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So where to start ( get ready for a long one /shrug )

The fun stuff: I presently play Minecraft BigDig where I spend many non productive hours trying to build a useless moonbase(FUN!). Used to play Wow, Eve Online, Everquest and the Original Neverwinter Nights on AOL back in the day. My other joy, riding my motorcycle. What a great way to leave your stress behind. I'm a bit of a poker player as well. I also play a bit of discgolf. I totally suck at it too but I don't care. People who suck at golf just get the hit the ball/toss the disc more times during the game and isn't that the whole fun of it? I WIN!

Ok, down to business, but with a little help from you all, we're gonna turn that to fun...
46, diabetic, high blood pressure, lazy as all get out.

I work at a desk pushing buttons George Jetson style. 315 pounds as of November. Not sure what happened but one day I decided I'm a good candidate to not see age 50. Decided right then and there that it was time. Changed my diet to Chicken, Fish, Legumes, Whole Grains and tons of salad and began walking. 10,000-12,000 steps a day followed by 15 mins on the stationary bike each evening. ( well, 5-6 days a week ). Fast forward 8 months to today and I'm now 275. I feel better but I've hit a plateau. I can't get any further. Decided it was time to knock it up a notch (with a last from the spice weasel).

So I went out and bought a membership to the new Planet Fitness that opened a mile from me. Started just a few days ago. Did a circuit the first day(and I paid up front for a year /cry). Then I found this site. First off, (sarcasm = on) Thanks a lot for tossing a monkey wrench in my plan. And also (sarcasm = off, grin = on) thanks a lot for tossing a monkey wrench into my plan!!!.....

So I did some reading, and some more reading, and some more reading, and some more reading(You cannot read a single page on this site without getting 3 more links to other pages you want to read, LOL) and well, I dig it! I was pretty close to the paleo diet already(shhh. I'm willing to beleive that). Just a few more tweaks (I did it once 8 months ago and this is a smaller change. Piece O' cake). Been on it since Friday and I don't feel like I'm dying from grain withdrawl. In fact, I'm quite full regularly. The only place I need to work on is salad dressing solutions. In time. Everything else is pretty much paleo.


Now the PF problem....err PF solution. I pieced together some body weight stuff with dumbells. Sure, they only go up to 70 pounds but I suspect I have a little while before that becomes an issue, and when it does, I'll probably be pretty happy to have that problem.

Well that's my tale, all out on the table. I hope to join the academy soon but cash is a little tight this week. Gym memberships do that (or so it seems). But it WILL happen. Today I did my first workout NF style. I would sure appreciate a critique to make sure I built a proper workout. I'm kinda flying blind, and suck at the whole feeling your way with the force thing.

Did the basic warmup I found on this site. Because of knee problems, jumping rope causes discomfort (I suspect that will reduce in time) so I decided to try 2 minutes on the eliptical at warp speed ( made like I was kiting slimes on Rotface ). Got a few looks from people as this big fat guy looking like a yeti on fire uses the machine to extreme for only 2 minutes. Rather than being embarrassed, I decided to find it funny. I guess I'm already so good in the gym that I can steal their concentration. If only they could do that to me <weg>

On to the pain ( the good type )


Step one. iPod with Slayer. LOUD Slayer.

3 sets of 8 dumbell squats with 12.5lb
3 sets of 8 hip extensions
3 sets of 8 dumbell press with 20lb
3 sets of 8 Bent Over Dumbell Rows with 20lb (3 sets each arm. Actually one arm then the other, then rest)
3 Planks held for 20 seconds (ok about 15 on the last one when my body decided it was done AKA I wiped on the final boss)

Finished with the NF beginner cooldown and boy was it tough to get through LOL.(I was/are seriously pooped). The weights were light but the reps pooped me out about where I think I need to be. Don't have the endurance for 4 sets yet but there's always day two right? (Ok, better wait for day 3)

My Battle Plans: I want to be off of my diabetes and blood pressure medications with a mini goal of dropping under 250. Next plans will come when those are dominated!
What do I bring to the table?: Well, I'll have to think on that one but initially I'd say one hell of a success story. Just gotta wait until 2015 for me to finish. Still writing it if you will.


I'd like to say "...and the adventure begins" but I am pretty proud of myself for all the changes I've made, and stuck to, this year and with my confidence high for success, I think I'll say....And the adventure continues!

Hey. I've got a blog!! ----> The Dilnad Can!

This is how I did it. This is how you too can do it! ----> http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2015/09/28/learn-how-an-office-worker-lost-100-lbs-saved-his-own-life-and-became-a-superhero/


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You should be proud of yourself. You have made a great start on you journey to better health and sound pumped to continue.

I'm not going to give you workout advice but am giving you a warm welcome.

Maybe jump into one of the workout forums for some critique but it sounds awesome. :)



Progress woot: Skywalker's success

Character Profile:  Skywalker

Blog:  Just Get Moving

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!

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