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Hi! I can be found here: http://nerdfitness.com/community/showthread.php?4770-Roos-Fit-to-Dance-Challange/page2&highlight=%27Roos%27

I can honestly say that last week, when spending five days dancing, I felt great. I was walking at least six miles a day, and putting on my dance shoes and going at it all night. During one dance I realized my partner was completely winded and I was feeling great. I was keeping up at tempos which had previously blown me pretty badly. I had a great time and not once turned down a dance due to being tired. All that said, I'm still listed in the 'obese' category. I guess I have better training regimes than the lean people I'm dancing with? I don't know. Regardless, I can't WAIT to see what dancing will be like 40 lbs lighter. If I feel this good now, I'll be putting everyone to bed at that point.

All that said, the challenge has gone variably. I've had severe mood swings over the past two weeks. My diet was GONE last week - though I tried to keep my protein intake high, it was a losing battle and I had a LOT of carbs and alcohol. I also haven't swung my kettlebell in over a week and a half. My life goals, half are good, half are abandoned....

BUT! I realized I was completely refocused, today. I've gone two days with a really strong paleo diet, and I have SO MUCH to behave well for. Doctor's appointment (in which I want to 'wow' my new Doc and reassure my mum that saturated fat is a lubricant) a photo shoot hopefully soon, Christmas at home (with friends from home whom I don't want to think 'wow, she's let herself go'), etc. If I'm good through the end of the challenge, I'm really curious how far I can be.

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My challenge has been going pretty well - my goals were mostly a bit vague, and I've had the most trouble with trying to get a protein-rich breakfast in every morning. Just doesn't seem to fit well with my morning routines. I've gotten back to tracking my intake, which has helped me become more accountable to myself, at least.

Fitness-wise, once I completed my 5k (yay!) I stopped running almost completely. The weather is just getting too nasty up here, and I really hate the treadmill. At the moment, I'm trying to find replacement activities to fill those two workout days.

I didn't set any really 'measurable' goals (weight, speed, etc) and I think I'm pretty glad about that - I haven't taken any measurements since the start of the challenge, but I don't think I've lost any weight or size. But we'll see in a couple weeks what the final numbers are...

What does your morning routine look like? Maybe someone can offer insight. :)

Hmmm, jump rope on the running days?


Human-Dryad Ranger


Shelter Sketches

If you want to live an interesting life, you're going to spend half of it being terrified.

-Mary Hollinshead

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  • Work on Blog - I've been very uninspired to create
  • Bike to Work - Started on Monday. Doing Well so far! I think I can make this work, unless I need to play chauffer (I will Tomorrow and Friday). I've been saving cash by not putting it into my V8!

I had a brief glance at your blog, and it seems like you post a bit about Star Wars and other nerdly pursuits. :) What sort of content are you hoping to work on in the future? Maybe we could help you brainstorm!


Human-Dryad Ranger


Shelter Sketches

If you want to live an interesting life, you're going to spend half of it being terrified.

-Mary Hollinshead

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I neglected to remember that about this time of the year, I get really busy and also really unenergetic. So I'm barely hanging on to my goals, fighting sugar/carb cravings again... right now I'm in the middle of the afternoon lulls (zZz) at work trying to hang on.

Do you think you might have Seasonal Affective Disorder? I have it, and every year starting around mid to late October and going to mid December I get a bit depressed, and lethargic while somehow feeling extremely restless. The best thing I've found is to make sure I wake up just before sunrise every day. I really need to max out my exposure to daylight. If I do that, it greatly reduces my symptoms. :)


Human-Dryad Ranger


Shelter Sketches

If you want to live an interesting life, you're going to spend half of it being terrified.

-Mary Hollinshead

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What does your morning routine look like? Maybe someone can offer insight. :)

Hmmm, jump rope on the running days?

On days where I'm going to the gym (M-W-F) I get up at about 6:35 and need to be out the door by 7. Generally I have a really small bowl of cereal (like half a cup) before my work out, then if I'm properly prepared I'll bring a couple hard boiled eggs to eat after my work out. On non-gym morning days, I get up at 7 and need to be out by 8. Sometimes I've got time to make eggs and bacon, but if it's a week where the kids are at our place, I can't do that because I don't have time to make eggs and bacon for 4 people instead of 2. In that case, it's usually a bowl of cereal again, probably about a cup.

Keep in mind in the next few weeks I'll have to start leaving an additional 10 or so minutes early so I can de-snow & warm-up the car! :P

Mmm... kaik.

Twitter - flickr

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On days where I'm going to the gym (M-W-F) I get up at about 6:35 and need to be out the door by 7. Generally I have a really small bowl of cereal (like half a cup) before my work out, then if I'm properly prepared I'll bring a couple hard boiled eggs to eat after my work out. On non-gym morning days, I get up at 7 and need to be out by 8. Sometimes I've got time to make eggs and bacon, but if it's a week where the kids are at our place, I can't do that because I don't have time to make eggs and bacon for 4 people instead of 2. In that case, it's usually a bowl of cereal again, probably about a cup.

Keep in mind in the next few weeks I'll have to start leaving an additional 10 or so minutes early so I can de-snow & warm-up the car! :P

Wellll.... What about cottage cheese or yogurt? Those are both really high in protein, quick, and easy to pack along with you if necessary. Maybe bring some mixed nuts as well?


Human-Dryad Ranger


Shelter Sketches

If you want to live an interesting life, you're going to spend half of it being terrified.

-Mary Hollinshead

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Wellll.... What about cottage cheese or yogurt? Those are both really high in protein, quick, and easy to pack along with you if necessary. Maybe bring some mixed nuts as well?

Greek yogurt + macadamia nuts + blackberries = snack of the gods.

You gotta experiment to find out what works for you.
PM me with any questions about, well, anything! :)
Current challenge: Catspaw Starts Strong

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My challenge is going ok. I have been diligent about my hiking excursions and making two healthy meals a week has been achievable. The bodyweight exercises have been ok, but I'm not being as successful as I could be. I'm having a hard time really getting myself psyched up for them, but so far I guess it hasn't been bad. My meditation goal has really petered off since the beginning though. I think maybe for the next six week challenge, I'll transition meditation to yoga practice, cause they sort of go together and it's easier for me to meditate after some yoga, instead of trying to just do it first thing in the morning. Totally looking forward to the next challenge already!

~Miranda (aka Farax K)


Stars hide your fires for these here are my desires
And I won't give them up to you this time around
And so I'll be found with my stake stuck in the ground
Marking the territory of this newly impassioned soul ~ Mumford and Sons

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