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Hello everyone! I'm Aereon. 


So I have been overweight pretty much since puberty (20+ years ago). I've tried on and off to diet and exercise but have never really been able to stick to it. A fair amount of it is lacking energy. I've had chronic insomnia also since puberty, and usually get 25 hours or less of sleep a week. So I can throw myself into exercise for a day or two, but then I'm so exhausted from that and lack of sleep, that I give up again.


And some of it has been lack of motivation. "Getting healthier" just seems like too nebulous of a goal, you know? Even "fitting into those cute shorts" wasn't enough because the logical extension of that is buying a whole new wardrobe and I hate clothes shopping. So I never really sustained any attempt at weight loss. 


Well, there was one summer when I got down to single digit sizes, but that was due to involuntary starvation, and left me with food issues that continue to this day. 


So why start this now? A few reasons. For a few years now I've been slowly cutting foods out of my normal diet. Gluten/grains, dairy, sweets. It has been a slow process because every time I've tried to quit cold turkey, it never worked. But taking my time and still indulging in small amounts when I crave it, has worked. I almost never crave those foods anymore. And a raspberry-orange smoothie makes me feel so much better than any chocolate ever did. So I'm at a point where I feel I could sustain a more strict healthy diet. 


Also, I've FINALLY recently been diagnosed with PCOS, and I'm awaiting the results of my sleep study (for sleep apnea). My doctor says there ARE drug treatments for both problems, but that the severity of both could be lessened without meds if I lost weight. He believes the majority of my other health issues (high blood pressure, asthma) would go away with a lower weight. There is still the problem of energy right now, but I am kind of hoping for a positive diagnosis of sleep apnea so I can get a CPAP machine because just a few hours on it at the testing hospital made me feel like a whole new person!


And the biggest thing. I really, really, really want a baby before I'm 40 (4 years away). At my current weight, the PCOS makes it pretty much impossible. Plus the meds I'm on aren't safe for pregnancy anyways. So if I can get down to a healthy weight, get off the maintenance meds, and focus on fertility meds, I might have a chance. 


So basically:


Height & Weight: 5'2", 252 lbs (according to bmi, I am morbidly obese)


General goals:

-being able to stop taking current meds forever

-having a baby

-having energy to enjoy life


Specific goals:

-Get my weight down, in 25lb increments (under 225, 200, 175...)

-Get my clothing size down to around half (Currently a 26, so...12/14)

-Be able to complete at least the half-marathon of this: http://runrocknroll.competitor.com/denver in October


We do have a work-out room in the building. I'm not really much for weight lifting, but I do enjoy the treadmill and stationary bike. I think there might be an ellipsis machine too. 


I'm thinking of starting off with 30 minutes each on 2 of the machines, although I'm not sure how many times a week. 3 maybe? But then I don't know whether to increase time, or days, or both, which was the ultimate push for me joining here. :)

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♫ love is in the battle cry ♪ ♥

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Welcome to the Rebellion!!!


You have great reasons to get healthier - so think about making some sort of reminders that you see daily to help with the motivation.


The CPAP machine should make a huge difference!!  My hubby uses one. 


You might think about 30 minutes total of cardio 3 times per week to start.  And then work that up slowly.  You can actually WALK or do gentle cardio daily once you get used to it. 


Think about some strength training.  It doesn't have to be lifting weights.  I do body weight workouts, and they are plenty hard. 


If you want accountability, I do recommend the 6-week challenges.  During these challenges, you pick a few goals to work on that will help you improve your life.  6 weeks is usually enough time to let you decide if the new activities are helpful and work for you .... or not. And that's long enough to establish new habits that you can turn into a healthier lifestyle.


The next challenge starts June 9th.  You'd start as a Level 1 Rebel (http://rebellion.ner...level-1-rebels/) .... which is where you LEARN about all of the stats, guilds, rpg character, and so on.  You still get to adopt what works for you, and you can ignore the rest.  Some very successful NF people never bother with classes or stat points or race or so on.  They just hang out in the guild that suits their goals best.


Even MOAR accountability?  We have accountability groups of 6 or so people who check up on each other frequently during a challenge.  Plus lots of other, optional fun.


Let us know how we can help you achieve your goals.  Post here ... or you can message me with the envelope icon at the upper right of the screen.


Good luck!!

Level 63 Human ... Oath of Ancients Paladin

"We are better than we know, if we can be made to see it, [then] for the rest of our lives, we'll be unwilling to settle for less."  - Kurt Hahn

STR: 14 | DEX: 14| CON: 17 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 14


The SIde Tracked Quest (rough draft)



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Welcome to the Rebellion!


First off, once you get going you may be surprised how much of the weight you will be able to drop quickly.  The first 100 will come fast, the last 10 is where the fight always is!  Thankfully, we've got a lot of people around here who have not only accomplished major transformations but they have maintained their transformation. So as you proceed on the journey, keep one thing in mind please - don't keep the mindset of "reach the finish line" and go back to the old habits. 


The only way to make it permanent is to improve the lifestyle itself as well.  It's actually pretty easy to do though.  When you reach a goal, just pick a new one and work toward it.  Weight down to where you want it to be?  Work on strength/endurance/dietary/anything.  It's kind of addictive, so you won't have any issues there as long as the mindset is right.  The human brain loves accomplishing goals.  That's why you have so many video games with constant quest rewards and achievements to unlock, the brain is wired to love them.  With health and fitness you will find that you get that rush - only more intensified because there is a true sense of accomplishment as well.


The treadmill and stationary bike will burn a small number of calories which can help create a caloric deficit and lead to weight loss.  However, it's hard to strengthen muscle fibers on them so it's not as efficient.  Strengthened, denser muscle fibers increase the resting metabolism - meaning you burn more calories just by existing than you did before.  Couple that with what you burn by performing exercises that are improving the muscle fibers and you get a great caloric burn and major health improvements, as these also improve heart strength and lung capacity.  I'd like you to keep an open mind about strength training.  There are thousands of ways to get up that mountain and there is someone around here that's tried every one of them.  It doesn't have to be meathead barbell weight training (btw, I'm proud to be a meathead barbell weight training person).  Heck, pop over to the website run by one of our members (Waldo) and look at his transformation.  He went from obese to ripped badass, documented every step and has become a known and respected name in bodyweight exercise circles. www.strengthunbound.com


Don't get me wrong btw, treadmill/bike may not be as efficient but they are worlds better than nothing at all!  Just by starting you are lapping everybody still on the couch!  Starting is the hardest part!


I'm done rambling now I think.  Look around, ask questions, talk to us, we can help steer you wherever you want to go.

level 4 Gnoll warrior

Building a better Raev, part 1.

Goal: working set of 350# squat, 235# bench, 370# deadlift, 15% or lower BF%

Fix slight pelvic tilt, reinforce lower back to help disc issue

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Welcome to the Rebellion! 


I think you picked up great goals for yourself. By doing the challenge, we would all be here to support you (me as a newbie included). I would recommend doing the cardio like you planned to with some bodyweights workout. They're great, fast and efficient and require no equipment! :)


Let me know how everything goes! 

Level  2 Gnome -who wants to be a Mermaid- Ranger

STR 5 | DEX | STA 4 | CON 3 | WIS 1 | CHA 1

Challenges:  1 |  Current Challenge: Arya Sapphire and the Majora's Mask

''Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition.'' - Alan Alda

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Welcome to the Rebellion! 


I think you picked up great goals for yourself. By doing the challenge, we would all be here to support you (me as a newbie included). I would recommend doing the cardio like you planned to with some bodyweights workout. They're great, fast and efficient and require no equipment! :)


Let me know how everything goes! 

Level  2 Gnome -who wants to be a Mermaid- Ranger

STR 5 | DEX | STA 4 | CON 3 | WIS 1 | CHA 1

Challenges:  1 |  Current Challenge: Arya Sapphire and the Majora's Mask

''Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition.'' - Alan Alda

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