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Wow. My legs hurt. Walked 5km up and down hills around wellington this morning and I'm still not used to the vibrams so I may need a rest day soon just to recover.

Workout today.

No equipment so simple bodyweight exercises only.

Started at 3pm during my classic 3pm slump. Usually I hate working out at this time and can never get the energy to complete circuits. I'm happy I pushed myself through it though.


As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP)

Time = 10.00 minutes


10 Pushups

10 Squats

10 Situps

# Rounds completed = 12.


120 Pushups

120 Squats

120 Situps

Average of 50 seconds per set.

Squat form was pretty shite due to the hurried nature and the general leg soreness.

Chest is a bit tight given the back to back days of pushups. (100 yest, 120 today)

All in all, not a bad workout.

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Been Greasing the groove all day.

Sets of 10 Pushups.



Single Leg Raise

Staggered Hands





Side sweeping.

Total = 300 for the day.

Would have been more but I had a 4 hour train journey and went out to dinner afterwards.

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So. End result of today.

Moved 4 Cu.m of misshapen firewood. Turned it into a workout my practicing throws etc. Around 4 hours in total. My obliques and back are killing me. Seriously killing me.

Sat down for around an hour after moving the firewood. Then in the pitch black (couldn't even see the road was just running parallel to some power lines)

400m Warmup (fast)

100m Sprint

100m Jog/walk

repeated 6x.

Felt surprisingly good. Guess I'm getting fitter. Now, need to nail the eating.

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fell off the wagon last few days. Away from my home gym and can really only do simply BW exercises.



Minute Madness

1 minute of each exercise (Or as many as possible with short breaks)

Every minute do another exercises

20 minutes total

1) Jumping Jacks

2) Burpees

3) Squats

4) Mountain Climbers

5) Push Ups

6) Lunges

7) Dips

8) Mountain Climbers

9) Burpees

10) Jumping Jacks

11) Squats

12) Push Ups

13) Mountain Climbers

14) Jump Lunge

15) Dips

16 High Knees

17) Squat Jump

18) Mountain Climber

19) Push Up

20) Lunges

I tried to keep form as tight as possible but it tended to go to crap towards the end of each set. Vibrams slipped off my toes at one point so I was 20 sec delayed somewhere near the start. All in all, my fitness goes to shit whenever I slip. Need more consistency and I'm looking forward to getting back to my kettlebell and pull up bar. Got a few new ideas I want to implement to see where it takes me.

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Had a few days off due to laziness. Back into it hard today.

Scaled it back a bit since I haven't circuit trained in 11 days.

On the 2nd and third circuits the snatches became swings due to form rustiness. Something doesn't feel right whenever I KB snatch, get this weird tightness in my forearms.

I've decided to implement a structured warm up regime for all my workouts. This is in preparation for when I move off circuit training in a few weeks. Still want some fast and furious action to get the blood pumping.

Warm Up

Circuits x2

300m Runs

5 Dead. Pull Up

5 Par. Bar Dips

10 Press Up

10 BW Squat

10 KB Swing (5 each arm)


Circuits x3

Chin Up x10

KB Snatch/Swing (10-12-12)

Par. Bar Dips x10

Goblet Squat x12

Lateral Jump x12 (Need to replace this with something better)

Mountain Climber x40

3 minute rest between

Felt reasonably good. Did this at noon on an empty stomach to ensure fat reserves were being used for energy.

Forearm is still feeling like weird, can't really tense it properly, maybe due to the impact of the KB from the 1st set of snatches.

Now, off for a few eggs.

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One day I will learn adequate rest and stop doing consecutive circuits. Today was not that day.


Circuits x3

300m Run

5 Pull Up

5 Par. Bar Dips

10 Squats

10 Pushups

10 KB Swings


Circuits x3

1 arm KB Clean and Press x9 (Switched to pure press on the third circuit)

1 arm KB Row x10

Burpees x8

1 Leg KB Deadlift x8

Hindu Pressup x8

Bicycle x50 (total)

Going to go watch some videos on proper form for the full body KB movements. Maybe video myself doing them as well. Something is not quite right.

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No structured workout today. Moving towards my every day do something along with 3 structured workout approach.


Circuits x3

300m Run

5 Pull Up

5 Bar Dips

10 Squats

10 Press Ups

10 Alternating KB Swings


320 Alternating KB Swings

16kg Kettlebell

Completed over 5 sets


Was attempting to do 400 but body and mind collapsed on the 5th set (was going for 6 sets, final two of 50-50)

Felt reasonable during the workout.

Swings are carnage on the legs and lower back though.

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Woke up this morning very hungover so didn't get to workout until 8.30pm.

Current Temp here is 1 degree celsisus. She's pretty nippy out there.

Warm Up

Circuits x3

Pull Up x5

Dip x5

Squat x10

Push Up x10

Alternating KB Swing x10


Pull Up x7

Elevated Press Up x10

Single Leg Squat x5

Squat Thrust x10

Hanging Leg Raise x10

Sit Up x15

Felt surprisingly good on the pull ups.

Modified the workout to include the one leg squat instead of a military press.

The reasoning behind this was that the hanging leg raises are also a bit of carnage on the upper body and I didn't want 4 upper body movements with only one lower body. Definitely going to have to work on the lower body movements... They're my weak link at the moment.

The Standard warm up is doing wonders for me. Going to start gradually increasing the intensity of it After another week of doing it.

Unrelated note, beer + Running = Rough.

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Circuits x3

300m Run

5 Pull Up

5 Dips

10 BW Squats

10 Press Up

10 Alternating KB Swing


Circuits x7

5 Pull Up

5 Dips

10 BW Squats

10 Press Ups

10 Alternating KB Swings

1 min rest between circuits

Totals Completed

Pull Up - 50

Dips - 50

BW Squat - 100

Press Up - 100

KB Swing - 100

900m Run

Time: 25 minutes

Very happy with what I accomplished today.

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Circuits x3

300m Run

5 Pull Up

5 Dips

10 BW Squats

10 Press Up

10 KB Swings


Circuits x3

KB Push Press x10

Diamond Press Up x10

Pushup Pos. Row x8

Racked KB Lunge x12

Jump Squat x8

Seated Boxers Twist x20

3 min Rest Between

Total Workout Time = 30 min

Running to TKD tonight for training. Will update later.

Ran 1.5km to TKD

2h TKD Training

Ran/Walked 1.5km Home

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So I wasn't specifically told not to workout...


Circuits x3

300m Run (Quick)

5 Pullup

5 Dips

10 BW Squats

10 Press Up

10 KB Swings

No rest between circuits



7 Sprints in total

Each sprint was no less than 100m in length (100-120m variation)

Walk/jog immediately back to the start line after each sprint.

Drinks break after 2nd and 5th sets.

Had to abandon the 8th sprint due to stitch.

Haven't sprinted in awhile

Each sprint took between ~12.0s and ~13.5s

By PB for the 100m was 10.8s before I injured my ankle so I haven't deteriorated too much since I was running on the road in vibrams. I did have a backwind however, I can't remember what the old correction factors were and I don't really care anyway.

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Warm up

Circuits x3

No rest between circuits

300m Run

5 Pull Up

5 Dips

10 Squats

10 KB Swings


Circuits x4

Chin Ups x10

Dips x10

KB Racked Squat x10

Jumping Lunges x10

KB Swing x10

Leg Raise x10

2 min rest between circuits.

Was going for 5 sets. Hit failure on the last circuit though.

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Warm Up

Circuits x3

300m Run

5 Pull Up

5 Dips

10 BW Squats

10 KB Swings


As Many Rounds As Possible

Time = 20 minutes (19)

Mini Circuit

Pull Up x5

BW Squat x10

KB Swing x15

Rounds Completed = 15

Totals including warm up

Pull Up = 90

Squats = 180

KB Swings = 255

Sweating like a beast, good workout though.

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Been in a fairly decent slump last few days.

Eating argh

Working Out bah

Stupid Inflamed shoulder, the anti inflammatory meds did a real number on my guts even though I was only on them for two days...

Fairly average workout today

Definitely some things to improve on but I'm not gona beat myself up since I still feel so weak from the meds.

Warm Up

Circuits x3

100 Jumps with ye ole jump rope

5 Pull Up

5 Dips

10 BW Squats

10 Press Up

10 KB Swings

No rest between circuits


Pull Up (10-10)

Dips (10-12-12)

KB 1 arm Mil. Press (6-6-6)

One Leg Squat with column (5-5-5-5)

2 min rest between sets.

Like I said, still feeling weak... hopefully will do better tomorrow.

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Do not ask me why I chose to do this workout today, I'm rather sick and just generally feeling average.

Warm Up

Circuits x3

300m Run

5 Pull Up

5 Dips

10 BW Squats

10 Press Ups

10 KB Swings

No Rest Between Circuits


The Cheeky 600

For Time

50 Chin Up (10-20-32-41-47-50)

50 Dips (16-26-32-50)

100 Press Up (25-38-50-70-85-100)

200 Squats (50-100-150-200)

200 KB Swings (50-100-150-175-200)

Time: 25.10

Didn't stop the clock during a brief walk outside to prevent chunder.

Btw, complete success in not chundering.

In Brackets is the number of reps completed before going on to a different exercise, there were rest breaks in between.

Not bad for a first attempt given my recent lack of general movement. Feeling quite happy with myself and also feel like I'm about to puke my guts out.

So yea, I feel like a fricken beast right now.

Looking back when I first started my fitness goals 8 months ago if you had told me I would have been accomplishing this I would have just laughed my ass off and told you you were dreaming.

I feel like this is a real turning point. I've gone through highs, I've gone through lows.

Out there in my itty bitty little garage gym I found a place I could go to that I never knew existed. The last few reps were pathetically easy and I almost feel as though I could have done more.

Word of advice before attempting something like this, make sure you've got a decent playlist on. Having to power through body weight dips with fricken Lady Antebellum coming on shuffle is a horrible feeling.

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Been really lacking for consistency lately....

Had a massive lab today, 4.5 hours spent taking measurements... Yuck, need to redo it as well to get decent results.

Warm Up

Circuits x3

300m Run

5 Pull Up

5 Dips

10 BW Squats

10 Push Ups

10 KB Swings

No rest between circuits


15-15 KB Snatch Protocol

6 reps per set

34 sets total.

204 total snatches (102 each arm)

Time = 17 min

That's probably more like 20 min. Stopped a couple times to stretch.

15-15 protocol refers to 15 sec work on, 15 sec rest.

Was reading up about it and it's best to start with 6 reps/set and to attempt 25 min (50 total sets)

I stopped at 34 as my lower back was beginning to seize (old injury) decided best to play it safe.

Diet today, Too many carbs but other than that was good.

It's almost impossible to control my dinner meals for 4/7 nights a week.

My flat mates love to cook staple carb dishes (they're cheap and we have quite a tight food budget)

Oh well, time to hardboil some eggs :)

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Ugg, Huge Fail. Stupid Sickness.

Warm Up

Circuits x3

300m Run

5 Pull Up

5 Dips

10 BW Squats

10 Press Up

10 KB Swing


Circuits x1.5

8 Pull Up

8 Mil. Press

5 One Leg Squats

10 Hindu Press Up

10 Jump Lunges

10 Leg Raise.

Only made it up to the hindu press ups on the 2nd circuits. Basically just a huge fail.

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Warm Up

Circuits x3

300m Run

5 Pull Up

5 Dips

10 BW Squats

10 Press Up

10 KB Swing

No rest


Done as Super Sets

~1-2 min rest between sets.

Chin Up x10

One Leg Squat x8


Dips x10

Lateral Step Up x5e (w/ KB)


Bent Over Row x10 (1 arm, 16kg KB)

Standing boxers twist x20 (w/ KB)


20-30 Press Ups

40 Mountain Climbers


Good workout today. Feel much much better now.

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Morning Workout

Warm Up

Circuits x3

300m Run

5 Wide grip Pull ups

5 Dips

10 BW Squats

10 Press Up

10 KB Swings


100m Sprint x4

100m Jog x4

Working out fasted this morning and it is fricken cold. Motivation died halfway through the sprints. Working out again this afternoon though so not a big deal.

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Afternoon Workout

Warm Up

Circuits x3

300m run

5 Pull Up

5 Dips

10 BW Squats

10 KB Swings


As Super Sets

20 Walking Lunges (w/ KB)

10 KB Mil Press


10 Pull Up

10 Jump Squat


10 Push Up Position Row

10 1 leg KB Dead Lift


40 KB Swings

10 Hanging Leg Raise


Feeling great. :)

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Running today, something I've been neglecting for too long.

Fartlak 2.5km (5 sprints)

Approx time 11 min

3x 100m Sprints

100m Walk in between.

Lungs didn't give out. Back did. big snatch day yesterday and my lower back is still tight. I really need to stretch more...

3 Sets of Planks

2 min Regular

1 min each side.

5x 10 Divebomber Pushups

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Warm Up

Circuits x3

300m Run

7 Pull Up

7 Dips

10 KB Squats

12 KB Swings

Intensified the warm up portion. This is mainly because I'm weaker than I want to be at the squats, pull ups and dips. Must get better at them :)


Each pair done as a superset with no rest in between.

10 Pull Up

8 One Leg Column Squats


10 Dips

6 Lateral Step Up (each leg, with racked KB)


10 KB Rows (each arm)

20 Standing KB Twists


20 Press Up

40 Mountain Climbers


Feeling good now, getting much better at the chin ups and dips, can definitely feel improvement.

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