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I'll keep it short!


I had always been active growing up: medaling at nationals in japan karate-do ryobu-kai, competing in track 6th grade to 11th (400/2mile/pole vault/high jump), practicing in highschool with the football and swim teams, and joined club lacrosse. Lifting and participating in sports was the only time I felt real. I grew up in hell living with unattentive parents who blacked-out by 6 PM daily, unleashing a physical/emotional/verbal onslaught. Shortly after I barely graduated highschool and got into college, I moved out with a friend and pretty much started working nonstop. I began partying harder and got a bar job at age 22, where I worked for two years, and at this point was drinking heavily from the moment my eyes would open in the morning until they would close at night. I completely stopped doing anything athletic for years, as all my money was going to booze and cigarettes (pack/pack and a half a day). 


I lost the bar job a couple years later and began to heavily isolate, drinking around the clock in my bedroom, never really moving away from the computer. Always have struggled with depression and anxiety, and with numbing myself daily with booze, it got really bad. On July 6th, 2011, I took my last drink and have dealt with a lot of mental and behavioral issues with the help of others, one day at a time. I have been abstinent from all nicotine for a year now and it pretty much owns. It seems like I am at the point where I have courage and wish to move forward in life to get my outsides to match my insides. I still isolate and it is extremely hard to get out of the house on my days off. My drinking regimen didn't allow for a lot of eating so I still struggle in having a daily balance of consumption. I want nothing more than to be fit and enjoy life, and I keep myself from it more than I would like to.




I am from the beautiful PNW in USA, 27 years old, 142 lbs, 5'10"

Likes: Drawing, writing, cooking/baking, adventure, music, films, running


I am looking forward to build toward my goals of fitness and the vision of this site seems to fit my style pretty well.

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Welcome to the Rebellion!!!!  


There's a lot to take in - but take it slowly and you'll pick it up as you go.


First off, NOTHING is required.  Na da.  You can hang out, read, swap tips and questions and learn from the mentors and fellow nerds.

If you want more accountability, I do recommend the 6-week challenges.  During these challenges, you pick a few goals to work on that will help you improve your life.  6 weeks is usually enough time to let you decide if the new activities are helpful and work for you .... or not. And that's long enough to establish new habits that you can turn into a healthier lifestyle.


The next challenge starts June 9th.  You'd start as a Level 1 Rebel (http://rebellion.ner...level-1-rebels/) .... which is where you LEARN about all of the stats, guilds, rpg character, and so on.  You still get to adopt what works for you, and you can ignore the rest.  Some very successful NF people never bother with classes or stat points or race or so on.  They just hang out in the guild that suits their goals best.


Even MOAR accountability?  We have accountability groups of 6 or so people who check up on each other frequently during a challenge.  Plus lots of other, optional fun.


Let us know how we can help you achieve your goals.  Post here ... or you can message me with the envelope icon at the upper right of the screen.

Good luck!!

Level 63 Human ... Oath of Ancients Paladin

"We are better than we know, if we can be made to see it, [then] for the rest of our lives, we'll be unwilling to settle for less."  - Kurt Hahn

STR: 14 | DEX: 14| CON: 17 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 14


The SIde Tracked Quest (rough draft)



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