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Never Say Never Again

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I've re-written this multiple times over. I get hung up on the past and the justification for my current state. In the end, none of that really matters and what does matter is going forward. This year started a complete re-programming of my life. Not so long ago, I convinced myself I would never get to the point of being able to motivate myself to self-improvement, but as the Bond movie that shares a title with this post, Never Say Never Again.




3 years ago, I got into the sport of curling (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curling). Over those 3 years my skill has increased along with my weight. This year I curled in a summer bonspiel (tournament), took a look at the event photos, and finally realized how much weight I had put on. I left college 4 years ago at 150 and on June 15th of this year I was 205. Something had to be done. That week I started body-weight workouts and calorie tracking. Currently, I am working out with a group once a week in a private gym and doing body-weight/kettlebells on off days. I'm down 20 pounds already, but have stayed steady for the last week.



SW: 205

CW: 185

GW: 150


Still need to figure out my workout goals. My desired outcome is fitness for curling so I can continue developing towards more competitive levels. Flexibility, core strength, and interval endurance are the over arching goals.




I'm at an advantage that I cook 80%+ of my meals. My downside is I historically have awful portion control. Calorie tracking has helped reset that. I have been calorie tracking for the better portion of the last month and a half and slightly worried I have been under eating. My daily goal according to MFP is 1400 calories, yet I only would eat between 1100-1300. That does not take into account any burned calories as well. I have stopped tracking as of last Wednesday and will be restarting next Monday. I am eating relatively the same foods as I was before I stopped tracking, just without entering it into MFP. 



Eat approx. 1400 calories daily (averaged over 1 week). Macro split: 35% Protein 35% Carb 30% Fat




In addition to the goals above, I am also taking this time to work on bettering myself on the non-fitness/diet side as well. These are a bit more nebulous that above, but important none the less. 




I was diagnosed with a slew of anxiety (social, general, panic) related disorders 3 years ago. Come a long way since then, but still have a ways to go. 


Goals: Journal daily. Monthly CBT goals.




Losing weight has given me the perfect opportunity to build the stylish wardrobe I have been thinking about for a while. I'm an adult now and should start looking like it.


Goals: Not sure how to quantify this one yet.




Thanks for sticking with me to the end of this meandering post. So far, a good start, but a long way to go still. Time to keep working at it and figure out the measurable goals that I am missing.









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It sounds like you are doing good work improving your health. Setting these goals will help as well.

It's amazing what you can do when you put that commitment out to the world.

I hope to see you around the forums.



Progress woot: Skywalker's success

Character Profile:  Skywalker

Blog:  Just Get Moving

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!

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I've re-written this multiple times over. I get hung up on the past and the justification for my current state. In the end, none of that really matters and what does matter is going forward. 


Well said!


Welcome. Looking forward to getting to know you better along this journey!

Gnome Assassin: [3]
[sTR: 6] [DEX: 1] [STA: 5] [CON: 4] [WIS: 0] [CHA: 1]

âWhat we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal. Albert Pike

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