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Workout Progress Log

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Had a really crappy breakfast this morning.

Whole wheat, but ugg. Still way too many carbs. Suffered for it during this workout at well

Warm Up

Circuits x3

300m run

7 Pull Up

7 Dips

15 BW Squats

15 KB Swings


Jump Rope

Sets of 200 Reps

6 Sets

1 min rest between.

Generally just feeling lethargic now. Not a great feeling. Ugg silly carbs making me sleepy.

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So after a fairly large fail of a weekend I finally got a decent workout in sunday night.

Warm Up

Circuits x3

Jump Rope x50-100

5 Jumping Pull Up

5 Dips

10 KB Squats

10 KB Swings

Not the greatest warm up sets, it's quite cold here though and I'm still not 100% recovered. Huge fail on the pull ups really.

Interestingly I find squats much much easier when I'm doing them weighted vs just body weight. Form is much much tighter.


As Super Sets

KB Lunges x10

Mil. Press x10


Pull Up x8

Jump Squat x10


Pushup Pos. Row x10

1 Leg KB Deadlift x10


40 KB Swings

10 Leg Raise


Felt good on everything but the pull ups basically.

Going to look into getting a heavier kettlebell as the 16kg one is seeming a bit light. Probably going to move up to 24kg.

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Fairly erratic workout. Was going to do a 15-15 snatch protocol but stopped due to my calluses playing up.

Warm Up

Circuits x3

Jump Rope x50-100

5 Chin Up/Pull Up

5 Dips

10 KB Squats

10 KB Swings


15-15 Snatch 7 reps/set

x14 sets

Chin Up 1xF (17) (PB)

Dips 1xF (23) (PB)

KB Squats 5x12

Reverse Crunch 3x20

L-sit 2x5

Like I said, fairly erratic.

New PB on the Dips and Chin Ups though, mainly because I almost never go to that rep range.

Probably could have hit 20 chins if my forearms weren't jacked from the snatches.

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No scheduled workout for today so I've just been doing random things throughout the day. Little mini workout around 10pm though.


12 Divebomber Press Up

20 Knee to Opp shoulder mountain climbers

5-10 min in between each one.

Also, 1xF press ups

67 in total. Getting closer towards my pushup goal

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After a good break yesterday hit it hard in the sun today.

Warm Up

Circuits x3

300m Run

5 Pull Up

5 Dips

10 KB Squats

10 2H KB Swings


Super Sets

Chin Up (12-12-10)

One Leg Squat (10-10-10)

Dips (15-15-15)

Jump Lunge (10-10-10)

KB Row (12-12-12)

Standing Boxer Twist (20-20-20)

Push Up (20-20)

Mountain Climber (40-40)

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Completely changed my ethos on my workouts. Gona trial this out and see if I get some improvements since I've been stagnating mentally and physically lately.


Chin Up (8-10-12-5-5)

KB Mil. Press (16kg) (8-10-12-10-8)

KB Squat (16kg) (16-18-20-18-16)

Plank (30-45-60-45-30)

Toning it down a touch so that I'm actually feeling better instead of just grinding myself into the ground.

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Sprints/Running today.

Positives: hit a new PB on my 2km time

Negs: Sprinting made me want to puke.


2km Run *warmup* 8.20

4x120m Sprints

4x120m Walks

Really pushed the sprints hard. Really hard, body wasn't used to it. Still a good sprint workout though especially with the quick starter run.

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Really need to improve my squat. :)

Morning Workout


400m run 100s

Chin Ups (weighted)

BW x8

5kg x7

10kg x5x3

Barbell Mil. Press

20kg x5

30kg x5

40kg x5x2

45kg x5

Back Squat

40kg x5x2

45kg x5

50kg x5

60kg x5


30kg x5

50kg x5

70kg x5

80kg x5

90kg x5


40-50-60-50-40 (s)


600m Run (150s)

Feeling great, and all accomplished by 9am. What a way to start the morning.

Mid Afternoon game of Squash,

One hour (Won 5-0 :) )

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Morning Workout

500m Warm Up Run


BW x5

10kg x5

15kg x5

20kg x5

25kg x5


40kg x5

60kg x5

65kg x5x2

70kg x5

Barbell Row

40kg x5

50kg x5

60kg x5x3


60kg x5

80kg x5

100kg x5x3


20 Bicycles

15 Med. Ball Seated Twist


300m Run


15 degree incline

(Apparently this burns 1800 calories/hour, brutally intense is all I know)

And finished by 9am. Chugging a big glass of milk at the moment :)

Evening Workout

Tabata Squats

20 sec on 10 sec off

10 Sets

13-15 Squats per set.

Repeated three times

2x 20 press ups

Ouch Triceps failed.

Was going to try and make this a midafternoon KB Session, got a bit lazy though.

Will do a KB Session tomorrow morning.

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Random workout today, going to take a few days off working the hips/back after tomorrow.

3x20 2h KB Swings to warm up

For time

100 KB Snatches (16kg)


10x 2h KB Clean, Thruster complex.

AMRAP 5 min

10 Squats

10 Press Ups

Completed 10 Rounds

Was going for 10 minutes, I really need to start doing some recovery days.

Stretch from the snatches!

45 minute game of Squash, won 5-0

Going to do a pull up, Bench, Squat day tomorrow.

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Morning Workout

Bike 1.5km to gym as friend who was supposed to pick me up bailed

400m warm up run @15kmh

Weighted Pull up

BW x8

5kg x5

10kg x5x2

10kg x3 (F)

Bench Press

40kg x5

60kg x5

70kg x5

80kg x5x3


40kg x5

60kg x5

70kg x5

80kg x5x3

Knees to Elbows

10 x3

Fake 1 arm chin up x5x1 (each arm)

Incline Run @ 15 degrees, 15kmh for 50 calories

1.5km bike home.

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Hangover cure workout + Pull up test.

Warm up

600m Run

Pull Up test

(substituted chin ups due to hang over and I like chin ups more)

TWENTY!!!!!!!! Barely got there but I still did it!

Barbell Complex

Power Clean

Front Squat Thruster

Back Squat

BTN Thruster

Rinse and Repeat

30kg x5x2

Power Clean + Military Press

40kg x5

45kg x5

50kg x5

50kg x4

Power Clean

60kg x5x2

65kg x2

70kg x2

75kg x2

80kg (Failure)

Just wanted to see how heavy I could take the cleans.

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500m run @ 16.5km/h

Weighted Chin Ups

BW x8

10kg x5

15kg x5x3

Overhead Press

40kg x5

50kg x5

52.5kg x5

40kg x5x2

Stalled here at 52.5kg, so I deloaded back to 40kg. Most likely due to the shitty sleep and power clean/press combos I was doing yesterday... I really dislike how lazy my room mates are.

Back Squat

60kg x5

80kg x5

90kg x5x3

Going to stabilise here for a bit and get my technique sorted. Moved up 30kg in a week so I guess I should really calm down and get my ego out of it.


60kg x5

80kg x5

100kg x5

110kg x5x2

Added another 10kg to my Dead. Grip strength is going to become an issue soon


60s x3

Just to stabilise it to finish.

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Supposed to be a CnP and Snatch day today.

Get to the gym so I settle on front squats until one of the bars gets free

Bad idea really, didn't quite have the bar in the right place

Front Squat

20kg x10

40kg x10

50kg x8

60kg x5x2

70kg x5x3


40kg x5

45kg x5

50kg x5

55kg x5

60kg x3

65kg x3

70kg x1

I think I may have done something to my shoulder on the last set. Icing it now.

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500m Warm up Run

Weighted Dips

BW x10

20kg x5

30kg x5x3

Barbell Rows

60kg x5

65kg x5

70kg x5x3


60kg x5

80kg x5

90kg x5

95kg x5

100kg x3

(Technique slipped here, something wasn't quite right so I stopped the workout)

Sinuses are a bit hammered and I'm just generally not feeling great. Worked out anyway though hoping it would clear up

It didn't, that's life.

I attempted some power cleans as well but yea, didn't feel right.

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Big earthquake at 4.30am this morning here.

7.1 on the Richter scale.

Flatted 5% of the city. So my Gym is shut and Uni won't restart for a week while they do structural testing..

Back to BW stuff today

Pull Up




Chin Up


Press Up


KB Swing


1 min rest breaks, strict

Heart really wasn't in it. Back isn't quite right and I really want to get into my gym to lift heavy.

For the day

Breakfast - 3 pc toast, marmite, cheese

Lunch - 3 Egg Omelet, Ham, Cheese

Snack - one 35g pack of beef jerky

Post workout - Protein Shake

Dinner - Not sure, flat mate just cooked up a big vat of pasta. not sure if I want to eat it... Food may be scarce for next couple of days though.

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Breakfast - 3 Egg omelet with ham and cheese

Lunch - Protein Shake with extra milk

Snack - Beef Jerky, Almonds

Dinner - Rice with Mince, Vege, Tomatoes

Really really want my gym to reopen.


5.5km Run, 30 min or so.

Nice and relaxed, went to check out my gym. Looks like they're shut down for the week due to the earthquake :(

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