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Lokesbrah is ready to battle!

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Hello Community!

          My name is Lokesbrah and I've just discovered this fantastic world. How I got here I cannot recall, but it does not matter anyway! What matters is that i'm here to achieve greatness!

          I am a Light foot Halfling Assassin, and I need some aid! This world contains too much information for me to handle and I wish there was someone who held a helping hand to my poor self!

          I know that level 0 (1) characters have a special class in the 6 week chalenge but I do not know how to act and what to do (and yes, I've been all-over-the-place trying to understand)!

          Could someone give this poor Assassin some guidance?

Race: Half-Elf          Class: Warrior-Assassin

Level: 0                     Last Challenge:

STR: x | CON: x | DEX: x | INT: x | WIS: x | CHA: x |

"[I am] the spark that will light the flame of the Rebellion"

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Hey buddy, welcome to nerd fitness.

For 6 week challenges You need to head over to the 6 week challenges, rebels section

You can start yourself a thread or sit this one out and get yourself prepared for the next one.

You can find a link to my challenge thread in my signature, to give you an idea what would should look like.

To begin with you need your main quest - that long term thing you Are after, for me it's to get my V shape torso back and athletic performance.

Then you pick three mini quests for the 6 weeks, these should be SMART - Specific, Realistic, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound

For example 'I will lose 300lbs' isn't very realistic or achievable nor is it specific because you aren't saying how you are going to do it.

'I will perform three 60 minute strength workouts a week using overhead press, bench press, squats and dead lifts, aiming for 3 sets of 0 reps before upping the weight' is SMART

Once you have three objectives you then pick a life quest, this is not necessarily fitness related but is one of those things you have always wanted to do, mine is to save 7%of the money for my wedding

Some people have 'cook one new recipe a week' or 'play the bongos for 3 hours a week'

Hope that helps, message me for more info

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