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I Survived a Tough Mudder!

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My husband and I completed our first Tough Mudder yesterday in central Texas. It was grueling and exhausting and so much fun! We already decided we're going again next year.


We had a later start time, so the hardest part of the ~11 mile course was the open unshaded stretches in the blazing Texas heat and fighting dehydration. Every mud pit was a welcome reprieve. We were covered head to toe several times throughout the course. There were about 30 obstacles total that required climbing over things, crawling under things, wading through things, all stretched out over some rough hilly terrain. There was only one obstacle I couldn't complete - it was called Balls to the Wall which required using a rope to pull yourself up over a 10 or 12 foot wall. It was positioned around mile 5 or 6 and I just didn't have the upper body strength. It was also on of those obstacles where you pretty much have to do it on your own, teamwork couldn't really help you. I was disappointed about that, but everything else was a blast! 


The Arctic Enema involves jumping into ice cold water - nothing, and I mean nothing prepares you for that. I was immediately gasping for air and the lizard part of my brain took over and all I could think about was getting the hell out of that icy water as fast as possible.


Then the final obstacle was called Electroshock therapy, which requires you to run through a pit of mud with dangling live wires hanging across. I got shocked quite a few times, but I just ran though it like a boss. I turned around at the end to see my husband had got a wire caught on his shirt somehow and it was apparently shocking him pretty bad, so I ran back and knocked it off of him and helped him back up and get clear of the wires. Afterward he told me he had actually blacked out for a second, and it was the worst thing he had ever experienced in his life (For context, we are both prior service and have done multiple tours, so I believe him)


The event was really well coordinated and ran without a hitch, and moreover the camaraderie and teamwork at every obstacle made me proud to be a Texan. Overall, despite several moments of suckitude we both still loved the experience and are so proud to have earned those orange head bands! 


My only advice to anyone thinking about doing it is - DO IT! Sign up today! The amount of confidence and pride you feel in yourself and your teammates is almost unparalleled. You will accomplish this and feel like you can take on the world. You also do not have to be a world class athlete to do this. Mental grit and determination will carry you a lot farther than you think.


Finally when you go be sure to wear shorts/pants/spandex that covers your knees. My shorts were above the knee, and now my legs are all tore up and I'm paying for it.


Still worth it!


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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. - Wayne Gretzky." - Michael Scott.

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Awesome! Also liked the fact that you went back to "save" your husband, just like a Ranger :)

I ran a similar race in Sweden last year (Tough Viking) and will definitely do it again when I'm done with rehab, I mean,  who wouldn't want to pay to get electroshocked???

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Level 3: Ninja

Current Challenge with the Druids (Nov 2nd-dec 13th)



Every man I meet, is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him. Emerson

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That sounds awesome!!! What an achievement! Congrats!!!


Once I develop some semblance of a cardiovascular system, this sounds like the kind of crazy thing that I would enjoy.


A major WOOT to you!

Level 2. Saiyan Warrior - Training with the Adventurers

STR: 4 | DEX: 2 | STA: 2 | CON: 4 | WIS: 1 | CHA: 1

Powering Up Phase 1 - Shedding the Fat

Starting Weight: 250lbs | Current Weight: 215lbs | Goal Weight: 200lbs

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Woot for you and your husband!


Same as swedish ninja I also ran the tough viking race in sweden last year. One of my friends blacked out for a second in the electric wire obstacle which meant his face had a pretty rough date with the muddy ground. He did not need saving though, but neither me nor him knows how he got up and kept running =)


Again, great work!

Lincarte - Level 3 - Dwarf Warrior 

Str: 7 | Dex: 1 | Sta: 3 | Con: 6 | Wis: 3 | Cha: 5

Squat - 120(~265 lb.) | Bench - 95(~209lb.) | Deadlift - 190(~419 lb.) | Total: 405(~893 lb.)

PvP:The 800 club - Daily Battle Log - #3, #2, #1

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