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No more excuses, no more procrastination.

No more planting my fat ass on the couch.

No more stuffing myself full of unhealthy food.

No more...


Can I get fit? Yes I can...

Can I turn my life around? Yes I can...

Can I lose all these extra kg's I'm carrying? Yes I can...


After many years of unhealthy eating habits, no exercise and just in general feeling sorry for myself, I have decided to grab my life by the horns and do something about it. I'm sick and tired of not finding any nice clothes to wear in my size, of being out of breath after climbing 3 sets of stairs, of having constant knee aches, of having swollen ankles in the evening...


I'm sick and tired of it all...


I want to look and feel good again! I'm only 39 years old so there is still time, I shouldn't resign myself yet to a life behind a TV screen!


Naturally, it will be a long, long road. I'm fully aware of that. It will take time to lose 50kg, and it will take time to get fit again. And, as Yoda once said: "You must unlearn what you have learnt."


My mind has gotten used to a "sit-on-the-couch" attitude. That will need to change and my biggest challenge will no doubt be sticking to my diet and fitness routine. But I want to do it, I have big dreams for the future!


So now that I know what I want to achieve, how am I going to do it?


1) Get a medical check-up at the doctor. I am obese, I haven't exercised in years and my family has a history of heart problems, so it's only natural that I go for a medical check-up first. I have an appointment scheduled for 18th June, it's not as early as I would have liked but I still have a 2-week holiday coming up.


2) Join the Nerd Fitness community. Getting support from like-minded people is going to be very important in my quest, and you guys seem to have a nice system going. As a nerd and avid video gamer myself, I like the idea of levelling up my life!


3) Diet. I'm going to be following the WeightWatchers program. I've successfully tried it before so I know it works for me. I just need to stick to it!


4) Exercise. This will be a mixture of cardio and strength training. I'm not a big fans of gyms, so most of my workouts will be done at home using just my own body weight or fitness DVD's. I also plan to go hiking (and running later on, but I need to lose some weight first). Ultimately, I would like to participate in long-distance walking events (Death March, Kennedy March, etc.) and obstacle runs (Tough Mudder, Spartacus Run, etc.).


Is it going to be easy? No...


Can I do it? Yes I can!


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Level 0 Rebel

STR 0 / DEX 0 / STA 0 / CON 0 / WIS 0 / CHA 0


Check my blog: www.y-i-can.blogspot.be

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Welcome to the Rebellion, Sabrina!


You're right, you can do this, and I'll enjoy cheering you on!! 


I think one of the best ways to stay motivated and achieve your goals is to join the 6-week challenges.  You start in the level 1 (trainee) area ... just like in most RP games.  That's here:  http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/forum/352-level-1-rebels/  ... set some measurable goals and figure out how you'll know when you're successfully meeting them.  It doesn't matter that we're into the current challenge cycle.  It's never to late to start!!


If you will be doing bodyweight workouts, you might eventually like to join the assassins guild after you're done with the level 1 area.  We specialize in that aspect of strength training.  So good luck.  If you have any questions, ask!! 

Level 63 Human ... Oath of Ancients Paladin

"We are better than we know, if we can be made to see it, [then] for the rest of our lives, we'll be unwilling to settle for less."  - Kurt Hahn

STR: 14 | DEX: 14| CON: 17 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 14


The SIde Tracked Quest (rough draft)



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Wohoo, welcome to the Rebellion!


I love your attitude, you really want this and it shows in your text. I´m sure you can do this, but there will be times when it all feels pointless, but then you just come to the forum, and we will help you keep on track.


As CTJ said, join the challenges, it´s a great motivator. Hope to see you there!

Level 3: Ninja

Current Challenge with the Druids (Nov 2nd-dec 13th)



Every man I meet, is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him. Emerson

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