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Hello fellow Rebels,


Feeling pretty pumped up right now.Coz today's the day I'm gonna start on the path to becoming awesome,again.



Six months ago,I was weighing only around 130 pounds(Tyrion in GOT weighs more than I was,I guess.But I'm way too taller than him,so no worries :nevreness: ).And then,one fine morning,I got an insatiable urge to look better and fit.Somehow I stumbled into this website(I didn't join the community then though,I just read the articles here).And I knew what to do then.I increased my calorie intake,worked out every Monday,Wednesday and Friday regularly(give or take a week or two),and took pictures of me to track my progress.And by the end of the 5th month,I was weighing around 165 pounds.

I couldn't have been more happier.


This feeling of accomplishment infected me like a virus and spread to other parts of my life too.


I started to set goals and achieve them one step at a time.


->I always wanted to get good at playing guitar.So I enrolled in an online course and I have cleared the beginner stage.And I have cleared the intermediate stage too.


->I wanted to pursue a Masters after 6 months of working at my current job.So I started preparing for the prerequisite exams side-by-side while working my current IT gig.And I scored pretty well in it too.


I could go on and on about all the good things that started to happen in my life because I started to work out and eat right.


However,for the last month,I was too preoccupied with my sedentary job that I stopped taking my meals regularly and lost a lot of weight.Because I was working for almost 16-17 hours a day,I took only 2 small meals most of the days(Somedays just 1).And I worked out only once a week for these four weeks.Now from 165 pounds,I have dropped almost to 145 pounds!


I know I should have been stronger with my choices about food and I should have prioritized working out over taking rest,but I'm not gonna cry over spilled milk.I have decided to get back on track again today.I'l eat right,work out regularly from now on and hit the 170-pound mark.



170-pound target date:August 15


I love the way you guys help everyone else in the community and I really feel that this is the place to be.


Looking forward to becoming a part of this amazing community!

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Welcome to the Rebellion!!!!  

As you've figured out, NOTHING is required.  Na da.  You can hang out, read, swap tips and questions and learn from the mentors and fellow nerds.  

If you want more accountability, I do recommend the 6-week challenges.  During these challenges, you pick a few goals to work on that will help you improve your life.  6 weeks is usually enough time to let you decide if the new activities are helpful and work for you .... or not. And that's long enough to establish new habits that you can turn into a healthier lifestyle.

The next challenge started June 9th, but you can still dive in!!  You'll start as a Level 1 Rebel (http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/forum/362-level-1-rebels/) .... which is where you LEARN about all of the stats, guilds, rpg character, and so on as well as working at setting SMART goals.  You still get to adopt what works for you, and you can ignore the rest.  Some very successful NF people never bother with classes or stat points or race or so on.  They just hang out in the guild that suits their goals best.

Even MOAR accountability?  We have accountability groups of 7 or so people who check up on each other frequently during a challenge.  Plus lots of other, optional fun.

Let us know how we can help you achieve your goals.  Post here ... or you can message me with the envelope icon at the upper right of the screen.

Good luck!!

Level 63 Human ... Oath of Ancients Paladin

"We are better than we know, if we can be made to see it, [then] for the rest of our lives, we'll be unwilling to settle for less."  - Kurt Hahn

STR: 14 | DEX: 14| CON: 17 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 14


The SIde Tracked Quest (rough draft)



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