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greetings all!

i am a 25 year old woman living, working, and schooling in new york, ny. i am 100% addicted to sugar.


my stats reveal a relatively normal story, 5'6" at 137lbs, but my insides hate me. i have gotten away with sugar and carb binges for the past decade thanks to good genes and young cells, but my habits are finally catching up with me. for all of my 20s i stayed in the mid 120s - the first half of this year i jumped up to my current weight.


i won't go into detail about my eating habits, because they are gruesome. will suffice to say that i have eaten almost entire packages of golden oreos on the two block walk from the grocery store to my house on more than one occasion. maybe more than three occasions.


anyway, i have a few things working in my favor.

1. i am pretty active. i have a 20k steps daily average with my fitbit.

2. i am familiar with paleo guidleines and EXTREMELY motivated to stick with it. whenever i go low/no carb the results are fantastic and effort minimal.

3. when i do it, i love exercise. i do a ballet inspired pilates program that incorporates strength, aerobics, and stretching in 8-16 minute interval videos. i love this program and want to make it a habit that i don't even think about. i would also like to try an adult ballet class at one of the studios in manhattan.

4. i am a good sleeper. i am in bed at 10pm every night and up by 6 (trying to make this 5). however, i watch movies on my ipad in bed, which i vow to quit.

5. my grocery budget is top on my list and i am not afraid to buy grass fed/organic. unfortunately, at the moment it gets eaten up by late night junk food cravings and take out bills.

6. i just started my final year of my undergrad degree (fine art). i want to be healthy and happy when i graduate. i get full scholarship, so i won't be burdened with debt! i don't want to be burdened with food addictions.


i live with a partner who struggles with his own addictions. right now, he is traveling for work for the next month or so. my biggest joy would be to make a significant change of my own from now to then, and inspire him to make a few changes for himself.


number wise, i don't have a weight loss goal. i know i am not overweight, and a lot of my weight is muscle. i just want to be eating a heavily vegetable centered diet with a lot of good fats and high quality proteins. i need this forum to help me break the sugar cycle.


thanks so much for reading, looking forward to this adventure!

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hiheyhello, here are some ways to give up sugar:


1:meditate for 1 hour daily [i fingd before you go to bed is best, as it helps you drop off.

2: [i shit you not] attempt to swallow 1 tsp of black treacle weekly; it is so sweet, it will likely put you off sugar for a while

3: DO NOT carbo load [eat tonnes of carbohydrates, e.g. pasta, bread, cereals, etc.

as you live in the city, I would recommend bodyweight exercises over running, or alternatively, do yoga.


your class should probably be a druid as you are focused on your diet, so ask them about what else you can do.

that's about as much as I can help with with what you've given me!


Jay, the assassin from England

Race: Nordic

Class: assassin/ranger

"in the pool of life, we are but paddlers"-  Me (yes, I made it up)

Strength: 82/100 Endurance:90/100 Dexterity: 95/100 Constitution: 60/100 Wisdom: 79/100 Charisma: 75/100 

Weight: 9st 4lbs

body composition: lightweight, sinewy, athletic, slim.

Trivia: not only a nerd, but also a Krav Maga practitioner and Viking metalhead!


fingerboarding: making 20 reps!



do 1.5 miles in under 9:30

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Bloody Hell! 20k steps per day???? Well, I'm deffo not adding you on Fitbit. I'll NEVER make it to no. 1 if I do! :P

I think you're doing it right by focusing on heating healthier (and kicking the sugar) rather than picking a weight to try and aim for. It's a much healthier (no pun intended) attitude to have.

My only advice with sugar is to go cold turkey for as long as you can. It's amazing how quickly your tastebuds recover once you cut sugar out. Everything with sugar in it starts to taste horribly sweet after just a week, honestly.

Good luck, and hope to see you around.

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