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Wordbomb incoming, take cover!


Hello, sort-of new guy here!

As you might be able to tell by my profile stats, I'm not exactly the newest recruit here, but working from the basis that it's never too late to introduce yourself, here goes!


I am a 19 year old (soon to be 20), perpetually skinny guy, who could, and perhaps still can, eat anything he wants, without gaining any weight (you know the type). I'm probably still the local gamba eating champion in some town in the Netherlands (can't remember if my parents made my quit when I reached the mid thirties of forties, but  the desert was good as well, as was my sisters desert). Anyway, I stopped eating amounts like that almost a year ago, when I moved out of the parental home to study Medicine. This was a choice made based of two reasons. One, I am a student, I cannot afford to eat that much. Two, my Dad slipped on personal health when he moved out, and he still caries the results of that with him. I respect him for the work that he has been putting into losing that weight, but once you have it, it becomes harder and harder to lose it. I decided that the easiest way too lose that weight was too never have it, and here I am, trying my best to eat healthy, 4 days minimum of the week, and training, 5 days, roughly 4 to 5 hours in the week. I am still thinner than my Dad ever was, so I must be on the right track there. (I am not underweight, though it does cut closely). But my Dads genes have had an odd effect, in combination with other genes, from my Mom. I don't have a lot of body-fat, but I do have a genetic predisposition to having a beer belly, so the fat that I do have is on the lower belly, but no matter, it could be worse.


As for eating, I follow a semi-paleo diet. When I am at my home in Nijmegen, I cook for myself and usually eat about 80% paleo, by which I mean paleo supplemented by brown rice or whole grain pasta when I am especially hungry in the evenings. The rest of the day is paleo, fruits and nuts. I like cooking, so it is unlikely that I will ever eat take-out food when given the chance, though I do have a back-up of 3 packs of ramen for when I really need it. During the weekend and on Friday, I eat at my parents home, with my family, and I don't want to push my eating habits on them. Seeing as rice and pasta are a main staple of our diet there, it kinda infringes on the paleo diet. But the food is still healthy and wholesome, despite its non-paleo aspect.


My workouts consist of two parts, running on Tuesdays and Thursdays and body-weight on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The weekend is for recuperation.


The body-weight workout consists out of jump squats, pull-ups, push-ups (both regular and pylometric), calve raises and lunges. I aim at improving the pull-ups and regular push-ups with at least one rep per set, but I don't always reach that goal.


For running I divided it in two parts. During one period I focus distance, usually in increments of 5 km. Right now I am working my way up to 10 km (now at 8,5 km). When I reach that mark, I start focusing on speed, completing that distance in a time and speed that has yet to be determined.


On the matter of what Class and Race I am, I would have to say that I am an Elf, wanting to be a Ranger, leaning to the Scout side. I am also a bit interested in the Assassins and Monks.


As for hobbies, this will come as a shocker, but I like to read (from Jim Butcher and Terry Pratchet to Robert Jordan and Iain M. Banks) and to game (from Assassins creed and Borderlands to Starcraft and Star Citizen, when it comes out).


I have had a varied taste in music over the time, starting with Within Temptation, to the Red Hot Chilipepers, going to Drum & Bass and Dubstep, back to Within Temptation, which is now accompanied by Disturbed, Device, Alter Bridge, Evanescence, Halestorm, Nightwish, Linkin Park and Tenacious D. Also, some rap from Dan Bull and Beit Nun is in it.


I also have a battle-log, which is linked in my signature.
I also attempted to write a guide for making your own workout, also linked in my signature. If you have anything to add to it, don't hesitate to respond to it.


Good luck, fellow Rebels, and may the Force be with you.


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Nice to meet you, Demos! Good luck on your fitness / health goals! :)


Also, Star Citizen looks amazing. I'm looking forward to it, as well. ^_^


Nice to meet you as well. Good luck with your quests!

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