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Reality Check: Goal Setting

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Okay. I'm looking for a second opinion on my goals.

I want to know if they conflict and if they're realistic.


Lower body fat

Healthier Body weight (150-160lbs goal weight, from 211)

Get Toned

Retain Flexibility, possibly improve it

The big concerns are the first two conflicting. As I exercise and lose body fat, its reasonable that I'll get toned.

I have yet to do my measurements, so I have no idea of how much body fat I have. I have yet to figure out -how- per say.

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They don't really conflict, but I wouldn't worry about the exact bodyfat percentages. Most of the techniques for measuring available to you are far, far from precise, anyway. Simply judge it by how you look and feel, how clothes fit, etc.

And while this may sound like just a matter of semantics, it really does matter: "toned" isn't really a state that a muscle can be in. This matters because it often effects the way we train. Very often, when people talk about toning a muscle, they go about it in one particular way. You mention exercising, but what exactly do you have in mind? If you want to focus on making your goals more realistic/attainable, defining that would be an excellent place to start.

Best of luck! :)

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Knightwatch hit it on the head. By toned I assume you mean you want to see more of your muscles? In which case eating clean (Paleo) and lifting heavy will be the best places to start. Do as many fullbody movements (clean and press, squat, deadlift, burpees) and workouts (steve has a great beginner bodyweight ircuit I used until I got a gym membership) as possible. This should give you a good base to improve upon as you progress.

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Mmmkay. This is the kind of feedback I need.

That's fair, about the body fat. Considering methods are imprecise, would 'reduce body fat' still make sense?

Hm. Well, by toning, I think strengthening is part of what I mean. When I think of a person with a toned look, they have a light to moderate degree of visible muscle definition.

I know quantities are easier to work with for goals, but I can't think of how to put that into a numbers, if you would.

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haha thanks thescrawnycaveman! I guess I took too long to make my post.

That's pretty much what I mean, yeah. When you say doing full body movements, is it because they are more effective than working an individual area at a time?

I've been looking at the Paleo diet, but I don't know if it will work for my health conditions or address the cause of my weight gain specifically. I agree entirely with eating clean, but I don't know if my weight gain is specifically Blood Glucose related or not. (this is something I'm working with my doctor on).

Are there other similar approaches? Is eating clean(er) a goal? I mean, using it as a comparative it sounds like an attainable thing, since I have my current situation as a benchmark.

I'm also debating adding a deadline on the lose weight. I don't have any reason for one, but the pressure might help motivate me to work harder. What is realistic for weight loss?

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Okay. I'm looking for a second opinion on my goals.

I want to know if they conflict and if they're realistic.


Lower body fat

Healthier Body weight (150-160lbs goal weight, from 211)

Get Toned

Retain Flexibility, possibly improve it

The big concerns are the first two conflicting. As I exercise and lose body fat, its reasonable that I'll get toned.

I have yet to do my measurements, so I have no idea of how much body fat I have. I have yet to figure out -how- per say.

Lower body fat

Get Toned

Possibly improve flexibility

These are vague goals. For a goal to be realistic, it needs to be measurable. What is your current BF% and where do you want it to be?

What is your current level of flexibility, and how do you measure it so you'll know you're more flexible?

"Toned" is a word trainers came up with to get women into the gym. If you mean you want your muscles to be more defined, you can lose fat or gain muscle mass - in the first case, you need to lift weights while eating a calorie deficit. If it is the latter, you need to lift heavy weights while eating a calorie surplus. Note, this will unavoidably cause you get more fat.

Goals should be

Specific - Not "I want to lose weight", but rather "I want to lose X lbs"

Measurable - If it's weight loss, you need to weigh before and after

Attainable - If you have 6 weeks, you can't say you want to lose 100lbs.

Relevant - They should relate to where you want to be (weigh less, more fit, faster, etc)

Timely - Your goal needs a deadline...a 6-week challenge has that deadline built in

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Mmkay. When you put it that way, then it seems like losing fat (lift weights while eating a calorie deficit) is the way to go for defining muscles. This sounds, given the calorie deficit it will also contribute to weight loss, right?

As for measurable, I guess it comes down to the question of how to measure it.

If calorie deficit and lifting weights both contribute to weight and fat loss, would it be reasonable to, in the absence of a means of measuring BF%, measure success in fat loss by measuring weight lost over the same period?

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haha thanks thescrawnycaveman! I guess I took too long to make my post.

That's pretty much what I mean, yeah. When you say doing full body movements, is it because they are more effective than working an individual area at a time?

I've been looking at the Paleo diet, but I don't know if it will work for my health conditions or address the cause of my weight gain specifically. I agree entirely with eating clean, but I don't know if my weight gain is specifically Blood Glucose related or not. (this is something I'm working with my doctor on).

Are there other similar approaches? Is eating clean(er) a goal? I mean, using it as a comparative it sounds like an attainable thing, since I have my current situation as a benchmark.

I'm also debating adding a deadline on the lose weight. I don't have any reason for one, but the pressure might help motivate me to work harder. What is realistic for weight loss?

Full body movements: The short and simple of it is that it is A) Functional B) Less time consuming and C) Gives you more of a cardio workout at the same time. You will be breathing a lot hard doing 15 burpees than you will doing 15 pushups or 15 jumps. Circuit training is also pretty boss for losing weight and gaining strength. Essentially it is doing a bunch of exercises that work different muscles in a row without a break multiple times. For instance: 10 pushups, 20 bodyweight squats, 5 pullups, and 30 second plank. Do not rest between each exercise until you have done them all in a row, then rest for 2 minutes and do it all over again. Rinse and repeat as many times as ya can. Its quick, annihilates fat, and trains your heart and lungs pretty solidly too.

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