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New, excited to find somewhere nerdy!

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Hey!  Pretty stoked to find a place that loves nerdy stuff and being fit.  


Nerd wise - I'm a math nerd, love my Nintendo, survival horror games, and am recently super addicted to PvZ:GW.  Love basically anything horror related.




I love working out, but unfortunately I love food.  Have been working out pretty consistently for the past year, but recently started Stronglifts to start improving my form and lifting ability and am aiming for 3x a week.  I do have a pretty great system of workout buddies through football, of which I am quite grateful for.


Was around 245 last summer, sitting around 217-220 right now training for a Spartan Race (now less than 2 weeks away) doing mostly hill runs, long distance runs, and bodyweights.  Pulled my pec during the football season (I play offensive line in a women's tackle league!) so trying to rehab that/get over the mental issues with it.  Just finished a 6km mud run a few weeks ago! 


Here I'm probably around 225:



And after the mud run, at 217:  https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10351806_640058027632_4530703505653137866_n.jpg


I'm also an avid horseback rider - please no hating on riding at my weight, he is more than capable to carry me.  He is the main reason I'd like to get fit, and I'd love to look better, obviously! 


Ideally, I'd like to go Paleo, but the SO is the one who cooks/buys the food.  Tips to get him on the bandwagon?? He IS cooking healthier, and buying healthier food, but still likes his carbs. 


Excited to get started and discuss fitness with like minded people, this place seems like a ton of fun.  =)


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