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Man, I'm not very good at these things.  I either end up not knowing what to say or rambling for a million pages.  At least there's no pages in a text box!


So I'm Callie.  I'm a 26 year old gamer geek secretly infiltrating the realm of nerds in pursuit of fitness.  If I'm really quiet, the sentry bots won't spot me!  Unfortunately I'm distracted by shiny objects, so I doubt the quiet will last very long.


I'm pretty much a beginner at exercise, but I love to eat healthy.  I've been eating paleo for about 2 years now and I love love love it.  I have far too much energy because of it, apparently.  But I'm not complaining!


I love to swim, it's pretty much my fitness passion.  If you don't find me in the pool, I'm probably on an elliptical at the moment.  Because of my weight, my knees aren't friends with me anymore; so I'm trying to make it up to them with low/no impact exercise until we all feel better and can go exploring mountains for pebbles.


I just joined my local gym this morning after months of debating whether I could afford it or not.  Eventually I told myself I was being silly and a little bit out of pocket was nothing to invest in my future.


I love to play games and read books.  Right now I just finished platinum god on Binding of Isaac, a feat I will now never, ever repeat after the amount of runs it took.  I've still got my crazy long skyrim game going.  I like to play WoW, but not as obsessively as I used to.  I'm a massive Firefly fan, I was a Doctor Who fan until this new doctor (I haven't seen any of it, don't really plan to.), I have an unhealthy addiction to procedural crime shows (NCIS, Criminal Minds, etc) and a blinding passion for disney movies.  I don't like Game of Thrones (I know, I know, I'm used to the glares.), but I've read almost all of Wheel of Time (book ten, I need to get the others when I have some spare cash.)  and generally I think it was much better.



See?  Rambling!  I shall go hide in a corner now until I learn to converse like a normal(ish) person!

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Callarix, Callarix, Callaric...


I want to congratulate you on the decisions you're making. I want to pick your brain about swimming, as it's a huge portion of my workout routine. I even want to geek out with you about Firefly.


Alas, I can't.


Listen. You'll thank me later. You said, "I was a Doctor Who fan until this new doctor (I haven't seen any of it, don't really plan to.),"


He's awesome. He's the Doctor. I see flashes of both Matt and David in him. In three episodes already, the lore of the Doctor has grown. Plus, if you liked Clara at all, you've got to see these episodes. She absolutely shines in them.


I didn't like Christopher Eccleston (at first. You can all put your tomatoes down.) I had to learn to like him, and it didn't help that the first 3 or so of his episodes were weaker than the rest. But I digress.


Peter Capaldi plays a fantastic Doctor. I'm avoiding giving you any specific reasons, as they would be spoilers for you and others. But, yeah.. he's worth a shot.


(After all, how can you say you're no longer a fan with this new Doctor without watching him? That's like when my kids say thei don't like a particular vegetable when they haven't even tasted them yet.)


I'm a nerd. It was my solemn duty to advise you on this. Oh, and welcome to the NF community. :-)

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Callarix, Callarix, Callaric...

I want to congratulate you on the decisions you're making. I want to pick your brain about swimming, as it's a huge portion of my workout routine. I even want to geek out with you about Firefly.

Alas, I can't.

Listen. You'll thank me later. You said, "I was a Doctor Who fan until this new doctor (I haven't seen any of it, don't really plan to.),"

He's awesome. He's the Doctor. I see flashes of both Matt and David in him. In three episodes already, the lore of the Doctor has grown. Plus, if you liked Clara at all, you've got to see these episodes. She absolutely shines in them.

I didn't like Christopher Eccleston (at first. You can all put your tomatoes down.) I had to learn to like him, and it didn't help that the first 3 or so of his episodes were weaker than the rest. But I digress.

Peter Capaldi plays a fantastic Doctor. I'm avoiding giving you any specific reasons, as they would be spoilers for you and others. But, yeah.. he's worth a shot.

(After all, how can you say you're no longer a fan with this new Doctor without watching him? That's like when my kids say thei don't like a particular vegetable when they haven't even tasted them yet.)

I'm a nerd. It was my solemn duty to advise you on this. Oh, and welcome to the NF community. :-)

Duty schmooty!  You just want to geekgasm everywhere :tongue:  nyah nyah. (I'm teasing by the way. Apparently not everyone gets that when I type.)


I get what you're saying, but honestly it's been going on longer than that.  I didn't like Matt, still don't like Matt.  I really didn't like Clara either, and Amy/Rory I really hated.  Alas, I'm still a Tom Baker girl.  Jellybaby? *offers*


Once it appears on netflix, I'll watch it.  Because it's there and I really, really can't help myself.  But I won't go out of my way to watch it at all.  Luckily spoilers don't bother me!


Thanks for the welcome :tongue:

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I say that disliking or not having an opinion on one Doctor does not take away your Doctor Who fan card! If you had to love all parts of something in order to be a fan of it about it I think we'd all lose our nerd cards. (I'd lose my Star Wars card at the very least. Midichlorians, mutter mutter.) I have to wait for it to be on Netflix before I get to see it, but others have told me that they enjoyed Capaldi.


Don't worry, the sentry bots are ALSO distracted by shiny objects. The trick to getting past them is just to be LESS distracted than they are.

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Level 2 Elf Assassin

Str: 4 | Dex: 5 | Sta: 3 | Con: 2 | Wis: 4 | Cha: 3


"When people called me freak, I closed my eyes and laughed, because they were blind to happiness." --hide



First challenge! Second challenge! Third challenge!


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I say that disliking or not having an opinion on one Doctor does not take away your Doctor Who fan card! If you had to love all parts of something in order to be a fan of it about it I think we'd all lose our nerd cards. (I'd lose my Star Wars card at the very least. Midichlorians, mutter mutter.) I have to wait for it to be on Netflix before I get to see it, but others have told me that they enjoyed Capaldi.


Don't worry, the sentry bots are ALSO distracted by shiny objects. The trick to getting past them is just to be LESS distracted than they are.


Ewwwww midichlorians.  Completely agree with that!


That's useful to know!  As long as we don't go after that same shiny bauble then I should survive just fine :D . Today I have a glorious case of the DOMS, so I can watch where they're going first before sneaking.

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2024 Intentions Roadmap

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I say that disliking or not having an opinion on one Doctor does not take away your Doctor Who fan card! If you had to love all parts of something in order to be a fan of it about it I think we'd all lose our nerd cards. (I'd lose my Star Wars card at the very least. Midichlorians, mutter mutter.) I have to wait for it to be on Netflix before I get to see it, but others have told me that they enjoyed Capaldi.


Don't worry, the sentry bots are ALSO distracted by shiny objects. The trick to getting past them is just to be LESS distracted than they are.


Okay that's fair. :-P I usually have a hard time watching the first three doctors. Especially Patrick Troughton. Of the classics, Tom Baker is my favorite, though I really need to watch more of the ones after him.


I've read reviews that call Capaldi's Doctor reminiscent of Baker's at times too.


Anyway, I won't try to revoke her fan card anymore. 


(By the way, the midichlorians example was a low blow. J.J, if you're reading this, please fix Star Wars. I need this.)

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I was a Doctor Who fan until this new doctor (I haven't seen any of it, don't really plan to.),

Putting all the fitnessy-goodness aside for a moment, since other Rebels probably have that covered, may I ask why you're not  into the new Doctor?  I've only seen the first two episodes, but I think Peter Capaldi is doing a fine job, and I personally like him a lot more than Matt Smith.  I'm not trying to start fan-drama, I'm just curious about other opinions.


Edit:  I scrolled up now.  >.>  I have to agree with you on Clara, and on Amy.  I thought Rory was a good character, and could have been even better in the hands of a different writing team, but I personally hate the post-Tennant series' approach to companions.  They're all freaking flawless, or only have "cute" flaws.  That is not how to write good characters.  (I have to admit, though, I was eventually won over by River Song.)

Dwarven Adventurer, level 0.


"We stand upon the precipice of change. The world fears the inevitable plummet into the abyss. Watch for that moment... and when it comes, do not hesitate to leap. It is only when you fall that you learn whether you can fly." (Flemeth, Dragon Age II)


Target Weight: 200lbs | Starting Weight: 262lbs | Current Weight: 253lbs


I'm all about that bass.

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