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Life Challenge Accepted!

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/me waves


Hello! So... me.. hmm... what to say, what to say... *wanders off to the kitchen to get a snack and think* Damnit... not again! :(


I'm a chronic breakfast skipper, I eat as healthy as I can on my lunch break, but when I walk in the door when I get home? Regardless of if I am or am not actually hungry, one of my first stops is the fridge, for a glass of juice and to the cabinets for a tasty, horrible snack. Looking at my desk right now there's two empty drink cans, and three granola bar wrappers, and that's just from today.


Current Stats:

Race: Human

Age: 29

Sex: Female

Weight: 195-202 lbs depending on the day

Class: Adventurer


Overall Goals:

- get back down to 135 lbs ish

- see if I can improve, or eliminate the horrible sounds my knees make when I crouch, climb stairs etc

- be able to fit into a size large or smaller at any normal women's clothing retailer.


Past Fitness Attempts:

- joined and abandoned a gym (curves)

- bought, neglected and then traded a wii with wii fit plus

- got an xbox one for christmas, with Just Dance! and Xbox Fitness and Zumba (sold it because the interface is too horrible for words)


Past Healthy Eating Attempts:

- intermintantly vegetarian

- giving up fast food (yeah that never lasted long...)

- gave up canned foods (all but tuna and salmon! :D )



All of these attempts lasted a few days, or weeks and then petered out... It's honestly pretty hard to find the time and space to do a decent work out at home, I've got a small two bedroom apartment and there are four people living here, There's a pretty decent sized living room with my xbox one hooked up to the TV to play with, but when I get home from work I have one room mate on his computer in the corner, who gets horribly distracted/distracting when I'm trying to do something sweaty and gross in there, and there's also the PS3 that my sister is pretty well glued to 3-5 days a week... I just love the guilt trip she trys to lay on me when I ask her to let me use the TV for a half hour to do something productive. Heaven forbid I interupt her four hour gaming marathon to take care of myself! It's very rude of me, I know... >_>;


I live with picky eaters and carb hounds as well which can make dinner time a bit tricky and with an over abundance of snacks lurking all over the place it's been pretty hard to eat better. I have a sneaky plan though... would you like to hear it?


Of course you do! that's why we're all here in the first place isn't it?


I've got until oh... June 9th to clear out my cabinet in the kitchen of all the terrible food I have bought over the last few weeks, and I have until then to reorganize the fridge so I can have a happy paleo zone all for me that nobody is allowed to snack from! I know that trying to give up all grain and dairy today is going to be nigh impossible with the people I live with; they would absolutely lose their minds if I said no to all of their tasty dinner ideas tonight. It would be a financially stupid move for me, I make barely above minimum wage and giving/throwing away over $200 in food would completely wreck my weak little budget.


So I've got a few weeks to nom nom nom my way through the last of my cheese, cereal, pasta and bread at home and to figure out some seriously amazing salads at work (I run a Subway, free lunches yay!) that I can and will not start to hate for a few weeks until I can hopefully start making things at home to bring with me.


If anyone has some good suggestions for things that I can make in bulk to grab on my way out the door for breakfast I'm all ears! Noise travels really easily where I live, and since I'm the only person awake at 7 am on weekdays I'd rather not wake up my house full of night owls by making something for breakfast every morning.


So yeah... this is me... :)


Oh! Random things:


- I'm an avid roleplayer in a DnD Style IRC game

- My video game collection, if stacked up, is over 4 feet tall :D

- I'm damn near deaf, but I LOOOOOVE music.

- I have a pet ball python named Roswell, her scale pattern looks like aliens!




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Well Seriousleigh, sounds like you have lots of great ideas for fitness and eating attempts! Hopefully this will be the community you need to keep you focused and accountable. 


I've been reading the sites for a couple weeks now while waiting for the next challenge to start.  There is so much inspiration!  Just don't get bogged down reading when you could be doing. 


My first two suggestions are to 1) put yourself first - you are worth it! and 2) trade what you have in your fridge for something you would rather be eating - sounds like your room mates would be happy to take it off your hands.  :playful:


Good luck!

Wizard of Balance - Assassin Level 1

STR(3), DEX(2), STA(3), CON(2), WIS(3), CHA(2)

"If it is important to you, you will find a way ... if not, you will find an excuse" - (I don't recall whose quote this is, but I love it!)

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