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Who am I?


Well, I am a 27 year old guy from Brisbane, Australia. I am currently living in Gladstone, a regional city on the northern Queensland coast. I work in hospitality as a Night manager for a hotel. I am a gaming nerd (mostly PC gaming but I have just recently bought a PS4). I am 198cm tall and weigh around 130kg (that's 6 foot 5 and 286 pounds).


So why am I here?


So, this is kind of awkward. You see I've always been the kind of person who just didn't understand people who went to the gym 5 times a week and ate nothing but salad and water. I've never been all that concerned with my appearance and I walk pretty much everywhere I go (I don't drive) so I've always assumed I have a (reasonably) decent level of fitness.


I was wrong.


I stumbled over this site when, a few weeks ago, I spent a 24 hour period without sugar. It was completely by accident. We had a cyclone near where I live and I wasn't able to get to the shops and I didn't have anything in the house, so I ended up going 24 hours without soft drink, cookies, ice cream, or anything even remotely resembling sugar.


And I wanted to die.


I woke up with a nagging headache that didn't go away the entire day. I was exhausted all day, even though I had a full 8 hours of sleep the night before. On top of that I was irritable, short tempered and just a pain to be around. And then I got my hands on a bottle of coke and everything seemed so much better...


And so now I am pissed.


I have always been a very independent person. I don't like thinking I have to rely on anyone or anything. So to find out that I am practically addicted to sugar has hit me like a ton of bricks and I am pissed off. Pissed off at manufacturers who keep stuffing everything full of sugar. Pissed off at no one teaching me the importance of healthy eating and avoiding sugar when I was younger. But most of all I am pissed off at myself. Pissed off that I let myself get to this point.


So it's time to make a change.


I'm starting by cutting soft drink out of my diet completely. If I can do that for one month, I feel like I will be able to keep it up indefinitely. I'm also going to start eating healthier, but my main focus is cutting out sugar so if I end up slipping on the healthy eating I'm not going to be too mad at myself (as long as I don't have soft drink with the hot chips covered in gravy :D). I don't expect it to be easy, but I am looking forward to kicking my habit and starting to feel better, without pumping myself full of sugar and deep fried crap.


Sorry for the length but that's me and what brought me here. I look forward to chatting with all of you. Hopefully, once I've kicked the sugar habit you guys can all help me figure out this exercise thing.

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Thanks for the welcome guys.


I'm now onto day 2 with no sugar and frankly it is the worst. Luckily I'm not working today so I can hole myself up in my bedroom and take out my frustration on Diablo's minions  :)


I'm going to start a battle log today to keep track of whether or not I succumb to the white devil that is sugar and also try and start keeping a log of my food intake.

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Ouch! Well done on making the choice to cut that crap out of your diet for good. Best of luck


Thanks Guzzi. After spending some time browsing threads it seems the soda devil is something a lot of people around here wrestle with. It's nice to know I'm not the only one going through this. Also great to see the stories of people who have manged to give it up and not go back.

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