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Actually reaching goals

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Setting goals is something the majority of us probably do, myself included, but my problem is actually reaching my goals. I run out of motivation so quickly it's hard for me to make any real lasting changes.

Has anyone else experienced this? If you have any tips or idea that could help, I'm all ears.


"Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps down new roads armed with nothing but their own vision." - Ayn Rand

welcome to real life | bitch be cool

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Used to have this problem, and it was because I had huge great big goals. I had to learn to break it down into smaller steps so that I can have the feeling of accomplishment more often which helps keep me motivated. Also, setting measurable goals is important. Steve has a great post about this, and spezzy's goal setting forum post has great ideas, although I can't find the link at the moment. Train SMART - specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.

Lastly, live for the little victories and you'll always be smiling.

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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Agree with the above.

With any daunting task, you need to break it down into smaller and more maintainable tasks such as:

1. Go to the gym 3 times a week

2. Get an effective workout plan and stick to it.

3. Clean up diet.

4. Improve weights used in exercises.

That's just off the top of my head, and probably not well defined enough but you get the idea. But saying that, that's how I did it. I ran the above mostly in parallel, but mostly for me it was having it written down to have it laid out clearly in my head.

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If your goals are important to you, you will find a way to reach them. If not, you will find an excuse. I think it's really just that easy. There are no tricks. You have to visualize why those goals are important to you. How they will help to level up your life. Write it down, put it on your desk. You have to belive that they are important.

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Also, don't be afraid to talk to people on here about your goals and what you're doing to attain them. Why are somethings working and not others. What suggestions people have. What personal experiences people have had. I've asked a lot of "stupid" questions, and the answers have really really helped me out.

One day at a time. No excuses. Battle Log | Current Challenge - Bleep All the Things

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To answer your question in as few words possible...Set short term goals, mid term goals and long range goals. Each building towards the ultimate end goal. Set a block of time out in the middle to reevaluate the ultimate goal and to make changes if needed. Decree to the "World" your goals and plans...so others may hold you accountable and help along the way. We are all motivated differently, so try find something that works for you and your goals. Good luck!!!

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I'm going to buck the trend a little bit and tell you what's worked for me so far. I'm about a month and a half in, dropped 10 lbs, and I'm looking to drop another 20, so I'm 1/3 of the way to my overall, more nebulous goal. BUT, the thing that keeps me going is really just a mindless, daily goal that isn't really a goal at all: work out, in some form, everyday, and stop eating crap.

I have such intense ADD that all those old saws of delayed gratification (it will feel so good later and you'll be so happy you did it, past tense) have never worked for me. I need gratification now. Today. So, my only goal is be better TONIGHT AT THE GYM than I was this morning when I woke up. It's been working for me since only thinking in 24 hour chunks of my life is a whole lot less daunting that thinking about the months it will take to reach my background goal of overall weight loss. Good luck!

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I have a lot of random motivation strewn around my apartment. I don't know, I'm kind of spacey so it helps me if I'm really craving cookie... and then I walk into the kitchen and see the note I posted on the fridge reminding me of the article I read about what wheat does to your intestines. But I live alone and my kids can't make fun of me because I'm in charge. :)

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I don't remember where I read or watched this but it has stuck with me for quite a while. It's the basic principle of not announcing what you're going to do, what your goals are, to anyone but yourself. By announcing what you're going to do usually gives some early praise. Having this early 'reward' can make it feel like a success in itself and the motivation you had may fall.

Give it a try, set goals that only you know of and do not announce them until you've reached them. This isn't exclusive to fitness but all practices in general. :)

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