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[Sept.15 - Oct. 26] There is only war: A Warhammer Fantasy PvP experiment

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Daniel does know quite a bit about warhammer that is true... But you want to join me becuase I could always use a follower who also seeks to destroy the world! 

 ye I know a bit  :nevreness:



The figure smiled. 


"As you wish."


As if on queue, a horn sounded announcing the arrival of someone at the gate. A figure was escorted into the hall. He stood covered in armor from head to toe with a black cloak across his back, in the crook of his arm he carried a intricate helm that seemed to glow in the light. His left arm was was black and ended in in a clawed hand.


"It is quite rare that I am received in such a fashion" the figure who could only be Dreghar smiled.

"Usually men cower and fear to speak with me in person. I do not know if you are brave, or foolish. But I will leave you my terms. You fight for me, and I will not step foot upon this land again. Deny me and I will destroy you and all you love. Unlike those who call themselves good and righteous I offer you no illusions, I do not hide behind false words." 


Dreghar awaits your reply.


"brave or foolish? perhaps both." grimaced the Gaelish king ruefully


"Fight for you? You misunderstand, I fight for Albion. The whole world gathers against you, my magnanimous gift to you is the offer for peace on your Western border"

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The whole world gathers against you, my magnanimous gift to you is the offer for peace on your Western border"


Dreghar smiled "I would have it no other way. I have no desire for peace on my borders, when I am done with you there will be no such thing as Albion. My gift to you is that you will be among the first to die."


Dreghar turned and exited, the messenger close behind.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Tragen smiled behind is dark beard, all these Chaos were the same, filled with an impotent sense of self importance and hot air


They wore clothing and armour the likes of which he knew he would never wear, the likes of which he knew could not even be made on Albion.


They bedecked themselves in the trappings of a king and walked with the swagger of nobility and a skin deep confidence


But they were all the same, they were all so easily goaded and they were all so easily defeated


Post or PM me if you would like to contain the Chaos nation

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Dreghar left Albion with a clever smile on his face. Fools always thought they had the upper hand until it was too late. There was no better way to exterminate a group of vermin than to bring them together and crush them all at once.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Minor changes to the map, found on the first page

- Cut off a part of Bretonnia to represent the Wood Elven home of Athel Loren forest

- Tilea has been seperated into two parts. One is mainland Tilea and the coastline is the home base of the Sartosan pirates


Also, neutral armies in unoccupied territories will not be "minimum" 1.000 APV worth, but they will not be weaklings either. Consider yourselves adequately warned and do not try to take them over with only a squad of 10 Footmen.


I'm on the edge of getting a cold, so I've eased on my recruiting in an attempt to try and stop it before it evolves into a full-blown flu. Working on my speech and posting a reply to Dreghar's messenger, will be posted soon

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Zarthan's Slave Pit was aalive with the constant sound of screaming slaves and working anvils, layered over the constant rumble of boiling earth and the grinding of gears and chains. To the Chaos Dwarf, this was the sweetest of symphoniesooam-underground-fortress.jpg

Dreghar's messenger stood in the middle of the camp to deliver his message, speaking to warriors and slaves as much as he did to Zarthan. The Chaos Dwarf smiled at his ignorance. If he was trying to sow dissent in the ranks of the children of Hashut, he might as well try and persuade a Black Ork to embrace pacifism. As for inciting a slave rebellion... the very thought was even crazier.


"I have neither the authority nor the desire to speak for anyone but myself and those under me" Zarthan told the messenger. "There are Overlords above me, and Sorcerer-Prophets above them, and above all stands the Sorcerer-Prophet who leads our clan. But tell your master this: We do not serve, we are served. We do not fear, we are feared. However, perhaps you haven't travelled all the way here in vain. Our forces are not interested in conquest, only capturing more slaves for our furnaces. Your master is welcome to a pact of non-agression. We leave each other alone. We sell him weapons, armor and our finest Hellcannons, he pays us in slaves from his captives. Let me know what he thinks of this offer. Oh, and just in case he's interested in assaulting the strongholds of the Western Dwarves... we might be interested in assisting him."


He could contain his smile no more. The canine tusks protruded out of his mouth as he pictured that last idea...

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Zarthan's Slave Pit was aalive with the constant sound of screaming slaves and working anvils, layered over the constant rumble of boiling earth and the grinding of gears and chains. To the Chaos Dwarf, this was the sweetest of symphoniesooam-underground-fortress.jpg

Dreghar's messenger stood in the middle of the camp to deliver his message, speaking to warriors and slaves as much as he did to Zarthan. The Chaos Dwarf smiled at his ignorance. If he was trying to sow dissent in the ranks of the children of Hashut, he might as well try and persuade a Black Ork to embrace pacifism. As for inciting a slave rebellion... the very thought was even crazier.


"I have neither the authority nor the desire to speak for anyone but myself and those under me" Zarthan told the messenger. "There are Overlords above me, and Sorcerer-Prophets above them, and above all stands the Sorcerer-Prophet who leads our clan. But tell your master this: We do not serve, we are served. We do not fear, we are feared. However, perhaps you haven't travelled all the way here in vain. Our forces are not interested in conquest, only capturing more slaves for our furnaces. Your master is welcome to a pact of non-agression. We leave each other alone. We sell him weapons, armor and our finest Hellcannons, he pays us in slaves from his captives. Let me know what he thinks of this offer. Oh, and just in case he's interested in assaulting the strongholds of the Western Dwarves... we might be interested in assisting him."


He could contain his smile no more. The canine tusks protruded out of his mouth as he pictured that last idea...


"Perhaps when it is time for the western dwarves to fall we will call upon you."

The messenger turned and walked out of the pit.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Wow! Enjoying the write-ups - they're more like novellas than the play-by-play I did. Now I want to go back and rewrite the Amazon/Norscan match up. Probably won't have time, though.

I'm trying some new exercises this time. Really liking the yoga! Got a book last night and will try some twisty-bendiness tonight. And this PVP is getting me back to my Arnis forms! I'll be at 7,000 feet for a couple of days, so I'll probably be handicapped on my cardio a bit, but I get to go play Amazon with my battle sticks out in the forest - woohoo!

tell me more of these battle sticks! If they're real, I may need some. :D

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Life is full of hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can.

Swinging_Jarnbjorn: Lv 1 Asgardian Ranger

Focus Up! My current challenge.

Loss As A Motivator

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 Malarielle was meeting with her war council as the elven messenger approached. She raised her hand to bid him approach. He bowed reverently, for while she sat on a simple tree stump it appeared as  a throne. He outstretched both hands with a sealed scroll.

“You may read it for us.†She had known him two centuries and was beginning to trust him*.


The messenger bowed again and began to read, “Dear sister, the king has agreed to send the troops that you have ordered. Yet I worry for you…†he stopped and handed her the scroll. Clearly the message was not intended for such an audience.


 As she read the message, her face betrayed nothing. She slowly rolled it up and raised her eyes to the captains. “The troops are coming. We will prevail. The message dealt with a personal matter.â€


She scanned the faces around the table, largely impassive yet she could sense flickers of confusion, perhaps a hint of doubt. This was no state to venture into war. They needed to face the enemy with one mind and one heart. She must lead.


“I need to think on some things. We will meet back in one hour.â€



* Apparently the elves can be rough on messengers.



I will write a war speech (but NerdHammer time is not the same as earth time, so I'll post it eventually). I actually have to give a pretty important presentation on Friday, so maybe it will work to channel a little elven magic.


I keep wanting to write in some jokes where Malarielle complains about having a million chariots she can't use and not enough core troups and then her own captains secretly roll their eyes because they are sick of hearing about the damned chariots, but I just don't have the patience/skill to write it all out.


I put a tiny bit of real life in this one. In this case, "thinking on some things" is actually a yin yoga session to count toward the meditation goal. And I really do need to inspire my audience on Friday!

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Xena, Level 14+ Valkyrie Ranger

January 2017  December 2016

Oct/Nov 2016


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tell me more of these battle sticks! If they're real, I may need some. :D

I do Filipino Arnis as a martial art and it is great exercise! Sticks are used as a substitute for swords or machetes...



Some modern day wanna be Amazons training in Kali, a related art.



All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

~T. E. Lawrence


When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands,

flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~John Muir

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An ice cold wind funneled through the Black Blood Pass carrying with it what could only be hoped as the last snow of the spring.  As the sun rose the light reveled a group hurrying through the pass heading the direction that no sane person travels, north towards the Chaos Wastes.  A large figure stood silently watching the group from a concealed plateau overlooking the pass, deep in his own thoughts.  A low growl came from behind him breaking his thoughts.  Taking his spear in hand the figure turned to address the beast that the growl originated from.


“I know Ursvic, I know…†the man said addressing the massive bear now standing in front of him.  Reaching into his pocket he removed a large chunk of meat and threw it, only to see it snatched out of the air by the beast’s huge maw. 


“Marshal Medved, it appears to be another emissary from the Chaos lands returning†said a heavily armored man, his suit adorned with a large crest of eagle feathers.  “It seems you were correct, they have increased their activities once againâ€.


“Da†said Marshal Zacaran Medved in a deep weathered voice.  “Spring has come and it appears the Father of Bears intends for use to initiate the first hunt.  Go Matis, go and gather my troops…we will not allow the vile servants of Chaos to continue these transgressions into our lands.† Matis saluted the Marshal, turned and left.  Zacaran turned his attention to the bulking figure behind the bear “take Ursvic, make sure his armor is ready.â€


Turning back to watch the group traveling through the pass, â€˜The bear awakens from winter and these fools dare poke at him already’ he thought to himself.  Even as the sun rose in the sky the temperature seemed drop.  Snow started to fall, ‘the last fight of winter, trying to hold its control with a final storm and a final freeze’ he thought as the cold air rustled the fur of his bear skin long coat; a coat that he wore more as a status symbol than as a deterrent to the cold.  He tightened his grip on the spear, an icy shade of blue flashed over his hand, he smiled, “let it snow, the cold has never bothered me anywayâ€.




Race: Human (Kislev)

God: Ursun, Father of Bears

General:  Zacaran Medved



·         Are they spellcasters or not?  Yes, as with many of the Kislev leaders Zacaran is a natural ice magic wielder.

·         Do they prefer to fight from a distance or up close and personal? Will fight from either, prefers to keep the enemy at spear length but has no fear to get face to face.

·         What is their weapon of choice?  Troll Slayer, a pole arm with a curved blade mounted at the top award to him by the Khan-Queen of Zoishenk for a successful and particularly bloody campaign against Chaos invaders.

·         Are they frontline leaders or do they achieve tactical superiority by giving orders from a vantage point?  Gives orders from the most strategically advantageous position, will not hesitate to stand shoulder to shoulder with his troops, but prefers a vantage point.

·         How do they feel about their race's religion?  Zacaran is deeply devoted to Ursun, Father of Bears and expects high devotion from all of his troops be it to any Ursun, Dazh or Tor.

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“It’s the sensible, logical thing to do, of course, which is why we don’t do it.” -Tanis, Dragons of Autumn Twilight

"Hope is the denial of reality. It is the carrot dangled before the draft horse to keep him plodding along in a vain attempt to reach it." - Raistlin - Dragons of Autumn Twilight

Current Challenge


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Why? WHY!?!

You had my hoped up with the whole moving towards chaos thing. Then you go and say you want to slay me.

You play a villain in the other pvp why not here? Lol.

It's all good, just another general to slay.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Sorry cn3wton, I had thought about Chaos or DE but bears.  C'mon bears.......really, bears!!!!!



Sorry if I missed this but for the exercise we do for our troops I was hoping for a little clarification on:

  • Balance exercise - what do you consider balance exercise (yoga or rolling....) and whats considered a rep?
  • Outdoor activity - is this any activity such as mowing the lawn, playing with the midget, or are we talking exercise?  And if exercise then does it count for an outdoor activity and the reps for the specific exercise? 

I just want to make sure I don't cheat the system or cheat myself.

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“It’s the sensible, logical thing to do, of course, which is why we don’t do it.” -Tanis, Dragons of Autumn Twilight

"Hope is the denial of reality. It is the carrot dangled before the draft horse to keep him plodding along in a vain attempt to reach it." - Raistlin - Dragons of Autumn Twilight

Current Challenge


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Sorry cn3wton, I had thought about Chaos or DE but bears.  C'mon bears.......really, bears!!!!!



Sorry if I missed this but for the exercise we do for our troops I was hoping for a little clarification on:

  • Balance exercise - what do you consider balance exercise (yoga or rolling....) and whats considered a rep?
  • Outdoor activity - is this any activity such as mowing the lawn, playing with the midget, or are we talking exercise?  And if exercise then does it count for an outdoor activity and the reps for the specific exercise? 

I just want to make sure I don't cheat the system or cheat myself.

Hey, For me I wasnt sure of balance exercises so i just went for pistol squats if that helps :) not sure if it was right though lol

Human Level 1 Monk

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Sorry cn3wton, I had thought about Chaos or DE but bears.  C'mon bears.......really, bears!!!!!



Sorry if I missed this but for the exercise we do for our troops I was hoping for a little clarification on:

  • Balance exercise - what do you consider balance exercise (yoga or rolling....) and whats considered a rep?
  • Outdoor activity - is this any activity such as mowing the lawn, playing with the midget, or are we talking exercise?  And if exercise then does it count for an outdoor activity and the reps for the specific exercise? 

I just want to make sure I don't cheat the system or cheat myself.


Yea yea, you wont be saying that when my army is cutting your precious bears to pieces.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Dreghar rose from his throne, the air thick with dust. Light cascaded through the glass casting grotesque shadows throughout the hall. His forsaken guard stood along the wall. Val'ku'taa appeared near the statue in her likeness, admiringly running her hand across its contour one last time.


"This may sound sentimental, but I would be lying if I said I would not miss this" she spread her arms out motioning to the fortress.

"Now I give you the world." said Dreghar as he stepped towards her, his guard beginning to form up behind him. 

"And what a gift it will be." The she demon moved to his side.


Together they exited the fortress. A nearly barren land now stood before him, all that could be used to fuel this machine of war had been taken. The dragon ogre shaggoth followed behind them all, casting a large ominous shadow over the group. The messenger appeared seemingly out of nowhere and moved to Dreghars side.


"Your messages have been delivered my lord, it is as you had predicted." 


As he reached the platform he took note of his forces. Hundreds of men, beasts, and various beings of chaos stood ready to enact his will. Large figures moved within the ranks and the hounds where howling at the sight of their master. Men began to cheer and chant. All the sounds came together in a glorious sympathy. He embraced it all as he stepped onto the stage.


When he spoke all grew still, as if the very earth was waiting to hear his words.


"I carry good tidings for you all, it would appear that all the world is set against me. Even now they scheme and cower like the vermin they are, hatching plans in a sad attempt to deny our victories. But this is as it should be, for what better way to handle ones enemies than to deal with them all in a single stroke." The crowd began to cheer, Dreghar motioned to the crowd and continued his grand speech.


"Word has spread fast of my ambitions, so to will the news of my actions. For all of those who dare face me I say this, if you have the strength come face me, set sail from your island hideaways and distant lands. Join your allies in defeat. I march West, to a now ruined castle lying within the chaos wastes. It is from there that I will assault your lands and destroy your homes. My only desire is to wage war against those who would deny my power." At these even the Dragon Ogre Shaggoth and Dreghars Forsaken guard let out their own war cries in agreement. He then moved to speak to his forces.


"To you all I promise nothing more than the opportunity and glory that war has to offer. Know that by following me you serve the will of Slaanesh. We will cut our way through all that oppose us, and our victories will make the world itself tremor in fear. Our enemies will live in terror of the day that we descend upon them, and make no mistake. That day will come for all who dare oppose me." Dreghar let loose a war cry that seemed to shake the very core of the world, his troops striving to echo it. 


It has begun.


So since everyone seems dead set on putting me down I offer you this challenge. I will be heading into the terriroty west of my current holding. Everyone should be able to access it by deciding to aid ItsDaniel in the fight against me. It is not too late to PM and choose to fight on my side. But know that I am prepared to face any and all challengers here and now. 


If you do not take this chance my army will rip you apart one by one.


On a side note how does sea travel work? If you have access to the sea can you go anywhere? Or can you only move one sea "territory" per week?


In general this should be a battle of epic porportions. I hope you have all been training hard.  :pride:

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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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On the road to Genaina, women and children drew back in fear at the sight of Alala's party. Not at the sight of warrior priestess atop a giant black jaguar - that was not so unusual - but at that warrior being accompanied by two great feathered serpents coiling and flying along behind.

Alala knew it was useless to even try to enter the capitol without causing a stir. Though her "pilgrimage" was almost over officially, Alala suspected that in the Jaguar Mother's mind, the Guardian of Amazonia's trials were just beginning.

The Jaguar Mother had picked her test well. There were few things Alala liked less than being in front of a crowd. Being in front of a crowd and having people whisper and point ranked lower, as did anything where she was helpless to take events into her own strong hands.

Once she had passed the guards at the city gate, who had obviously been alerted to expect her and send her on to the palace of Queen Thalestris, people's demeanor changed. No longer afraid, curiosity and speculation took over. Now people were pointing and whispering.

Alala remembered. There was one more thing she hated. Having to stand in front of a roomful of nobles and, especially before the Queen, having to explain herself. Especially when she herself did not understand the strange thing that was happening to her.

Dreams? Those had been just the beginning. Whether it was the presence of the coatls, or some side effect of the pilgrimage home, now it was visions, and an odd, almost physical sense, of being owned and protected by the land of the Amazons itself. Amazons all seemed to share a palpable sense of the land's holiness and presence, but this was something else, something new and deeper, and it both frightened and excited her.

The coatls seemed to be taking everything in stride, as was her jaguar. The old girl was a war beast. Nothing fazed her. Alala, however was feeling stranger by the minute. A whirling in her head, a vague nausea in her stomach, something was amiss and she did not know what.

Before she reached the palace, she was met by the Jaguar Mother's two most senior priestesses and her personal assistant. The priestesses greeted the coatls with gifts and foodstuffs, escorting them to quarters in the main temple complex.

"The Mother awaits. Follow me," the assistant said.

Upon reaching the palace of the Mother, Alala's jaguar was taken to the stables for food and rest, while Alala was led, not into the palace as she expected, but through a back way, that looked out over the temple complex to the south.

"Prepare yourself," the Mother's assistant said, leaving Alala standing alone in a chamber that appeared to fulfill every want a weary traveler might have. Alala washed and dressed in the simplest of the wondrous array of clothes, headdresses and jewelry that was laid out. She nibbled at one of the plates of food out of the many platters of fresh fruits and succulent meats spread out upon the table, and then settled in to meditate until she was summoned into the presence of the High Priestess of Amazonia.

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All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

~T. E. Lawrence


When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands,

flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~John Muir

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My cold medicine seems to be affecting me... :)

All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

~T. E. Lawrence


When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands,

flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~John Muir

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Sorry cn3wton, I had thought about Chaos or DE but bears.  C'mon bears.......really, bears!!!!!



Sorry if I missed this but for the exercise we do for our troops I was hoping for a little clarification on:

  • Balance exercise - what do you consider balance exercise (yoga or rolling....) and whats considered a rep?
  • Outdoor activity - is this any activity such as mowing the lawn, playing with the midget, or are we talking exercise?  And if exercise then does it count for an outdoor activity and the reps for the specific exercise? 

I just want to make sure I don't cheat the system or cheat myself.

That's a wonderful mentality. Also, bears. And bear cavalry. And armored war bears.


Like I've said before, the idea is that everything you do counts, not to have you doing all the things specifically required as an extra workout. The list is more or less indicative (insert captain Barbossa gif about the code being guidelines here). With all that said, practically anything testing your balance would give you Balance points. Any outdoor activity, even if not directly involved with working out, counts. If you work out in the outdoors, two birds with one stone. We keep things flexible here, as long as they actually push/inspire you to do things.


Bassman mentioned pistol squats, so I'll use that as an example. Those could give you points to recruit any units requiring Balance, Bodyweight or Legs exercises. One exercise may give you points towards several areas at the same time. Let's say you did 10 reps on each leg. That would be 10 full Bodyweight or Legs or Balance points. Could be a mix of the three, but totalling 10 overall, not 10 points each. General rule, you can never end up with more total points than the reps you did.


As for the whole reps/minutes mechanic, it's also in an attempt to keep things flexible. We mentioned a martial arts example previously: Practicing power in your punches/kicks would probably be measured in reps, while sparring for speed of attacks would be measured in minutes. I try to make things as general in order to encapsule as many activities as possible. The only thing I ask of you is to challenge yourselves, not do several reps on minimal weight just to gather hordes of troops.


Phew, that dragged on longer than expected. Hope I've clarified things and not made them more complicated :/


Can I join?


If I can I would like the wood elfs

I am tempted to say the world needs anyone willing to stand up against the forces of cn3wton :P


Welcome! Take some time to read the thread and PM me with any questions


On a side note how does sea travel work? If you have access to the sea can you go anywhere? Or can you only move one sea "territory" per week?

Sea territories are defined by their surrounding coasts and the red lines. They can't be invaded or held. Anyone controlling a coastal territory can invade another one that is connected to the same piece of sea only, so when invading, indeed you cross one sea territory per week. When aiding an ally, movement becomes irrelevant, as long as either you or your ally can invade the target territory as usual.


Because me and Bassman both live in Albion and will be attacking together, do you just want one message with our combined forces and plan or two separate messages?

Keep it simple. One army, one plan, one message

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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To clarify, we are still required to post the following publicly on this thread:

Our choice of whether to defend/stay put, or attack and whom,


Our army squads (and where they and their general are stationed, for those of us with more than one territory or who are attacking)


Without that, a general's intentions are incomplete on the thread?

All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

~T. E. Lawrence


When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands,

flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~John Muir

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Sorry cn3wton, I had thought about Chaos or DE but bears.  C'mon bears.......really, bears!!!!!



Sorry if I missed this but for the exercise we do for our troops I was hoping for a little clarification on:

  • Balance exercise - what do you consider balance exercise (yoga or rolling....) and whats considered a rep?

  • Outdoor activity - is this any activity such as mowing the lawn, playing with the midget, or are we talking exercise?  And if exercise then does it count for an outdoor activity and the reps for the specific exercise? 
I just want to make sure I don't cheat the system or cheat myself.

Re: Bears!

That's how I felt about Amazons - ride big kitties around the forest with hardly any clothes on but feathers and jewelry - Ha! What's not to like about that? Oh yeah, and drink herbal brews and have visions...

Chaos is boring. It's just destroy, destroy, destroy. Wait, let me amend that. It's just destroy, posture, destroy, posture, destroy...you get the drift.

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All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

~T. E. Lawrence


When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands,

flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~John Muir

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I'm still sick, but worked out anyway. Yay for modern cough syrups! I will make my target units after all...

All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

~T. E. Lawrence


When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands,

flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~John Muir

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