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I stick to a pretty decent sleep schedule. Go to sleep around 11ish and wake up around 7:30 am. Sometimes even earlier when work requires it. But I feel like I am always tired during the day and want to take a nap. I just am curious if people think napping is a good idea or if it messes things up even more. If so, what can I do to not be so tired all the time?

I eat Paleo and drink about 70 ounces of water a day if that helps.

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Ah naps, I enjoy a good power nap as much as the next work-a-holic. Although I found lately that I do not need them as much as I used to since my lifestyle changes (better food, more consistent sleeping routine, and the general attitude to not sit on the couch and veg when I get home), and the fact that I am getting older (27!).

If you are gonna power nap (30-45min) do it sometime in the afternoon after lunch. This way you can feel refreshed for work but not be wired at night. Also, if you feel like falling asleep, go for a walk, climb some stairs, do push-ups or body weight squats to to get the blood flow moving.

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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Sleep = recovery. Nap your ass off.

amen to that.

but during the work day when a nap isn't really a possibility, try going for a quick walk or doing stretches/lunges in the bathroom (i do it all the time). wakes your body up, which is usually all you need.

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amen to that.

but during the work day when a nap isn't really a possibility, try going for a quick walk or doing stretches/lunges in the bathroom (i do it all the time). wakes your body up, which is usually all you need.

Yes, this! I started replacing my afternoon coffees with walks. Does so much for your body. (Makes you happier too, science says so!)

But power naps are not bad for you at all. Just beware of naps that go on long enough to wake you during the deeper cycles of sleep that leave you feeling groggy when you wake.

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Naps are awesome.

I have a question for you: what do you do all day? Because in a lot of cases, it's not actual lack of sleep or a wrong rhythm that is causing someone to feel tired. It's the circumstances of their work, stress and all that. Do stuff. Make a list of what you want to get done every morning. Not big things like 'do a 100 pushups', but simple things like "go to the store and pick up apples, almonds and milk", or "call mum". Since I started doing this I actually get things done and also feel much more active, since there's something to do. I don't leave time to be tired, unless I've exercised really hard and had a long day.

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The other day my daughter told me I had won a prize and could do my very favorite thing ever... take a nap! I am a big fan of naps and normally take a 30 min on on both Saturday AND Sunday. I love naps!

I agree that stress can cause exhaustion that isn't easily cured with a nap, but if you're falling asleep before 15 minutes you probably need the sleep. I think listening to your body and mind helps determine that one, although usually during the work week when I'm stressed out I go for walks rather than nap.

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Naps are definitely good but I would make sure it's not a diet issue. You may want to track what you eat for a little and make sure the breakdown of carbs/protein/fat is reasonable and you're eating enough in general. Also, if you drink coffee quit! It's good for a bit but drags you down as the day goes on.

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