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Coming out from underneath my stone

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Hi guys, My name is Veronica and I finally decided to unlurk. I have been around for a while now , mostly reading the blog and found it's finally time to join the rebellion properly.


Last year I decided to get a grip on my health and from last june to now I have shed 25 kilos bringing me from severe obesity to 6 kilos over normal weight. Fitnesswise I started it out with cycling and swimming. I have to admit that I don't enjoy most sports. I don't like crowds and I like it much less to do sports in crowds. The only sports I enjoy are swimming, martial arts and fencing. Unfortunately I felt too unfit to join any fencing club after I had gained so much weight (also I have knee injury that would require me to be extremly careful,which cuts the fun). So last summer I decided to cycle half an hour to a nearby lake after work almost every day and go swimming for an hour whenever it was possible.


This worked very well until the weather became colder. I tried to go to a swimming hall but I hated the crowds there so much that I started to skip workouts and cut them short. This was when I started looking for alternatives and found strenght training and nerd fitness. This site as well as some books about bodyweight exercises really helped me. Suddenly there was a short concise workout that did not require nice weather or much time. And I loved the way I was building muscle suddlenly.


Naturally I also changed a lot about my eating habits. Again I learned a lot from this site and the paleo diet (even though I am ultimately a bit of a sceptic). I managed to avoid some big mistakes like eating to many carbs and too little protein and once I kept that in check and tried to aim for a slight caloric deficit the kilos started to melt.

Ultimately counting calories helps me a lot. I know it's not the point, but I really tend to overeat if I keep it unchecked. Somehow I always manage to cheat myself about how it doesn't matter how much I eat once I start. Counting with an app like myFitnesspal helps me to retain a realistic view on what I am eating and it motivates me to go for an afternoon walk after I have eaten more than is necessary.

Dietwise I try to eat healthy but not to get too fanatical about it. I don't want to quit chocolate, but I can do eating only small amounts once in a while instead of a bar every day. I eat mainly vegetables and fruit and try to avoid noodles, bread and other easily available carbs (again I don't completely exclude them, but bread twice a week is better than every day).

I have the most trouble with keeping up the protein level. I disagree with the Paleo idea that meat is the answer to everything. I'm not vegetarian, but I care where my meat comes from and I don't want to eat hormon or antibiotics fed animals. Finding trustworthy organic meat and fish is often difficult and expensive, so I also don't eat meat every day. I try to make it up with legumes, organic dairy products and so on, but somehow every protein source has a health drawback it seems (see soy and phytoestrogens and so on).

Still losing weight and building muscle works out very well for me with this diet at the moment.

I would like to take it to the next level this summer, when I can get back to swimming and combine it with strenght training. I would really love to manage that chin up and also to get officially into the normal weight range. It's only six more kilos and after that I would like to mainly focus on fitness goals and just look at the scale once in a while to see where it leads me.


So much for fitness, now lets move on to nerd:

I am a massive nerd, always have been. I am a research scientist and my favorite hobby are roleplaying games. I especially love a german game called "Das schwarze Auge" and Call of Cthulhu. I also love Fantasy and Sci-fi tv-shows a lot (my all time favorite being Babylon 5). I also really enjoy comic books though I'm not that much into the traditional super hero genre, I more enjoy series like "The Unwritten" or manga like "20th century boys".


So, uhm yeah, that's me at the moment.

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I've done a similar path - treating diet as more of a lifestyle change (ie: stop eating a whole box of scones just because I'm stressed/bored) and an educational project (learning how many calories is, approximately, in food X or Y, or good sources of protein etc) rather than a strict regime, learning that there's still a place for pizza and enchilladas, just within the budget and sensible portions. And bodyweight workouts as I'm a stay-at-home-parent with no babysitters :tongue:

Some protein suggestions : I boost the protein with Greek yoghurt, houmous, side dishes like a chickpea/feta salad, and eggs. I'll have a glass of semi-skimmed milk if I'm still under. I agree that meat can end up expensive, and personally I hate the resulting washing up, but I do roast chicken breasts at the beginning of the week for salads and snacking.

Have you thought about doing the 6 week challenge? It's a fun way to track your goals. I know I tend to stick with things a bit better if I'm wittering about them on the internet (sign of a true nerd, there.)

warrior : level 8

str: 20.75 | dex: 13.75 | sta: 11.75 | con: 9.75 | wis: 8.25 | cha: 4.75

''Difficult' and 'impossible' are cousins often mistaken for one another, with very little in common' - Locke Lamora


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Thank you for the welcome!


Yes, learning about food is really a big part of getting on. I used to think I knew what was healthy and what wasn't but ultimately I really had to read up to actually make sensible joices that also don't suck the joy out of life.

Greek yoghurt sounds very delicious and I love chick peas!


The six week chalenges look very interesting. I have not fully comprehended how it works yet, but I think it could be just the thing to keep me motivated by sharing my experiences with others (which is why I decided to delurk).


ETA: Ah, now I found the instructions and got it! Yes, the six week challenge sounds just like something for me.

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Hi there! Welcome to the rebellion, and congratulations on having lost incredible 25kg! *thumbs up*


By the way: Paleo isn't all about meat, and meat is not the answer to everything (I agree!). Being Paleo for at least two years already, I eat more vegetables than ever before. If you need something to replace noodles, get a spiralizer and turn some zucchini into awesome noodles! :D There's a lot of options out there besides meat!

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Hi there! Welcome to the rebellion, and congratulations on having lost incredible 25kg! *thumbs up*


By the way: Paleo isn't all about meat, and meat is not the answer to everything (I agree!). Being Paleo for at least two years already, I eat more vegetables than ever before. If you need something to replace noodles, get a spiralizer and turn some zucchini into awesome noodles! :D There's a lot of options out there besides meat!


Thank you! I'm glad that this big bulk is off already. I wonder how I was able to carry so much around for so long and everything seems a lot easier now, even stuff that has nothing to do with moving my body around.


And yay about the veggies! I also started to eat way more veggies when I changed my diet. I started to by my stuff at the local farmer's market and it really helped to live a bit more with the seasons instead of just going to the supermarket and eating the same imported veggies and fruit all the time. I discovered that I like stuff, I had never even considered before. This Zuchini noodle thing sound very interesting. I absolutely have to try it.


At the moment I try to get my protein from different sources. A bit from meat, a bit from dairy and eggs, a bit from legumes and such. I'm really grateful, that you pointed towards the fructose-hyeruricemia link in the other thread. I started to research it and now I am way less worried about overdoing it with the protein.

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