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Reika's Rebellion

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I guess this is a good time as any to start my story here.

Back in April, my whole world crumbled and I was shattered into a million pieces. The details aren't important really, only the fact that I was broken. I saw my entire life reflected back to me. What I saw was a giant lie and an incredible amount of crippling fear. I lied to myself for so many years, lied to others. Lie upon lie upon lie. The fear of failure and defeat so complete that I was careening down a path of total destruction - I needed to crash land.


So there I was, 31 years old and at my heaviest. A whopping 310 lbs. I was carrying the weight of nearly two extra people on my body. It was my burden. My shield from the rest of the world. My cloak that masked any of my potential. It was my excuse.

Most people think of being broken as something negative, heartbreaking or devastating. For me, it was the opposite. It was the best thing that could have happened to me. I was broken from my old self. My 310 lb shell was finally cracked.

This was my opportunity to evolve. To reach out and embrace the unknown. It was my defining moment.

Over the next few months, I dedicated my focus entirely on rebuilding myself. I analyzed my behaviours, deciding which ones to keep and which ones no longer served me. I started establishing better routines, sweating daily and taking special care of what kind of fuel I put into my body. I was putting myself back together in a whole new way. I learned truths about myself instead of convincing myself of lies. Instead of only learning and reading what about I should do, I did it. I discovered that I am much stronger than I had ever dared myself to believe and I could do all the things I knew I should have done years ago. I kept reaching for my goals, even when I stumbled - I used my strength to pick myself back up. I let go of fear. I abolished doubt.

So here I am now. I'm 100 lbs lighter than I was when I started on this path. 210 lbs and dropping. I used to think a number was my end goal and spent a lot of time obcessing over it. Over the course of this journey, I've become aware that it's not about reaching that magical number. It's not even about having an end. My path is to always keep evolving and reaching for something new. It's to set goals and do whatever it takes to accomplish them. To flex, shift and adapt as the path morphs and changes. It's about consistent progression and growth. Physical, intellectual, spiritual.

The reason I find myself here at nerdfitness is that I believe it will give me the opportunity I need to level up on my quest. I am a lone wolf and tend to hide and keep to myself. I have a hard time relying on others, asking for help or even opening up. In all honesty, I needed a place where I could be exposed.


So it is very nice to meet you, and thank you in advance.


I joined the academy and I thought I would share my intended goals here as well. More accountabilty for the work ahead of me in the next few months.


Here are the nitty gritty details of my journey.


Long Term Goals

* no definite time span however I would like to see these accomplished in the next few years.


- Transform my body and my mind so that I am comfortable being naked -

- maintain a healthy weight of 139 lbs or less -

- Complete a Triathalon -

- Write a novel -

- Refine my photography and artwork -

- Find a new avenue in life - employment/location -

- Go on 10 day canoe portaging/hiking expediton to Maple Mountain -


2014 Goals

I know the year is starting to run short but I have my sights set on accomplishing these by the year end




- Run 5K in under 35 minutes on pavement -

*current time is at 49:08 on pavement and 37:39 on treadmill

- Swim 3000m freestyle in 1 hour or less -

*current distance for one hour is 1950m

- Run a 10K -

*longest run so far is 6.5K

- Unassisted pull-up -

*currently doing assisted pull ups at 100 lbs

- Unassisted dip -

*currently doing assisted dip at 70 lbs

- Do 10 pushups in a row -

*currently can only do one single proper pushup

- Increase flexibility - touch palms to floor when bent over - sit in full lotus -

*I can move my body differently with less fat getting in the way - take advantage


Health and beauty:

- Weigh below 200 lbs -

* welcome to onederland!

- Weight below 180 lbs -

* move out of obesity and into being overweight

- Take better care of my outward appearance -

* wear makeup, look pretty, buy clothes that make me feel girly, get a mani-pedi.. etc



Life and career:

- Start writing novel -

*develop plot, create story outline and characters.

- Bring my photographs to art studio for framing and display -

* stop hiding my work and reach out

- Maintain a more organized and cleaner space -

* when things are in order, my mind is in order

- Pay down my debt by $1000 -

*rethink spending


Mind and Emotions:

- Find peace in my path, let go of past mistakes -

* I've let go of a lot but some days it still haunts me

- reduce my anxiety -

* remember to breathe

- go out and do something social -

* outside of my comfort zone - it has to be new and fun!





Current weight: 210 lbs

Height: 5'6"

Waist: 39 inches

Hips: 49.5 inches

Neck 14.5 inches

Calf: 16 inches

Thigh: 26.5 inches

Bicep: 14 3/4 inches

* Note - The measuring tape I had was not ideal, I will be updating this as soon as the one I ordered comes in.


My path and rewards:



- Minimum of 10 000 steps walking/running every single day -

2 consecutive weeks: 1 Home or Theatre movie pass

1 consecutive month: New piece of workout gear or gadget

unbroken chain: Concert tickets

- NFA Workouts 4 X per week -

2 consecutive weeks: Home or Theatre movie pass

1 consecutive month:New article of clothing

unbroken chain: Trip to Ottawa to skate on the Rideau Canal

- Running 30-60 minutes per day 5 days per week -

2 consecutive weeks: New Book

1 consecutive month: New article of clothing

unbroken chain: New bicycle

- HIIT 2 days per week -

14 consecutive days: 2 episode TV Show pass

1 consecutive month: new article of clothing

unbroken chain:  Snowshoes

- Swimming 3-4 days per week -

14 consecutive days: New book

1 consecutive month: New piece of workout gear

unbroken chain: NHL Hockey Game

- 100 Squats and lunges, 1 minute plank per day -

14 consecutive days: 2 episode TV show pass

1 consecutive month: New shoes

Unbroken chain: Casino

- Daily yoga routine -

14 consecutive days: yoga pants

1 consecutive month new vinyl record:

Unbroken chain: Meditation Retreat

- Keep to Paleo diet - NO SUGAR - Plan and prepare meals - Track all food in and meet macros -

14 consecutive days: 2 episode TV show pass

1 consecutive month: New vinyl record

Unbroken chain: 2 night stay at Royal York in Toronto


Health and Beauty:

- Put on makeup - Straighten my hair 3 days per week - Make an effort to look pretty and dress nicely -

14 consecutive days: New makeup

1 consecutive month: Mani-Pedi

Unbroken chain: Spa day


Life and Carreer:

- Write a minimum of 300 words per day - Write in my Battle Log at least 5 times per week -

14 consecutive days: 2 episode TV show pass

1 consecutive month: New gadget or toy/game

Unbroken chain: Tablet 

- Organize photos into a portfolio and create a Flikr album (or similar) to showcase my work - rewrite resume

* you can find an album with some of my photos in my profile

- Keep to a regular chore schedule -

- Put $175 per paycheque onto my debt -


Mind and Emotions:

- Meditate 5 minutes in the morning and at night -

- Use breathing techniques to help with anxiety -

- Watch less TV -

- Get more sleep -

- Read more books -



So that's the map I have set out for the next part of my journey. The area is massive so there are a lot of different paths to take but they all lead to the same result. So long as I stay within the map of course.


As far as 2015, I will set those goals when it's a bit closer to that time. For now, I have a lot to keep in focus and have learned that 3-4 month plans work best for me.


“You're never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true.â€


Photo: Progress from May 2014 to August 2014


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Awesome story, thanks for sharing. Of course, for awhile there, I thought i was reading my journal!


I'm really happy you are reaching out. This community made change so much easier and I was able to acknowledge even the small things I use to ignore. Don't ignore any success. It all adds up to greatness for ourselves.


So, you can join the challenge if you'd like or if the academy is where that's happening, you can create a battle log and keep track of your goals and new ideas, etc... Please check out the challenge forums either way. There are great people willing to chat and listen and most of all support! So glad you posted today! Great Day.



The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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Hey Reika. Good to have you on board, what a journey you've been on already. I'm glad you shared that, and I really hope to see you around the boards. Big love.

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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