows... I have space on my little farm. I could totally open up a box... but that's more then a little ways off.


for now, short term,

-clean up my diet.

-lose some poundage, specifically some fat. I need to research some better ways of measuring progress

-finish outfitting my home gym to allow for maximum usability,

      - and then use it, preferably 6days/week.


see yall when the next challenge cycle starts!

(btw... so there's this fish. swims into a wall. says "dam!"

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Lightning Bruiser (*)

Level 0 ranger in training

[sTR 0] [DEX 0] [sTA 0] [CON 0] [WIS 0] [CHA 0]


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Great plans! And I really like that your goals have a mix off body weight goals and regular weightlifting goals. I had not heard about the 1k club before, but that seems like something to get in on =)


You "hit the nail on the head" when talking about projecting your habits and especially your self worth/self esteem on your children/loved ones. Part of the problem is that worrying about it does not help =) But standing tall and proud is not something too learn over night. Keep us updated on how that is going since I at least want all the tips I can get on this point!


will the current goals that you wrote down in this post be the ones for the first challenge after they have been measured and SMARTified?


Looking forward to see more off your progress!

Lincarte - Level 3 - Dwarf Warrior 

Str: 7 | Dex: 1 | Sta: 3 | Con: 6 | Wis: 3 | Cha: 5

Squat - 120(~265 lb.) | Bench - 95(~209lb.) | Deadlift - 190(~419 lb.) | Total: 405(~893 lb.)

PvP:The 800 club - Daily Battle Log - #3, #2, #1

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