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Hi.  My name is Greg and I'm from Pittsburgh.  I am new to this site and very new to forums.  I usually only read forums not post, so I am excited to see how this goes.  The reason I am joining the Rebellion is because I'm fat (simply put) and I'm tired of it.  I found this site while searching for some fitness sites.  I read a great article about someone's success story and I am nerd as well so I figured it just made sense.  I played sports in high school and college so I use to be in decent shape.  Over the years I would do the occasional crash diet which meant go to the gym for 3 days burn myself out and then on the 4th day order 3 pizzas.  I am tired of being out of shape.  I am married and have a one year old son and those are my major two reasons for getting back in shape.  I have been working out now for about a month and a half.  I started at 5'11", 265 lbs and now I am down to 247 lbs. I workout about 3-4 times a week.  My fear is that I will drop off again, like I have in the past.  I started an online journal but that is only helping so much.  My friends work crazy hours so I workout alone.  So for me, I would like this site to be a form of motivation and a way to vent with others who are going through the same thing.   I am looking forward to some great discussions on fitness and life.  But that is it for me.


My goals:

Run a 5k before the end of summer

See my abs before the end of the year

Have more energy to spend more time with family

I want to get below 200lbs!!!


- G

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Greg G

"You only fail when you quit!"

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Hey. Welcome on board and congrats on the progress so far, that's not to be sneezed at mate.


One of the best bits of advice I can give you in regards to weight loss, is to ditch the idea of "going on a diet" and instead try to shift your focus to making sure that your diet is healthy - whatever that means for you. Just make little changes, one at a time, and keep working on just one thing until it becomes your new "normal" before trying to move on to the next thing. Work on getting you mindset right, make this about the rest of your life, not just until you reach xxxxlbs.   You may have already done this, if so sorry for trying to tell my granny how to suck eggs. ;)


The second bit of advice I'll pass on is Take Progress Pictures! How I regret not having any photos to show how far I've come! You'll want to show them off some day, and they help immensely when you're struggling and feeling like giving up.


Third, get involved with the community here.  You won't ever find more a more positive, supportive community to help you reach you goals.


Hope to see you around



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Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Welcoming commitee, ASSEMBLE!

Su cuy'gar, Greg! I'm the King of Lame and I'm here to join in on the welcoming of you!
Like Guzzi said, this place is ridiculously supportive. Many of us feel that everyone needs support during their struggles of betterment. So we are here to be that life line you call to when you're feeling down about your workout. Or the questions you have about some exercise or workout or random idea about anything, that has popped into your head. (I hope your wife isn't the jealous type becuase we're pretty steller at earning your love)

You're in a place of like-minded individuals that have come together to form one of the strongest and smartest(and nerdiest!) forces on the planet. This is the Rebellion and we're here for you.

Now with our little pleasentries aside: Guzzi is right yet again. Having the mindset of "diet" means that it's temporary(shout out to Steve for that little nugget). If you want to change things, start small: less soda throughout the week, for example. Little changes make big impacts. As your continue on your road to betterment you can start changing more things. How many? As many as you think you can handle, you're in control of your program.

Now, that also aside: What do you like to do for exercises? You mentioned you played sports in high school and college, perhaps playing some sports with friends(when you can) might makes things mroe interesting for you and you can keep it up.

I like you goals and wish you a difficult yet worthwhile journey.
We're always here for support and information. Never forget that, ner vod.

Stay rebellious, Nerds!

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Cin vhetin. Ca'nara at am, vod!


Race: Gallifreyan.

Class: Vigilante (Ranger/ Assassin/ Monk)

Current Class: Assassin

Level: 3 Level Per Class: 2/ 1/ 0
STR: 4 DEX: 4
STA: 6 CON: 6
WIS: 4 CHA: 5


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Thanks everyone for the kind/inspiring words.


Guzzi you are 100% right and thanks.  I switched my breads from white to wheat, snacks are now almonds and fruits and most importantly I'm not starving myself.  And as for the progressive photos I took some about 2 weeks ago but I'm not ready to post yet.  I'm unbelievably self conscience.  But one of my goals is to post the pics as soon as I lose 20lbs.  I'm almost there!


And King of Lame thanks for ideas and the inpiration.  I have been part of this group for a little over a week and its been so beneficial already.


Thanks again guys! 

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Greg G

"You only fail when you quit!"

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Unbelievably self conscious? I don't believe that! :D

It took me ooooh let's see.... 7 months before I posted my first photo on the forum, other than my profile pic. How's that for self conscious? I made it a goal in my Battle Log to post pictures of myself to overcome it, and the support I've had has been amazing. It's completely changed my self image.

Here's hoping you can achieve a similar transformation. ;)

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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