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Ohai NFR!

Been lurking the boards and site for some time now, so I finally decided to make the commitment to sign up and stop being such a faceless creeper. So, anywho, I'm Katrina, 22, from the Midwest. My struggle for weight maintenance has been going on since Middle school/high school. I've always been overweight, and while I've always managed to be active, I would like to be able to keep up with my fit friends and look darn good at the same time. I really realized how out of shape I was when I played on an intramural Quidditch team (WOO! DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY!) during undergrad. I was a pretty good beater, but I just couldn't keep going as long as many of my teammates.

So, I've finally decided to kick my ass into gear and take control of all the garbage I stick in my body and get off my booty. My hope is that now that I'm not at undergrad working in Residential Life (and therefore forced into university food service!), I can make a few more drastic changes. Goal is to lose around 35-40 lbs by next summer so I look like a total babe in my wedding dress :) I'd also just like to be in better shape to keep up with the active friends. Also, since I'll be in grad school and therefore have access to a gym, I would love to get into some heavy lifting.

So, nerdy self? I loves gaming-ranging from D&D to NES to Xbox I love it all, comic books, books in general-Harry Potter, Neil Gaiman, sci fi, e.e.cummings, Rilke, G.R.R. Martin (WRITE A DANCE WITH DRAGONS FASTER!), and all sorts, Star Wars, the Joss Whedon Fandom-Dr. Horrible, Firefly, and BtVS. I also love me the outdoors-kayaking, geocaching (aka TREASURE HUNTING!), rugby (woo All Blacks!), hiking, being barefoot, biking. All sorts :)

So, there I am. And I'm glad to meet you all :)


River Tam: My food is problematic...

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Ground Quidditch has a human snitch, someone dressed in all yellow that has a sock or flag football flag attached to their back with tape, who runs around the defined play area (for us, that was our entire campus that wasn't very big, sans buildings). They try to avoid losing their flag to a seeker by any means necessary, and a catch doesn't end the game, just gives points before the snitch is released again (in our case, a snitch catch was 30 points). Needless to say, it's super fun, and an excellent work out! The snitch has to be quite the endurance runner!

River Tam: My food is problematic...

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After a long hiatus, I'm back again, and decided to reintroduce myself because there are a lot of new faces here since I last checked in.

Everything above is still pretty much true, except now I'm 23, I'm almost done with my first year of graduate school, and that wedding is now less than 3 months away.

So. Hi again! How y'all doing?

River Tam: My food is problematic...

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Welcome... welcome back.

Another love of all things Joss Whedon, this is excellent. Dollhouse? y/y? it is awesome and thoroughly underrated/neglected.

Also, nothing better than being barefoot, if it were even slightly socially acceptable I would be barefoot at all times that it didn't risk frostbite.

Level 0 Pixie

"The cure for anything is salt water - tears, sweat or the sea" - Isak Dinesen

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Amen to barefoot and Joss Whedon, though Firefly will always be my first love. Did you hear Dance with Dragons will be published this summer? WOOT! There aren't words for how awesome the pilot of Game of Thrones was on HBO. Did you see it?

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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I am a HUGE Firefly fan, and I love me some Buffy as well. Dollhouse was....mmm....disappointing, but I stopped watching after season one (Alan Tudyk was boss on it though!!) I think it would've gotten better if Joss had more time, but so it goes. Also, I'm not a huge Eliza Dushku fan.

I'm barefoot as much as humanly possible. Love. It! Nothing better than dirty feet!

Alethea- SOOOOO Excited for Dance with Dragons... if it happens. I know it's got a date set, but he still isn't done with it!! I watched the HBO series premiere last night and was thoroughly impressed. I think they're going to do great. Oh man, so good. What'd you think? More importantly, which King do you support? :)

River Tam: My food is problematic...

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Pft, Deanarys of course, who I can't spell to save my life, but adore. Woman is made of steel. "I am only a young girl".... Every time she says that, I know someone is going to RUE THE DAY. Keeping spoilers in mind, You?

My boyfriend calls me a hobbit due to curly hair and constantly dirty feet. I take a certain pride in it.

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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YAY! Another girl after me own heart. It's pretty awesome to see how many girls there are on NF. Welcome!

Welcome, also, to the Drooling Over Song of Ice and Fire Club. I'm glad we're getting Jon Snow and Tyrion in DwD, but sad there's to be no Arya.


I'd like to see Arya allied with Danaerys. If Arya can get her dire wolf back and retain control of the wolves it currently commands to wreak vengeance on her enemies... >: D

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