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Workout Progress Log

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Quick Workout Log so you guys can keep me honest.

5 min skipping, 5 min bag work warm up

2 Sets

1 Arm KB Swing (10 each arm)

1 Arm KB Snatch (10 each arm)

Super Setted.

2x 8 Pull Ups

2x 10 KB Racked Squat + Push Press

2x 10 Parallel Dips

3x 10 Hanging Straight Leg Raises

60 sec rest between sets.

Collapse due to recent lack of movement.

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Still Raining, so so cold.


More of a general it's so cold and I really want to get warmer workout. Circuits

Chin Ups - 5

Hanging Leg Raise - 10

10 KB Swing each arm

10 Racked KB Squat each arm

5 KB Snatch

2 min Skipping

Four Circuits completed.

Didn't time it.

Little bit of bag work as well.

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Circuit Training:

Pull Ups 6

Pushup 20

KB Swing 20

Racked Squat 20

Leg Raise 10

Mil. Press 8-8-6

Three Circuits completed

Strict 3 minute rest between circuits.

Took a two minute break between Swings and Squats during the third circuit due to (controlled) desire to spew. Eventually finished the circuit then collapsed.

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Managed to suck up the resolve to workout about 9pm tonight.

Not my best workout, form was better on the push presses though.

Circuits x3, KB = 16kg

Single Arm KB Push Press x8 each arm

Diamond Pushup x12

Pushup position Row x8 each side

Walking Lunge x15 each side

Jump Squat x10

KB Seated Russian Twist x20

3 minute rest

Tried to go for a bit of a jog to warm down, legs cramped up unmercifully 400m in.

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As circuits

KB Clean and Press x8

KB Single Arm Row x10

Burpees x10

KB 1 Leg Deadlift x10

Hindu Pushup x10

3 minute rest

3 circuits completed

Attempted conditioning work afterwards (High rep, single exercise, low rest)

Alternating 1 arm KB Swings 2x30 (30 sec rest)

Felt good during most of it, Burpees were a bit of a killer.

Lost lunch at the KB Swings, was going for 4x30...

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Consecutive workouts (I know bad me) just wanted to get back on my schedule so I didn't have to rework my log :)


Chin Up x10

1 Arm KB Snatch x10 (10-10-8)

Parallel Dips x10

Goblet Squat x15

3 Cinder Block lateral jump (About 60cm, 24.5")

Mountain Climbers x30 (Count on left leg only)

3 minute rest

Repeated three times

Probably a little bit of over training, triceps are rather sore atm, possibly from the cramped study position.

I'm really happy about the Chins, if only my wide arm overhand was as strong!

Going for the 100 Burpee challenge tomorrow!

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No weights today

First time doing Burpees in awhile, not to bad. Probably about 50% were incorrect form though.

Burpees - 53 - 6 minutes

Run (with 4 intervals) 1.4km - 7 minutes

Need to improve the running, hopefully the weather warms up so I can get outside more.

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Missed yesterdays circuit routine due to laziness. Really bad form

Did it this morning


200x Jumps (Jump Rope)


10 Pushup

10 Jumping Pull Up

30 High Knees

Circuit x3

KB Push Press x9

Diamond Pushup x13

Pushup Position Row x9

Alternating Walking Lunges x16 (each leg)

Jump Squats x11

Seated KB Twists x22

3 minutes between circuits

Jump Squats destroyed my legs, back to study now.

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Caught up to schedule. Definitely taking a rest day tomorrow.

Warm Up

200 Jumps (Rope)


5 Jumping Pull Up

5 BW Squats

5 Press Up

5 Burpees

Circuit (3x)

Pull Up x7

Pushup x22

KB Swings x22 (11 each arm)

Racked Squat x22 (11 each arm)

Leg Raise x12

Mil. Press x10 (10-10-(5,5))

3 minute rest.

Probably shouldn't have done the Mil. Press today, Shoulders need a break.

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Quick Run today just to stretch the legs, first decent run > 1km in a couple weeks

2.4km - 9.50

Bit over the 4 minute kilometer mark.


Was feeling good so I went and did a few pull ups as I'm trying to improve on that exercise.

BW 5x5

90 sec rest between.

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Back into the circuit training.

Fairly hard today, had to take a longer break between the 2nd and 3rd circuits

Circuits x3

KB Clean and Press x10 (each)

KB Single arm Row x12 (each)

Burpees x12

KB Single leg deadlift x12

Hindu Pushup x12

Bicycle x40

3-6 minute rest.

Felt really strong on the clean and press, very good feeling.

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Didn't put up Tuesdays workout for some reason so here it is


Circuits x3

Chin Up x10

1 arm KB Snatch (10-10-6)

Jackknife Pushup x8

Racked Squat x22

Jump Lunge x20

Standing Boxers Twist x20

3 minute rest between circuits.

Only completed 6 of the last snatch repetitions. Hit the metaphorical wall due to hunger and having just completed an exam was a bit shattered. Also KB got a bit sweaty and started slipping and I didn't want to injure myself.

Had to sub Jackknifes for HSPU as I couldn't find a decent location in my garage for HSPU and my balance isn't good enough to do them freestanding yet.

Will post todays workout later.

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Bit of a mixed bag last two days

Tried my workout yesterday, felt sick midway though (not exertion sick just sick) so postponed it.

Put it off all day today, then gave myself my uber pep talk and got out to the gym and kicked ass.


Thursday 17.06.2010 = 1 circuit

Friday 18.06.2010 = 3 circuits

Pull Up x7

Elevated Push up x14

1 arm KB Mil Press x8

Squat Thrust = 14

Leg Raise = 12

Sit Up = 22

3 minute rest.

Back tweaked a little bit on the third circuit during the last few military presses. Decided to skip the sit ups and squat thrust as they put a bit of strain on the back. Completed leg raise though.


Been an average couple days eating wise - Pretty stressful time with exams so it felt oh so good crunching out full sets of deadhang pull ups.

I need to get out of the house more. Going to start walking a bit as study breaks.

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Morning Wake Up

5 Pull Ups

10 Press Up

15 BW Squat

Warm Up

20 Jumping Pull Ups (mixed grip)

couple minutes skipping

couple minutes of bag work, (hands)

Circuits x3

KB Push Press x10

Diamond Push up x15

Push up position Row x10

Lunges x20

Jump Squat x12

Seated Boxers Twist x25

3 minute rest

Rep = per limb if uni movement.

4x 20 Situps, just because.

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Breaking one of my goals for the 28 day challenge. But it's been a horrible day.

Crazy hard exam this morning and then I went absolutely nuts on the peanut butter and bread after it.

Been studying like crazy for my final exam on saturday as well and tonight I just needed to push some iron

Warm up = 1 min hard bag work

1 arm KB swings x135 consecutive in 4 min.

Switched arms every 10 swings.

Damn I feel good now, should have done that earlier...

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First workout in a couple days.

Still recovering from the rather epic weekend (yay germany)


400m Run

5 Jumping Pull up

7 Press Up

10 BW Squats


Circuits x2

Pull Up x8

Mil. Press x10

KB Swing x24

Press Up x24

Racked Squat x24

Hanging Leg Raise x15

3 min rest.

Changed the order, moved Mil. Press from 6th to 2nd and Pressup from 2nd to 4th. This was to maintain strength on the riskier military press so that form could be maintained.

First time working out in Vibrams. Love em. Seriously Love em.

Traveling for a week and a half, leave tonight. So workouts are going to be changing a bit. Going to try and maintain my fitness at least though.

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Real Estate Agent was showing the house today so I ventured into the cold wet muddy beyonds known as wellington.

Ran down to a local park and just tried to summon motivation to do just a bit more.

Outside Temperature = 9 degrees celsius (bit under 50F)


Running in the mud in vibrams is so slippery.

1km Run Warm Up (Down to the Park)

200m Run

20 Press Ups


100m Run

20 Squats


200m Run

40 Mountain Climbers


Walked back up the hill home. If anyone has ever been to wellington you know what I mean by hills.


Running - 4km

Hill Walking - 1km

Press Ups - 100

Squats - 200

Mountain Climbers - 200

45 min total.

Could have done it much faster if it was drier and I was willing to push harder on the runs. Given the conditions I think what I got through was much better than nothing.

Though 4x PBnJ afterwards probably cancelled it all out :(

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